...Global warming is a cyclic process based on the Sun's cyclic
processes. The reason it is NOT affected by man's alleged carbon emissions is
because of the following....... the "green house effect" is based on
silicon GLASS IN THE CEILING of a green house that allows sunlight to pass
through and prevent loss of the warmth created by the light inside the
"house" warming up the house The reason carbon can't do this is
because it exists as a gas called carbon dioxide (CO2) (erroneously called a "green
house gas") that weighs 44 grams per mole...it is the heaviest gas in the
atmosphere (densest) and IT SINKS TO THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH and is absorbed
by green plant life (mostly the microscopic phytoplankton in bodies of water)
that manufactures carbohydrate nutrients and OXYGEN AND dissolves in bodies of
water forming bicarbonate ions which bind to calcium ions (minerals) depositing
LIMESTONE. THE RERSULT OF this is that CO2 is a BUFFERED gas...as it increases,
biomass and limestone deposition increases keeping the net amount CONSTANT. The
ice core studies that claimed human activity has increased CO2 to dangerous
levels DID NOT take Biology and Geology into the issue. Wonder why? READ
THE CARS COMBINED SINCE THE MODEL "T" FORD!.....I taught these truth
to my students...they KNOW the truth)
Man made global warming is a Novus Ordo Seclorum (secular new world
order) device to help control human populations and bring them under a one
world EVIL government. (Brexit and the election of Donald Trump has forced the
secular new order to goon the "back burner" until the time of the
Biblical Tribulation.)
The news media disperses false information that all scientists are in
agreement on man made global warming. I and thousands more like me KNOW THE
TRUTH...so does President elect Donald Trump. MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING IS A
In addition....man has learned how to modify weather patterns using
aluminum silicates and barium salts at high altitude ("chem trails")
that absorb very high energy electromagnetic radio energy from DARPA's HAARP
DARPA.....The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is an agency of
the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging
technologies for use by the military. DARPA was created in February 1958 as the
Advanced Research Projects Agency by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Its
purpose was to formulate and execute research and development projects to
expand the frontiers of technology and science, with the aim to reach beyond
immediate military requirements. The administration was created in response to
the Soviet launching of Sputnik 1 in 1957, and DARPA's mission was to ensure
U.S. military technology would be more sophisticated than that of the nation's
potential enemies.
HAARP.....High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
Sounds innocent? It was in the beginning! When they found out their
experiments were altering weather patterns they knew they needed a
"smokescreen" to cover-up what was happening and the secular new
world order that infiltrated out government after President Eisenhower suddenly
knew they had a "tool" to affect world populations. THEY NEEDED A
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