Now that half
of the people have had the last 2 months to express their support and love for
President Donald Trump and his plan to "save" America from Novus Ordo
Seclorum, mostly on social networks and very little coverage in the mainstream
media, AND half the people have expressed their insanely emotional
hatred and fear of him to the
level of impeaching or worse assasinating him
on social networks, AND with
HUGE coverage in the mainstream media , IT IS TIME FOR REVEALING AN
anti-Trump movement has based their displeasure on the fact that
"their" candidate won the popular vote and it was the “alleged”
unconstitutional Electoral College (which BTW has been constitutional over the
last 200 years) that robbed them of their choice for President. We already know
Trump blew away Clinton in electoral votes!
(270 required..Trump 304, Clinton 232)
The SIMPLE INCONVENIENT FACT is that IF the popular vote in New York and
California were subtracted from the total...President Trump would have WON the
popular vote by 3, 131,876 votes instread of losing the popular vote
by 2,864,974 votes with California and
New York! (look it
There are 50 you
really want the President of the United States determined by just 2 high population liberal states? If you do you have no clue what a Republic
is and you are obviously a selfish liberal yourself hypocritically claiming
FAIRNESS. America is a Republic Democracy.
We conservatives had to live through the last 8 years of liberal policy!
The genius of the founders of our country is that they realized that a true
Democracy needed a protection mechanism to prevent a “demographically skewed popular vote” determining the outcome
of an election. Last year's election
was a validation of the needed protection if the Electoral College. I live
in New York...I would gladly give up my vote to protect true Democracy! Just because California and New York have
the most liberal minded people doesn’t mean they are the “guardians” of what is
best for America….true Democracy is suppose to determine that.
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