Monday, April 25, 2016


Kids are often more logical in their thinking than adults because adults are overloaded with more distracting information that often clouds their reasoning. In other words...Occam's razor generally is more trustworthy than all the intellectual reasoning we may have..... or another way of saying this...KISS= "keep it simple stupid." Applying these "simple" solutions to the mechanism that created the beautiful and majestic diversity of life we see..... "Intelligent Design" is the ONLY possible explanation. The literal fundamental Creationist version of Intelligent Design requires a mechanism that encompasses something more than a simple requires faith in fantasy......the "supernatural." The "supernatural" is the undiscovered natural and in the case of the creation of Adam, the first man, the "alleged supernatural" mechanism has been discovered by Science, however, BOTH Science and Religion, because of "information overload" are not aware of it. In addition, Religion fears Science because they believe it is incompatible with the Bible and Science rejects the wisdom and truth revealed in the Bible because they believe it is fantasy. (supernatural nonsense)
If both Science and Religion applied Occam's razor in explaining the Creation of Adam...they would realize that "Elohim" (God) Created Adam in God's Image from the "dust" of the Earth via Recombinant DNA hybridization of Simian stock...... "Let Us Create Man in OUR Image." (dust=C,H,O,N,P...the elements of DNA)   Understanding  this Hebrew plural reference to God is the "key" to understanding "rDNA Intelligent Design" and understanding the true God revealed in the "flesh" 2000 years ago in the Incarnation of Yeshua ben Joseph (Jesus the Christ) is the "key" to the Hebrew "Elohim" God.   The Doctrine of the Trinity is the Christian attempt at resolving the "plural" problem and still be monotheistic.  Father, Son and Holy Spirit are NOT three separate entities......"they" are three manifestations of the ONE GOD.  The following Scriptures reveal who God really is in the Trinity......NOT three Gods!...............  (Genesis 1:26, Psalm 82:3-6, John 14:8-23, Galatians 3:26-28, Colossians 1:27, 2:9-10, 1 Corinthians:3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 1 John 4:11-16)

Children prefer Intelligent Design
ElysseBaumbachApril 16, 2016
DesignEducationEmail FeaturedEthicsEvolutionIn The NewsIntelligent DesignOriginsScience0 Comments
Writing in The Guardian, developmental psychologist Nathalia Gjersoe laments, “Although it is part of the compulsory science curriculum in most schools in the UK and the USA, more than a third of people in both countries reject the theory of evolution outright or believe that it is guided by a supreme being.” Her solution is simple.
According to developmental psychologists, children have an intuitive bent toward intelligent design. Thus schools should begin evolution education at younger ages — one advocate says five to eight years old. Disrupting this natural inclination will pave the way for greater scientific understanding.
This is indoctrination and the promotion of a one-sided view of evolution (for a summary of the theory’s weaknesses and links to scientific articles challenging the major mechanisms of neo-Darwinism, read Casey Luskin’s article, “The Top Ten Scientific Problems with Biological and Chemical Evolution“). What’s more, it simplistically conceives science as fact rather than a process of inquiry.
I also object to Gjersoe’s conflation of an intelligent design framework with some — obviously false — notions. She notes:
Under speeded conditions, even adults with PhDs in scientific disciplines tend to say that promiscuous teleological explanations like “Cows have udders so that farmers can milk them” are correct. The common-sense bias to believe that everything exists for a purpose underpins the intuitive attractiveness of intelligent design.
Wrong. Holding to intelligent design does not mean accepting such propositions.
Dr. Deb Kelemen, Developmental Science Program Director at Boston University, writes and publishes illustrated storybooks about natural selection. In research described by Gjersoe, Kelemen used a storybook to teach evolutionary concepts to children between ages five and eight. In her study, published in Psychological Science, Kelemen describes the book this way. It involves imaginary bug-eating animals called pilosas (apparently not to be confused with the non-imaginaryorder Pilosa, which includes anteaters):
The custom 10-page storybook used realistic pictures and factual narrative with nonteleological, nonintentional language to answer the question posed at the book’s beginning: Why did pilosas change from having highly variable trunk widths in the past to having predominantly thin trunks now? The explanation then unfolded, tightly causally connecting information on six natural selection concepts: trait variation within a population, habitat and food-source change in response to abrupt climate change, differential health and survival due to differential food access, differential reproduction due to differential health, trait inheritance, and trait-frequency change over multiple generations. Although multiple generations were depicted, most of the book focused on describing adaptation in the initial population and their immediate offspring.