Monday, July 23, 2018

Did Eve Come from Adam?

Comment on the questiom…..Did Eve come from Adam's rib?


Translations from the original Hebrew to ALL other languages are ALWAYS subject to human interpretation.  EVEN the original language is subject to INTERPRETATION. Religious scholars (of ANY religion)  ALL claim that "theological" evidence, hermeneutics (what was the interpretation of the original READERS?) and "divine" instruction (spiritual influence, ie:  "born again" people CONVINCED the Holy Spirit of God gave THEM the ABSOLUTE TRUE interpretation. No wonder we have so many conflicting religions on the planet and even within specific religions and historically have  caused more human misery and suffering than human selfishness. Is there hope for TRUTH?  

   ABSOLUTELY......God's "GIFT" of  the Scientific Method and Mathematics)  Why do I say this?   God (Creation/CREATOR) is PERFECT...therefore His physical and spiritual laws are PERFECT.  We are CREATED in God's image....most religions "created God in our human's BACKWARDS!    The God/Spirit/Love of Creation, since we are Created in His Image,  gave His Creation a solution to revealing Truth without bias…...the Scientific Method….a process that reveals truth WITHOUT human bias, opinion…….. BECAUSE the "process” MUST be repeatible by others!  Based on this premise of truth revelation through Science and Mathematics and NOT on biased  “belief” …....ALL ancient writings, including Judeo-Christian, were written at a “pre-science" time  by inspired people who recorded these inspired Words based on THEIR limited knoiwledge and experiences.   Many Scriptures refer to a time of increased knowledge , prophetic fulfillment (especially the "Fig Tree Prophecy of Jesus") and restoration of the planet to the Kingdom of God. I believe we are at that period of "time."   I therefore strongly suggest that the “TRUTH”  is revealed in God’s "Gift" of Science and Math.  

The article in reference ( suggests that there was a loss of meaning in translation of the “rib" vs the whole "half" of Adam's body in Eve's creation in the original Hebrew.  Again…"human" interpretation.   Whether the  "rib” was used or some other part.....I believe God’s "Gift" of Science reveals that Eve WAS created from Adam (“at last flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone")  via “modified cloning of Adam.” The “rib" is a rich source of stem cells and maybe the “rib” mistranslation was “prophetic?”   Either way, I believe as many others who have commented on this article do,  that the “Y” chromosome was removed from one stem cell and discarded and the “X” was removed from a second cell and injected into the nucleus of the first and the resulting virtual  “zygote” was induced to begin cleavage and morphogenesis  in a surrogate womb (probablyin vitro) and nine months later “baby Eve” was born.  I suspect the “deep sleep” of Adam was a type of “suspension” because Eve was a sexually mature female when presented to Adam.  For me it is apparent that the Science VERIFIES the Genesis account of Eve’s creation. Biblical Truth is revealed in Science and Math!