Many people who are Bible believers and most atheists have different views
on the origin of life. Atheists generally
embrace “The Big Theory” as the origin of the Universe and “Darwinian Evolution”
as the origin of life. Most Bible believers embrace a literal interpretation of
the Bible as the origin of the Universe and the origin of life as revealed in
the first book of the Bible, Book of Genesis, or a more “enlightened” view
called "Intelligent Design.” Reconciling these opposing views is
essentially impossible because only one of the groups accepts the Bible as
truth. (Bible believers) I suspect “theists” who do not believe in the Bible but
do accept the concept of a Creator are most likely Darwinists.
I suggest that Bible believers are closer to the truth and that science is
more compatible with the Biblical view on the origin of the Universe and life.
When we consider the scientific “beginning of existence” atheists would explain
that the scientifically verified “inflation of space, matter , energy and time
from a tiny entity called a “singularity” the size of the Plank limit.....(1.6X
10-35cm) is absolute truth. (it might actually be smaller but it seems
impossible to measure in the ”present state” of quantum mechanics...the limit
related to Plank units and the Plank constant)) Ironically, this “inflation”
known as the “Big Bang Theory” seems to be more in agreement with Bible
believers than atheists. (Ironically many Bible believers reject “Big Bang”
which actually supports their Biblical belief, obviously result of literal
interpretation) (BTW....Big Bang is an
unfortunate name for “Inflation Theory” because it implies an “explosion” and is
therefore very misleading...there was NO explosion!)
Question for the atheist; what caused the “singularity” to INFLATE and
where did it come from in the first place? Obviously science cannot answer this
question and doubt it ever will. The Biblical Genesis revelation is that “God”
said “Let there be light” and Inflation Theory supports this because “light was
the beginning of Inflation.” It seems that the difference between Biblical
believers and atheists is a classic “oxymoron.”
Atheists suggest Darwinism explains the “Origin of Life.” I will reveal why
this is IMPOSSIBLE because of the Laws of Thermodynamics. However, I do suggest that Darwinian Natural Selection IS
the mechanism of the Creation of the wonderful DIVERSITY of life on this planet
but NOT THE ORIGIN OF LIFE. (The key to Natural Selection is the word NATURAL.)
The literal interpretation of the diversity of life by Bible believers is also
an “oxymoron” because it requires belief in an instant creation of life as a
supernatural or magical act that I will clarify later assuming you believe
magic is real and not “illusion” as all magicians admit.
The “key” to understanding why the Bible is ABSOLUTE TRUTH is the fact that
we are created in the “image” of the Creator and that this Creator is present
in ALL of Creation. For Christians who
believe in the “Son of God” this is apparent in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
(John 14:23, Colossians 1:27) This means the writers of Scripture were “inspired”
in their writings because “God” was “within them “ making their writings (Bible)
the inerrant “Word of God.” However, you also must realize that the writers of
the Bible had no idea they were “writing” God’s Word over a period of 5000
years of time and therefore they were not contemporary writers. However, you must
also realize that the writers of the Bible had no concept of how infinite the
Cosmos is...they had no concept of infinity period. The clue to this can be
found in Genesis 1:
“ In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth.” (the concept of Heaven was what
they saw and knew at that time….they had no concept of how vast the Creation is)
“Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface
of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
THEN God said 3 “Let there be light, and there was
light.” (it is curious the “light” came AFTER “the darkness was
over the surface of the deep.”) The science reveals planets form FROM their
star NOT the other way around. The writers did not understand this concept.
This makes it very clear that Creation always was and always will be because
“light” was first step in Creation of the PHYSICAL Cosmos.
I suggest that Genesis 1 is about the Creation of
“OUR” planet, sun and stars because when Genesis was written that’s all there
was and they had no concept of “light years” and that the stars were many light
years away. ASSUMING the writing
included ALL the “Heavens” we know today in Genesis 1 is obviously symbolic and
not literal. (also consider the writers of God’s Word had no concept of “other
dimensions” beside what they could see.) Obviously they had knowledge of what
we call the “supernatural” which is the manifestation God’s power expressed in
There is a specific sequence to the development
of the diversity of life from unicellular life to multi-cellular life reaching
the pinnacle in the Animal Kingdom in mammals and seed plants in the Plant
Kingdom. This sequence is called “Phylogeny.” In the original Hebrew writing in
Genesis…the sequence of Creation is also PHYLOGENETIC and embryological
development of the diversity of animals and plants (and sub Kingdoms) is also PHYLOGENETIC
and is a Scientific Principle known as “Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny.” In
addition the “Heterotroph Hypothesis” also supports Biblical sequence in the original
Hebrew ….ie; photosynthetic autotrophs evolved AFTER heterotrophic anaerobes) The
original Genesis sequence (in original Hebrew) supports the DARWINIAN NATURAL
SELECTION process that CREATED the GREAT DIVERSITY of life on this planet BUT NOT
THE ORIGIN OF LIFE. (I call this sequence the”FINGER of GOD.”)
It is interesting that Albert Einstein had
suggested in his Special and General Theories and the Quantum Theory that “time
is an illusion no matter how persistent.” Interestingly in the original Hebrew
language future events are written in the past tense and past tense written in
the future tense. Wonder why? (“Time Space Continuum?”) (It is interesting that Bible believers have
recently adopted Intelligent Design Creation because of the pressure of
Darwinism which they reject.) Many have
backed away from literal interpretation of Biblical Truth sadly leaving
Darwinism to the atheists because they thought Darwinism was the origin life
instead of just DIVERSITY of life. One
of satan’s “tricks” (which are lies…”surely you will not die”) is the illusion
that whatever is said to be true, the opposite is the real truth……especially
today! “EVIL is good and GOOD is evil”
If Darwin Natural Selection true, does this mean
that man evolved from Primate ancestors? ABSOLUTELY NOT! First of all genetic change that is subject to
Natural Selection is the result of DNA mutation of which 99% are lethal
resulting in defective proteins resulting in NO offspring for selection of
genetic change to act on. (no speciation) In addition based on the evolution of
Primates the time necessary for humans to evolve from Primates is too short. (natural
mutation rate is essentially constant) If humans evolved from Primates (apes) it
would take millions of years, ASSUMING human reasoning and intelligence were
even possible to evolve in the first place. ( which I highly doubt) I suggest that the origin of humans is based
on what I call “Gap Hypothesis.” Primate DNA is very similar to humans (over
95%) but the “jump” to reasoning intelligence is so advanced it is has to be
based on DIVINE (not of this planet) intervention. Therefore I suggest that the
Genesis account of the Creation of Adam, the first Homo sapiens (man), is true
and is very similar to the Incarnation of God’s Spirit revealed in HIS Son…..Jesus
of Nazareth. (Yeshua) I suggest that Jesus
is a hybrid human and DIVINE person…the “Son of God.” How is this possible? ……23 of His chromosomes (DNA) came from His
Mother…the Virgin Mary (explains necessity of a “virgin mother”)…..however, the
other 23 chromosomes (DNA) was of Divine
Origin. (not from a man…the Bible declares by the Holy Spirit….also not from
earth) The Biblical account of the
Creation of Adam is that he was created from the “dust of the earth.”…. Carbon,
oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorous, etc IS “the dust of the earth.”
(elements of organic life) God” breathed
the breath of life into Adam’s nostril”… which IS RESPIRATION… creating Adam.
Many atheists AND even Bible believers today are trying connect Adam to the
evolution of various Primate groups. Frankly this ultimately denies DIVINE
intervention in the Creation of Adam and frankly insults the Spirit of God.
I suggest
that Adam’s 46 chromosomes were of Divine origin or at least 23 involving Recombinant DNA technology involving 23
Primate chromosomes from a single ovum (NOT evolution) (This could explain the over 95% similarity in
Primate and human DNA.) I suggest that Adam was created “pre-original sin” by
God through His Created Beings. (not of this earth) I further suggest that Adam
“began “ as a Divine zygote and completed the 9 month metamorphosis and embryological
development possibly through a surrogate indigenous Primate female or “in
vitro” artificial womb made by “Beings” not indigenous to planet earth. (Jesus was born a little “baby”, why not Adam?)
Many “Beings” throughout the Cosmos were created
way before the Creation of Adam on planet Earth as well as animals and plants. The
Bible is evidence of this. (ie; Angels etc. and unfortunately demons because of
FREE WILL. The Bible reveals that 2/3rds of all created intelligent reasoning beings
are in total “communion” with the “Eternal Creator” “WITHIN” and only 1/3rd
have rebelled and became their own “gods”…source of demons. God did NOT create
them. They were “with” God and rebelled along with Lucifer the Archangel. (Pretty good odds for the good guys!) If you
reject these revelations you unknowingly reject the Bible as the Word of God
Many Bible believers believe that the first Homo
sapien (Adam) was created instantly as an adult man. That is quite an
assumption and certainly violates God’s Laws. (this is similar to the question
can God create a “rock” He cannot lift…an oxymoron /nonsequitor) I suggest
God’s Laws are PERFECT and the idea He needs “magic” to create man is a “fallen
human” trait. (post original sin) Many would say this is a “supernatural” issue
however as man deciphers the Perfect Laws of God it has become obviously clear
that the “supernatural is the undiscovered natural” (suggested by the
illusionist “The Great Kresgin”) Miracles and what we call supernatural are
REAL and they are manifestations of God’s Perfect Laws. What if there is no
explanation of an observed cause and effect? Maybe we haven’t discovered the
Law God used or maybe He doesn’t want to reveal that particular PERFECT Law. Science
today has only scratched the surface of Quantum Mechanics. (ie; Einstein called Quantum Entanglement “the
all too spooky phenomenon”…..the essence of the “supernatural.” (Remember….God
dwells within His creation and that sure explains God “creating man in HIS
Image!” ) What about the creation of Eve? Was it magic?
Adam was the ONLY human on earth along with
indigenous animals. (no idea how old he was when he needed a help mate.) God
knew it was not good for man to be alone. Adam needed a “help mate” of his kind. God
put him a “deep sleep”, removed a “rib” and covered it in “flesh and blood”
creating Eve as an adult female Homo sapien. When God presented Eve to Adam (as
a sexually mature human female) Adam responded …“at last, this is flesh of my
flesh and blood and bone of my bones………I will call her ‘women’ because she
comes from man.” (She was NOT created the way Adam was.) I suggest that the “deep sleep” was not
anesthesia for the surgical removal of the “rib.” There is no “missing rib” in
males because even if God removed a “rib” from Adam he would NOT miss a rib
because the rib number is determined by DNA. The writer of Genesis had no
concept of genetics and that DNA determines traits. Since God chose to use a “rib” the writer
assumed the rib would be missing after using one of Adam’s ribs! (“rib” number
is SAME in males and females.)
The humans
back then thought women were incubators for man’s “seed” (homunculus) …they had
no concept of how sexual reproduction worked. I suggest that the “deep sleep”
was not just 9 months with Eve being born a little baby girl but 12 to 13 years
of suspended animation so when Eve was presented to Adam she was a “sexually
mature women.” (at last, flesh of my flesh)
Why the Biblical representation of the “rib?” This is very telling
because the rib marrow (tissue) is the richest source of “stem cells.”
Biological knowledge has revealed that stem cells are essentially “genetically neutral”
cells….. they are cells that can develop into ANY kind of tissue that may be
needed for cellular repair in the body….their gene (DNA) information is at the “first
step” in “metamorphous”…… the process that initiates embryological development.
( you can “clone “ your self from one of
your stem cells) I suggest that two stem cells from the “rib marrow tissue” of
the “sleeping” Adam were removed possibly by “needle aspiration” in the
creation of Eve. (based on concept that
God dwells in His created Beings of which there are many as revealed in the
Bible, ……therefore “GOD WAS THE CREATOR just like God WAS the author in writing
His Word…the Bible.”) Two stem cells from the rib marrow are used. One of the stem
cells had the “Y” chromosome removed and discarded. The second stem cell had an
“X” chromosome removed and was injected into the first stem cells resulting in
a cell with the chromosome combination of “XX” along with 22 other pairs (autosomes.)
essentially creating a “zygote”…….a fertilized egg. ( second cell is discarded)
(“XX”= female. ) Metamorphous and
embryological development is completed in 9 months in a surrogate womb, either
“in vitro” (artificial womb) or womb of indigenous female Primate.
The understanding that God is SPIRIT that dwells
in His creation is critical in understanding the scientific interpretation of
His Word. (which is why we must worship Him in SPIRIT and TRUTH.) This is
critical in understanding the explanation of Scripture that says His ways are far
above ours. Isaiah 55:9 IS in reference to His love, compassion,
forgiveness, mercy etc. ……NOT His Physical Laws. We are Children of God Created
in “His Image” and deciphering God’s Physical Laws are PART of that Image.
Assuming that God needs to perform “magic” and violate His PERFECT LAWS to be
God insults God’s Spirit that dwells within us. (Colossians 1, John 14) (“heavy rock” oxymoron)
How do the Laws of Thermodynamics relate to the
origin of life particularly the 3rd Law? Besides the fact that most
atheists have no explanation for the original “singularity” that created all
that we know about energy, matter, space and time, they boldly claim that
Darwinism perfectly explains the origin of life. They ASSUME that evolution at
the molecular level occurred. According
to the Law of Thermodynamics the evolution of biological molecules is
IMPOSSIBLE leaving Darwinism to Biblical believers. (although they have no clue
it does and where it should be in the first place as it supports God’s Word) This
inconvenient fact leaves atheists with a SERIOUS dilemma…where did biomolecular
polymers come from? They will be forced to conclude that God exists. The
problem they and believers have is the definition of God. Most religious people
think of God as an all powerful “Super Being.” This probably is the reason most
atheists reject God.
Biomolecules are all made up of chains of sub
units of specific single covalent chemical compounds……nucleotides,
monosaccharide carbohydrates, amino acids, fatty acids etc. Nucleotides form DNA, RNA, energy
transferring compounds (ATP,GMP etc.)…….Amino acids form proteins (various
polypeptides, enzymes)…… monosaccharides form polysaccharides (complex sugars,
cellulose etc.)…….. fatty acids (triboxylic)form lipids and complex fats
(steroids etc. ) In order to have “life”
you NEED these compounds. In the 1950’s
Stanley Miller and Harold Urey did an experiment to demonstrate the origin of
amino acids based on the parameters of the primitive atmosphere present in the
primitive earth millions of years ago. (electrical spark flask + primitive
earth gasses and water in flask….( CO2, NH3, H2O…primitive atmosphere) . They
succeeded in forming amino acids and other simple covalent compounds) Atheists
were ecstatic! However, the jump to
polymers of amino acids (proteins) is more than a “quantum leap”…it’s
IMPOSSIBLE! I know of no other experiments that form nucleotides or other polymers…(I
doubt that there ever will be such experiments) Atheists claim science has
“created life.” In order to create life you have to begin with JUST the
biochemical polymers of life. In other words from “scratch”. The experiments
they are doing claiming to create life BEGIN with active polynucleotides…(DNA/RNA)
from a LIVING cell. If you place ALL biomolecules in a coecervate bubble (man
made plasma membrane) with DNA NOT from a beginning living cell…it will NOT
initiate the “living process” proving once again the Law of Biogenesis
discovered 160 years ago by Louis Pasteur in his famous “S” shaped flask
experiment that revealed that “spontaneous generation” is IMPOSSIBLE….. “ALL LIFE MUST COME FROM PRE-EXISTING LIFE.”
The reason I doubt experiments will succeed in
forming polymers is because of the Laws of Thermodynamics. Polymers (chains) forming from the single
specific building blocks require energy (activation energy) to form the
covalent bond that connects them together. (dehydration synthesis) THE problem
is that the energy that forms the covalent bonds ALSO can break (exothermic
energy release) those bonds as quickly as they form. (hydrolysis). In order to
keep these molecules from breaking apart is to LOWER activation energy. I’ve
never heard of a hypothesis that explains that an external “force” other than a
molecular “catalyst” that would do this. ( a catalyst is a molecule that lowers
activation energy) At present there is only one type of catalyst that can lower
activation energy so the formation of life doesn’t “burn up” from the start and
that is bimolecular polymers. (and I
don’t know of any other catalysts besides organic ones. ) The only known
organic catalysts are ENZYMES (polymer chains of amino acids called proteins)
and RNA polymers. (RNA catalysts can’t form because they need ENZYMES to form!) Essentially we have a “what came first, the
chicken of the egg” dilemma. “You need enzymes to make ENZYMES or an RNA
catalyst.” The dilemma is resolved with the
inescapable truth that God and life always was and always will be so the answer
to the question “what came first….the chicken or egg” is NEITHER. Whether we think of our Universe being ONE or
the newer concepts of a Multiverse and manifested in what we call “Bubble
Theory” and the eleven dimensions SO FAR of Quantum Mechanics and String Theory….ALL
of EXISTENCE is ONE WITH GOD. The Bible reveals it all…..IF you read it through
the “lens” of good hermeneutics and “REAL” science.
The origin of life hypothesis I suggest is based on the indwelling of
God in His creation as revealed by the Son of God …..Jesus Christ. This
approach IS supported by science. The other explanation is the literal
interpretation of the Bible that requires “magic” for creation which would be a
violation of God’s Perfect Laws. Human
beings are “Children of God” so it follows Science will reveal “God’s Ways” but
will NEVER reveal His love, compassion, forgiveness and mercy.
Frankly, I suspect the very sad condition of our
planet today is a result of organized religion’s failure in revealing the real
God of Creation resulting in rejection of religion in general. Many religions have created God in “their own
image” instead of man being created in God’s image as revealed in the Holy
Bible. Jesus the Christ revealed the
TRUE God 2000 years ago and fallen sinful man created another religion out of
His teachings, unfortunately in the same mold as all other religions. This has
left man in a perpetual state of confusion….”is there a religion based on the
condition of the human heart instead of human ego?) (obviously the Disciples who lived to witness
the Christ 2000 years ago did understand God from the “heart” but religion took
over and divided people from the “gift” of Jesus that the Disciples delivered
to us. Jesus prayed that we be one with Father and each other. Unfortunately
man’s ego robbed all of humanity from the Love of God that is revealed in
Jesus. No wonder the world is a mess! If
reality and truth is the “treasure” you seek and wonder why everything seems
“upside down” ala’ “Alice and Wonderland”… God’s Word revealed in
Scripture and you will understand why Ephesians 6:12 explains the mess we are
“For our struggle is
not against flesh and blood, but
against the rulers, against the authorities, against
the powers of this dark world and
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
I suggest this
reveals we are in a “Cosmic War.”
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