There are huge differences between
micro-evolution and macro-evolution and until those differences are understood
by parties defending "Intelligent Design" vs
"Darwinism" , no one will understand the God revealed in the "flesh":
2000 years ago in the Incarnation of Yeshua ben Joseph. (Jesus the Christ) and
the reality of "Intelligent Design."
It is critically important to understand
there is a difference between micro-evolution and macro-evolution.
Discussing Evolution and Intelligent Design logically is not possible unless
both sides of the issue understand this difference. There is no question, even
from Creationists, that Darwinian Natural Selection IS involved in genetic
change that creates antibiotic resistant pathogens.
At the root of the controversy is the
creation of Adam and Eve...the first humans on the planet. Science claims
man evolved from Simians via Natural Selection. Creationists claim God created
man from the "dust" of the Earth via "Intelligent Design."
The Truth is that Science is WRONG because of Scientific reasons and
Creationists are RIGHT but for the WRONG reasons.
The cause of the confusion must be shared
by both sides. Science rejects the wisdom and truth revealed in the Bible
and Creationists reject Science out of perceived fear it is incompatible with
God's Word. The Truth is that Science has verified the absolute
truth revealed in the Bible. The alleged incompatibility is the result of
the fundamental literal interpretation of the Bible by Creationists...NOT
because the Bible is fantasy and full of errors and contradictions as
atheists claim. Ironically, Scientific interpretation of the Bible
eliminates all alleged errors , contradictions AND fantasy.
We know that God’s Word reveals that there
are many “secrets” that cannot be understood until a future time. There are many events that are “signs” that
reveal these “secrets”, however….I submit that Science is the critical “future”
factor that ultimately reveals the Bible’s “secrets.”
Micro evolution involves genetic change
within lower phyla. As stated
above…..the creation of antibiotic
resistant pathogens is evidence of process.
The evolution of Homo sapiens from Simian stock however would
necessitate macro evolution. Macro-evolution
requires very long periods of “time” because of the time required between
generations where natural selection acts. The quantum jump from ape to man was
NOT possible on Earth time standards, there has to be a different explanation
for the sudden appereance of man.
Creationists are correct that man was
crated by “Ingelligent Design”…however, the mechanism they claim is “magic”
(supernatural) They claim this because they do not understand the nature of God
revealed in the “flesh” 2000 years ago in the Incarnation iof Yeshua ben
Joseph…Jesus the Christ. God is NOT an
“anthropomorphic superbeing”..He is “Elohim” a plural Hebrew word which cannot
be resolved with the Christian Doctrine if the Trinity because Father, Son and
Holy Spirit are “manifestations” of ONE God…NOT three separate gods. (NOTE: the following Scriptures reveal the
nature of the True God of existence…… Genesis 1:26, Psalm
82:3-6, John 14:8-23, Galatians 3:26-28, Colossians 1:27, 2:9-10, 1
Corinthians:3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 1 John 4:11-16)
As soon as
a person understands this true God revealed in Jesus…..the “Elohim”…and
understands that God’s Laws are PERFECT and God has no “need” to violate His
own Laws….the alleged “supernatural”….
they WILL know that Science has discovered how God Created Adam from the
“dust” of the Earth in God’s Image, even though Science has no clue that they
have because they have rejected the Truth and Wisdom revealed in the
Bible. The Truth is that Adam was
Created by God via Recombinant DNA which is made up of carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorous…the “DUST OF THE EARTH.”
(AND Eve was a modified clone of Adam….a .”Y”
chromosome was replaced by an “X” in the Induced Pluripotent Stem cell from
Adams ”rib” marrow that formed a blastocyst and completed morphogenesis
/gestation in a surrogate womb (in vitro)
and 9 months later “little baby Eve” was born. Adam was placed in a “deep sleep” because when God presented
Eve to him...she was a sexually mature young women….”At last…this is flesh of
my flesh and bone of my bone...I will call her women because SHE COMES FROM
MAN…,Scripture fulfilled by God’s
PEFECT Laws!!)
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