Wednesday, July 15, 2020


 My comments on an article about creating life artificially from the American Chemical Society ..........  

The scientists in this ACS article are today's traditional scientists, many of which  are atheists.     Scientists BEFORE the Age of Enlightenment (1900) were mostly believers!  Science today desperately needs to prove that there is no God....because it would cause them to be dependent on Him instead of themselves.  I really don't think there are genuine agnostics today because most educated people today consider themselves above others.....ARROGANCE is the nature of many people in science  today.
Because today's scientists are mostly atheists they cannot comprehend that Homo sapiens are MADE in the image of God and because of this they NEED an origin that is not caused by God. They cannot comprehend that God is , was and always has been.....He has no beginning or end. He is ETERNAL.  Scientists NEED a beginning or they will have to BELIEVE!  The NEED to create artificial life  and artificial intelligence is the first step in CREATING a beginning that excludes a CREATOR. Scientists do not want a CREATOR because they would have to OBEY His Laws...ALL of them!
Since man is created in the image of God and we are His children.......the idea that we can create artificial life and intelligence DOES NOT MEAN WE CAN CREATE LIFE!.  161 years ago Louis Pasteur disproved spontaneous generation in his famous "S" shaped flask experiment(still exists today in Paris) and proved the law of Biogenesis....."all life MUST come from pre-existing life."   All attempts at creating organic based life begins with an existing cell.....reprograming the genetic information is NOT creating...if anything it is accelerating Natural Selection by injecting "new" genetic information for selection by selection agents....chemical, physical and natural genetic mutation.
In this ACS article they are "mimicking" several characteristics of organic life. They are NOT duplicating what only God can do....CREATE LIFE! The "key" to biochemical reactions is reducing activation energy in formation (catalysis) of new chemical bonds that result in stable products.  Proteins called enzymes reduce activation energy (2nd Law of Thermodynamics?  The kind of products needed in living systems would not be stable without lower activation energy because activation energy without enzymes would destabilize the bonds formed in the products as fast as they are formed.  Proteins that catalyze are determined by replicating polymers known as nucleic acids.....DNA and RNA. They MUST be able to replicate to "remember" the order of amino acids in a specific protein enzyme to pass on to the next generation of life.
One of the most critical requirements for life IS the replication of these  "memory"  molecules. One of the so called "evidences" of spontaneous origin is mRNA....messenger RNA..... a short single strand polymer of ribonucleotides....that CAN and DOES reduce activation energy. The problem for atheist scientists is that enzymes (ribonuclease) are required to synthesize the nucleotide sequences in mRNA!! Where did the 1st mRNA come from.....spontaneous generation of life already disproved by Pasteur in 1859.  The only source of RNA is DNA  transcription. (or in RNA was 1st where did the reverse transcriptase enzyme come from to synthesize the DNA?)  Where did DNA come from?   It's the old philosophical question of..."what came 1st....the chicken or the egg.?"  The simple logical answer is NEITHER. What about the famous electric spark experiment of Urey and Miller? They simulated early earth atmospheric conditions (H,CO2, NH3,H2O) in a flask and subjected it to electric spark. They "created" amino acids...the building blocks of protein...WOW!   Well that's light years away from creating amino acid polymers...proteins because you need protein enzymes to make proteins and memory molecules (DNA and RNA) to "remember" how to do it!   That doesn't satisfy atheists because they need to believe in the spontaneous generation of biochemical molecules!  Since Pasteur disproved spontaneous generation at the cellular level and the life processes observed at the cellular level REFLECT what's happening at the molecular level......spontaneous generation of biochemical molecules is the biggest oxymoron of all time!
They have been trying with all their hearts (if they have a heart!) to create an organic cell from scratch for ever! They have made cell membrane surrounded coacervates, injected ALL of the needed organelles and nucleus with DNA and chemical "cytoplasm"  essentially "creating a living cell"....only problem was that is did not "live" and produce daughter cells by mitosis. What's missing?     Obviously God's spirit. God's spirit is in all life.....cellular to multicellular. As stated earlier, man needs a "beginning."   Time and space is the result of expansion.  ( calling Big Bang is a misnomer because there was no BOOM from the theoretical existence "singularity" what ever that is!  Besides if true what caused the singularity to expand? How long did the singularity exist before it "decided" to expand into the visible Cosmos? Hogwash! I believe the expansion was the Creation of Gods Laws and the Cosmos and that God always existed and always will....He has no origin! That's why my answer to the "egg" question was NEITHER......the ONLY logical answer and logical conclusion is that CHANGE is the ONLY existence....there is no beginning. "Glory be to the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall (EXISTENCE) without end, AMEN!" Sounds kind of "sterile" doesn't it. Then how do you explain that 2000 years ago (whatever time is...Einstein said "time is an illusion no matter how persistent.) that the Incarnation of God in the flesh....Yeshua ben Joseph...Jesus the Christ.....not only restores us to the eternal by His Sacrifice on the Roman Cross..... .He revealed that God .....EXISTENCE..... is  "PURE LOVE" that is incomprehensible to our mortal minds. ( Compassion, Forgiveness, Mercy,  )   Proof of this is that God is in our Hearts as Jesus revealed and NOT light years away in some corner of the COSMOS sittiing on a throne!  It was LOVE that caused Jesus to rise from the dead and God gave us the Shroud of Turin as evidence of this and the horror of  Hiroshima and Nagasaki as evidence that what happened to the Shroud is possible! Obviously the secret to understanding this LOVE is FAITH......even though some of us need a little "prod" now and then like Thomas personal moniker....because I am a Doubting Thomas.
The ending of the ACS article indicates they may have come to a limit and there is no more and they admit that even the simplest of monerans are infinately more complex.  Man may one day create "synthetic" life forms since we are children of God but it will not be life God has given will mimic the living process but it will not be will be a chemical robot instead of electronics based on silicon.