Human Rights?
All human rights are from God and the "right to life" is the most precious of these rights and the suppression of this right places ALL other human rights in jeopardy. Roe vs Wade must be repealed and replaced with an Amendment that defines "conception the beginning of life." Just as there are no 2 identical snowflakes, a given conception of a specific human male sperm cell with a human female ovum WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN IN ALL OF ETERNITY. Frankly, I believe this argument against abortion surpasses the Planned Parenthood evil of "selling" aborted baby parts for profit. The Word of God in the Holy Bible is very clear on the subject.....Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:31 and Matthew 19:5. The true meaning of these Scriptures is that a male and female become "ONE FLESH IN THE CHILD THEY PRODUCE." The decision to terminate that "FLESH" violates ALL of God's Laws because "ALL LAWS ARE BASED ON THIS ONE TRUTH." What do you think the Lord Jesus would say about the "right to terminate God's flesh in the womb?" Pray for God's wisdom which surpasses all human wisdom..