Sunday, November 23, 2014


Have we completely lost our Congress and our country?  I personally believe our American political leaders have been seduced by an enemy they do not understand. (at lest I hope this is the case and that they are not traitors)  They don't realize that "if you play with FIRE you will get burned."  Thomas Jefferson wanted to know and understand the enemy WHICH IS WHY HE STUDIED THE KORAN!


Muslim ALLAH Worshipped and Praised SUPREME on U.S. House Floor 
By Shoebat Foundation on November 14, 2014 

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack

To all who get excited at the Republican victory, watch your idol-kings and your high-priests in their cathedrals, all burn incense to Ba’al, they all bow at the sound of the name of Allah, they all sleep with Islam, the harlot of Arabia. All your choicest American fatlings bow in lust like prostitutes:

    “She lusted after her paramours, whose genitals are like those of donkeys, and whose emissions are like those of horses. ” (Ezekiel 23:20)

With newly re-elected Speaker of the House John Boehner presiding AND BOWING HIS HEAD, the Imam for the Islamic Center of Central Jersey praised Islam’s Allah from the House floor as the God who reigns supreme. Here is the shocking video of Imam Hamad Chebli delivering the Islamic prayer; Boehner can be seen behind him: (see url at top)

Chebli didn’t just appear at the House floor; he also delivered Islamic prayers at the National Cathedral which was prepared for Muslim prayers with rugs.

Numerous speakers, including Cathedral officials and local Muslim leaders, echoed Rasool’s message [Muhammad's Message] about the urgent need for religious understanding and collaboration. Most made pointed references to the symbolism of the majestic Christian building, where they had gathered to pray and commune.

Rev. Gary Hall, dean of the Cathedral, spoke of St. Benedict, whom he said believed equally in the importance of prayer and hospitality. Marvelling at the sounds of Arabic prayers, which he called “a beautiful sacred language in a beautiful sacred space,” Hall said he hopes the service would serve as a beginning for future efforts to work together for good.

Rashid Makhdoom, a retired engineer from Potomac, said he believes the message and symbolism of the event would “reverberate throughout the world. It should be a lesson for Muslims everywhere that we and Christians are all one,” he said.

But that wasn’t all true, fortunately, there appeared a “Deborah”, “Jael” and a “Judith” in that one Christian woman made a scene when it became obvious that an act of conquest and harlotry was taking place, she screamed out:..(in protest and Christian apology)

We’re not talking about a harmless, moderate Imam here. Instead, we’re talking about a major devil. According to Chebli’s bio:

    “Early in his studies, a teacher named Hassan Khaled chose Chebli to serve at a neighboring mosque. Nearly four decades later, Chebli laughs as he recalls the puzzled expression of the mosques members when a lanky boy in glasses came to lead their prayers …[Hassan] Khaled, his mentor, was chosen Grand Mufti of Lebanon, the nations foremost Islamic legal scholar in the Sunni Muslim sect.”

Chebli’s mentor, Khaled, who was the Mufti of Lebanon was “martyred” after a bomb was set up which killed him and others. His father went the same way “martyred” by a bombing. Have a look at Khaled, the fiery revolutionist exhorting a crowd to chant, ‘Allahu Akbar': (see url at top)

The speech tone in Arabic is always different than what you find on the House Floor in English, of course, but we cannot attribute the man to be like his mentor, this would be ‘guilt by association’.

Khaled, the man’s mentor is even featured prominently on the official Muslim Brotherhood website.

And in the same footsteps as Khaled, Chelbi also traveled to Egypt to study at Al-Azhar University, the world’s oldest university and center for Brotherhood jurisprudence. It was during this time that Chelbi’s mentor Khaled was chosen as the nation’s foremost Islamic legal scholar in the Sunni Muslim sect.

'Charming' Hamad Chebli

Prior to Khaled’s fallout with the PLO’s Yasser Arafat, he was a champion and supporter of Palestinian terrorism against Israel to sending terrorist recruits from Lebanon.

The selection of Chelbi also appears to have significance relative to the U.S. policy in Syria. Both his mentor Khaled – and Khaled’s father – were killed by the Syrian regime. As such, Chelbi has an axe to grind when it comes to Bashar al-Assad. With news that the Obama administration is actually considering a policy based on an absurd premise that the best way to defeat ISIS is to remove Assad from power, Chelbi’s appearance at locations of national significance seem to coincide with this potential shift in U.S. policy.

Despite western portrayals of Chelbi as a moderate, he absolutely is not.

When it comes to Muslim prayers being delivered on the House floor or at the National Cathedral, unfortunately, this is not new. The precedent was set by Boehner’s predecessor – Speaker Dennis Hastert – less than one year prior to 9/11. As for the National Cathedral, none other than President George W. Bush shared a podium with Muzammil Siddiqi, then president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

First up, on February 7, 2001, Chairman of the Dar al-Hijrah mosque Bassam Estwani delivered a prayer on the floor of the House as well. As the chairman of Dar al-Hijrah, Estwani represented perhaps the most notorious mosque on American soil. It was visited by three of the 9/11 hijackers and was home to Anwar al-Awlaki, the inspiration for the Fort Hood shooter. Estwani was the chairman of the mosque at that time:

As for the National Cathedral, on September 14, 2001, just three days after the 9/11 attacks, then President George W. Bush stood shoulder to shoulder with Siddiqi, the leader of the largest Muslim Brotherhood group in the U.S. and prayed with him:
ISNA President Muzammil Siddiqi (L) and George W. Bush (R) at National Cathedral on 9/14/01.(see url at top)

The Religious Freedom Coalition’s William Murray was in attendance at the Cathedral that day. Here is part of what he wrote about that day in his diary:

    As the service closed I felt the chill of the presence of the awesome power of God. I was clearly reminded of the very first of the Ten Commandments, THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME (Exodus 20:3). The National Cathedral had been defiled by prayers to a pagan moon god, Allah. Our Christian President had bowed his head to prayers offered to other gods, prayers that may have been for those who would destroy our nation and enslave our children to an alien religion. At that moment the hand of protection of the true God was removed from our nation.

    Since the Jihad attack on the United States on September 11th the President has surrounded himself with and sought advice from radical Islamic leaders who have openly called for the violent overthrow of the government of the United States. In addition, the President has invited six of the seven Islamic nations known to sponsor terror into his “coalition against terror”.

    By late Friday it became apparent to me that our nation was in fact not going to fight a war on terrorism, but rather follow the same old track of “punishing those who actually committed the crime.” This was not a “crime;” it was an act of war.

When it comes to New Jersey, that state’s Governor Chris Christie also has some incredibly disturbing alliances with questionable Muslim figures, as has reported.

What’s more outrageous, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives allowing an Imam with multiple connections to individuals and groups whose stated goal is to take down the United States from within OR calling the Speaker a traitor for doing so? There will, no doubt, be those who think calling the Speaker a traitor is irresponsible, despite what he’s done.

THAT is what is the most outrageous.
Speaker John Boehner and Imam Chebli on November 13, 2014.(see url at top)

When Imam Hamad Ahmad Chebli of the Islamic Society of Central Jersey (ISCJ) took to the House floor on November 13th, he delivered a prayer that was blasphemous to Christianity. A cursory look at his background and affiliations will demonstrate that he doesn’t want to stop there. Delivering an Islamic prayer was about conquest. Boehner introduced Chebli and bowed his head in deference. It was Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ) who two months earlier had invited Chebli to speak and who delivered a gushing introduction of Chebli:

Letter inviting Chebli to deliver Prayer. (see url at top)

So who exactly is Imam Chebli and does the Islamic Society of Central Jersey have anything to do with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)? This is important because in a 1991 document, the ISNA was named as having pledged to abide by the following statement:

    The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.

On September 8, 2012, ISCJ formally opened its new mosque. On hand was none other the Imam Mohammed Magid, President of ISNA and Rep. Holt:

Magid (far left), Chebli, (unknown), and Holt (far right) at opening of ISCJ mosque on 9/8/12. (see url at top)

Magid, Chebli, and Holt on September 8, 2012. (see url at top)

As for other highly questionable individuals Chebli has associated himself with, how about Amir Abdel Malik? There are several photos of Malik at the ISCJ giving speeches, leading prayer at the mosque, and even breaking bread with Chebli.

In 2006, at UC Irvine, Malik stood behind a podium that read, “Israel is the 4th Reich” and delivered an extremely anti-Semitic speech in which he mocked Ariel Sharon being in a coma; praised Jihadists who were willing to kill Jews; praised Hezbollah and Hamas; and insisted there is a “holocaust” and a “genocide” happening in the “Holy land” (Palestine). At different points in the speech, the crowd yells, “Allahu Akbar”.

Other quotes of note from Malik include:

    “Rupert (Murdoch) is a straight up Zionist Jew. Put THAT on Fox News.”

    “Your days are numbered. We will fight you. We will fight you until we are either martyred or victorious. That’s how we look at it.”

    “It’s about time (the Jews) live in fear.”

At one point, after suggesting that there will be “another 9/11″, Malik then says “they did it anyway” (implying that he’s a 9/11 truther).

See for yourself:

If you led a house of worship, would you embrace such a man? Chebli has. He’s even given Malik a microphone and allowed him to deliver sermons from the pulpit:

Amir Abdel Malik speaks at ISCJ with Chebli seated behind him (November, 2013). (see url at top)


Abdel Malik and Magid are not the only individuals who believe in the conquest of the West, whom Chebli welcomed into his inner circle. Another Imam who has visited the mosque and received a tremendous welcome was Suhaib Webb; he is currently the Imam at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center (ISBCC).

In addition to the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) being founded by Abdurahman Alamoudi, a convicted terrorist, it was attended by the Boston Marathon bombers. Prior to traveling to Cairo in 2004 to attend Al Azhar University (also attended by Chebli), Webb was the Imam of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City (ISGOC), the same mosque attended by Alton Nolen, who beheaded a woman earlier this year.

Chebli (L) with Suhaib Webb (R) in 2014. (see url at top)

Webb will plead that all of that amounts to guilt by association but according to a man who used to attend ISGOC, Webb would preach sympathy for suicide bombers in Gaza but insist such sentiment not be spoken about outside the mosque.

Two days before the 9/11/01 attacks, Webb shared a podium with Anwar al-Awlaki at a fundraiser. Webb remains affiliated with the mosque where al-Awlaki served as an Imam (Dar al-Hijrah). The current Imam at Dar al-Hijrah – Shaker Elsayed – was once the Secretary General for the Muslim American Society (MAS) and admitted that the group was founded by leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Webb speaking at ISCJ.(see url at top)

According to an FBI document, both Webb and al-Awlaki were affiliated with the MAS.

As reported, in 2009, months before al-Awlaki’s inspired Jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan would murder 14 and injure 32 at Fort Hood, Webb attended the U.S.-Islamic World Forum (US-IWF), an event co-sponsored by the Brookings Institute and the Nation of Qatar. In the program, Webb was identified as being a member of the MAS. Future CIA Director David Petraeus was one of the featured speakers at the US-IWF event that year.

Petraeus at the US-IWF in 2009.(see url at top)

Webb’s troubling associations don’t end there. In 2008, he wrote about his visit to the mosque of Siraj Wahajj, who became infamous and notorious when it was learned that Sheikh Omar Abdelrahman (the “Blind Sheikh”) paid several visits to his Brooklyn mosque. The “Blind Sheikh” was convicted as a mastermind in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Wahhaj was identified as an unindicted co-conspirator.

Siraj Wahhaj (left) and Suhaib Webb (right) circa 2008. (see url at top)

Webb gushed about his visit with Wahhaj, as reported.

Speaking of Wahhaj, just weeks after the 9/11 attacks, he and Imam Chebli shared a podium at a Muslim town meeting in New Jersey that had connections to Muslim Brotherhood front groups:

Siraj Wahhaj and Hamad Chebli speak at even on 10/25/01. (see url at top)

One month later, with ground zero in New York City still smoldering, Chebli was far more concerned about fear mongering and the alleged mistreatment of Muslims than he was in lifting the veil that hid Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. In November of that year, New Jersey’s Governor-elect visited Chebli’s mosque:

    The Justice Department has said that cooperation with the questioning will be voluntary, but that has not eased the concern in the Muslim community. That concern was apparent at the Islamic Center, where McGreevey made a brief appearance during afternoon services.

    Imam Hamad Chebli, the religious leader of the mosque, told 1,000 worshipers that federal agencies have rounded up almost 1,200 immigrants since the Sept. 11 attacks and have held most of them without charges.

    Chebli said some of those imprisoned have been deprived of their rights.

    “There are people whose families are waiting,” he said. “They don’t have any rights to make phone calls or anything. There are at least 5,000 people who are to be questioned. It could be any of you who hear the call from the FBI.”

On a webpage for Dar El Salam that has since been taken down, there is a list of Imams under the heading, “Our Imams”. The first one listed is Dr Muzammil H. Siddiqi, who served as President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) from 1997-2001, which makes him a predecessor to Mohammed Magid, who was in attendance at the grand opening of Chebli’s mosque.

Chebli is also listed as one of the Imams on the Dar El Salam webpage.

George W. Bush and ISNA President Siddiqi on 9/14/01 at National Cathedral. (see url at top)

In the days after the 9/11 attacks, President George W. Bush embraced Siddiqi and even shared a pulpit with him at the National Cathedral just three days after the attacks.

Earlier this year, published information about another New Jersey Muslim outfit, known as the Institute of Islamic Studies (IIS). This organization also has distinct ties to MAS. A prominent speaker for IIS is a man named Mazen Mokhtar, who is identified as, “the Executive Director of the Muslim American Society (MAS) National, a member of the New Jersey Chapter, and a member of the Board of Trustees of MAS.”

In 2004, the Washington Post tied Mokhtar to Osama bin Laden’s mentor Abdullah Azzam through a website named after Azzam:

    Mazen Mokhtar, an Egyptian-born imam and political activist, operated a Web site identified in an affidavit unsealed Friday by the U.S. attorney’s office in Connecticut. The Web site solicited funds for the Taliban and Chechen mujaheddin, according to the affidavit. It is an exact replica of Web sites operated by Babar Ahmad, who was arrested in England on a U.S. extradition warrant this week.

    The affidavit said the New Jersey home of the mirror Web site operator, identified on a Web site as Mokhtar, was searched in the recent past and that copies of Azzam Publications sites, operated by Ahmad, were found on Mokhtar’s computer’s hard drive and files.

Earlier this year, Mokhtar proudly displayed the Muslim Brotherhood symbol as his twitter cover photo:

What does all this have to do with Chebli? In 2005, the Islamic Society of Rutgers University held a Fast-a-thon and featured three speakers. Chebli and Mokhtar were two of them:

When it comes to New Jersey politics, the Governor of that state – Chris Christie – has some extremely questionable affiliations as well. In addition to the skepticism heaped on him for appointing Sohail Mohammed as a Superior Court judge, Christie took even more heat for befriending Imam Mohammed Qatanani, who has distinct connections to Hamas; Qatanani supported funding the officially designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and was once even arrested by the Israelis for his membership with Hamas.

Chebli has served on at least one Board with Qatanani.

You can read about Christie’s disturbing connections to Sohail Mohammed and Qatanani at, to include audio recordings of Christie praising Qatanani at the Governor’s mansion but in this space, let’s take a look at someone else Christie has elevated and who has connections to ISCJ.

His name is Ali Chaudry. In November of 2001, Chaudry was the first Pakistani elected as a U.S. Mayor. he served in that capacity until 2007. Here is a video of him giving an interview to a local news program after his election (note he’s identified as a Republican):

Chaudry is also a friend of and regular visitor to the ISCJ. Here he is inside the mosque with Chebli:

Imam Hamad Chebli and Ali Chaudry in 2013. (see url at top)

Last year, in a letter to Chaudy, Christie lauded the former Mayor and appointed him as a member of the New Jersey Commission on National and Community Service.

Christie_Letter_Chaudry_012913 (see url at top)

Incidentally, Chebli’s bio boasts of being appointed to the Governor’s Leadership Summit on Diversity, though the Governor who did so is not named. Based on Christie’s disturbing affiliations, he’d certainly qualify.

We may be getting closer to understanding why Boehner broke down on 60 Minutes after getting elected in 2010. Treason has a way of making you feel bad:

Now that you’ve watched that, take another look at this from November 13th: (see urla at top)

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