Wednesday, August 19, 2020

LIFE and atheism


The  problem with atheism is why a "singularity" existed in the first place that created the Cosmos.  What existed BEFORE the "singularity?"    It appears agnosticism is the only logical conclusion based on our  human mortality and limited intelligence.. If when you die biologically as a individual cognizant - conscious entity no longer exists.... YOU never really existed in the first place.   It's a "puzzlement" and philosophers have contemplated this mystery ever since Homo sapiens  became sentient beings......and there is no answer to the question and there NEVER will be unless the story of Jesus is true. If Jesus is fantasy like "fantasy foot ball" and biological death is the END of existence for you as a human will ever know.    The illusion of existence is can be explained by the fact that "man created God in man's image instead of God created man in God's image as revealed in ancient written philosophy....the Bible.  This translated for our limited intelligence to comprehend is that God is the  SPIRIT of existence that is existes in us ..... reflected in LOVE, COMPASSION, FORGIVENESS, MORALITY, PATIENCE ETC......NOT an anthropomorphic "super being."     Ironically 170 years ago the question was answered by a simple experiment done by Louis Pasteur that revealed the SPIRIT....."ALL LIFE MUST COME FROM PRE-EXISTING LIFE"......The Law of Biogenesis.   The question of what came first..."the chicken or the egg?" The answer is NEITHER....the great diversity of life on this planet and elsewhere in the Cosmos is explained by the "Finger of God"...CHANGE (creation) via Darwinian Natural Selection.....NOT MAGIC!

Funny thing is you can go back and forth on this question until the  "cows come home"   and you will be no nearer the truth than when you started.  If you don't need a answer....your all set...enjoy the remainder of your life. If you desire an answer....maybe "Hare Krishna" might help or what ever religion you like   OR  give Jesus a won't be disappointed!     I guess for some of us FAITH is the answer.

GUD luck...kinda close to GOD luck!   Maybe John 6:14 is true!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020



There have been covenants ("deals")   made with humans and "God" over the millennia.  The first deal was made with  the only people that would listen to Him (the only people that knew God was NOT a super human but was a SPIRIT (whatever that is) that dwells within all of creation...the whole COSMIC enchilada. The only description of what God's SPIRIT nature is in the Bible is ..that is God is the SPIRIT of  UNCONDITIONAL Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Patience ETC.   The Bible says God created man in HIS image. The problem is man's religions created God in OUR image which ain't a very good mold to use! duh!   The only people on earth that  understood God was SPIRIT were the Hebrews.(Jews)   That's probably why most humans hate Jews.....they really hate God because He made the "deal" with those damn Jews instead of them. Been that way ever since and the hatred was reset in 1948 when the Jews got there homeland back with the establishment of the Israel...the Jewish State that was prophesied 5000 years ago!. AND boy oh boy do they ever hate Trump for supporting Jews and moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem...... the ancient Jewish Capitol.

SIDE NOTE:   The corrupt Palestinians who want Israel blown off the map have no ethical or political right to the land that Israel allows to have because of 132 AD war.   Hadrian.... Emperor of Rome.... hated Jews and he thought he had the perfect solution to the Jew problem.....wipe them and their damn Temple off the map!!!  (Biblical prophecy)   He destroyed them and the Temple and to "rub salt in their wounds" he renamed the land after the arch enemy of the Jews......Philistinians. (basically Arabs)  After awhile the name Philistine morphed into PALESTINE which it is called today.  So.....the Palestinian people are a "synthetic" people created by a vicious Roman Emperor!

Now to continue with the story..... 

Ironically...there are two main religions tied together.....Judaism and Islam. (Muslim)  It started over  5000 years ago with a ancient Hebrew who was to become the Father of the Jews....Father Abram.  God did some testing to make sure Abram was truly understanding the SPIRIT of God and he had him attempt to "sacrifice" his son Isaac but God stopped him and changed his name to Abraham. (seems God likes to change ppeople's name when Heconvinces them to serve HIM.) Abraham's wife Sarah was barron (supposedly) and couldn't give Abraham any inheritance.  So....Abraham convinced his wife Sarah to allow him to have a child with her handmaid Hagar......and he was sired with illegitimate son.   AND sure enough Sarah became pregnant with Isaac......God sure has a sense of humor!   Well...Isaac is legit....his half brother Ishmael  is illegit.    This is where man's lack of trust with  God's SPIRIT started ALL our problems.  (although all this stuff was prophesied BEFORE it happened) Abraham......being a frail human like all of us...sent Ismael and his mom Hagar away.   Ishmael grew up and eventually his heritage led to false prophet Mohammed who wrote the Koran and created allah the "superman" God.....allah.....god of the moon, the crecent moon is the symbol of islam)     How he screwed up and no longer accepted God as SPIRIT has got to have something to do with Lucifer.......the fallen Arch Angel who rebelled against God's SPIRIT and became satan.......the god of evil...("LIVE spelled backwards") Isaac's heritage led to Jacob whose name was changed to ISRAEL by God....the creation of the Jew...whose heritage led to King David (not me!)  who led to the Virgin Mary who gave birth to Jesus who according to Christian belief was crucified , died, was buried and rose from the dead...restoring ALL men to the SPIRIT of God......and not a "superman."   The sad part of this  is the mess were in is because Abraham sent Ishmael and his mom Hagar away even though Isaac and his half brother Ishmael made up and were unified at their Father's death...and they buried their dad together.    So sad Jews, Christians and Muslims can't be unified like Isaac and Ishmael were. I guess that's why Jesus had to come into the world to die for our sins and restore ALL humans to the true SPIRIT.


Many people are critically question the alleged resurrection of Jesus and question whether He even existed in the first place inspite of many historians claiming the story  is true....the Bible is NOT the only source of the story of Jesus. Many Greek secular historians (Hadrian for one) recorded the story in their books. If true (I sure believe it!)  there IS a scientific resurrection assuming such an event should  involve a release of  an excessive amount of energy?    Well..there is...the alleged burial cloth the  "Shroud of Turin" depicts a negative image of a crucified man with nail marks exactly  where the Bible description says there is. It's not blood, ink or anything else but is a molecular change in the fibers of the cloth used to make the shroud, Is it possible that such  energy release can manifest this way? 

The answer is Hiroshima and Nagasaki....the atom bomb dropped on them released so much photonic energy that humans walking by a building caused a negative molecular change image in the walls of buildings before their bodies vaporized! (analogous to the negative image of a crucified man on the Shroud of Turin.)  You can go to Japan and see them today! Real creepy!

Why  is genealogy so important in the Old testament? Makes one question if stepchildren and adopted children are family in  SPIRIT . Frankly, I think the story of  Isaac and Ishmael answers that question but we don't get a definite answer until the New Testament.  Then why does the Old Testament emphasize genealogy so much?   The answer is found in the SPIRIT inspired writers of the Old Testament who had no idea they were writing the Bible nor were they contemporaries so collusion was NOT possible. ( although non-believers use that excuse a lot to say the Bible is a fable.) The simple fact is that the writers were JEWISH and genealogy was an essential part of their people to keep their culture PURE so it makes sense that genealogy would be in their writings. Reason was simple ...they were the ONLY humans that understood that God was SPIRIT and NOT a "superman" as it is in most religions.

The interesting thing about the Jewish Bible is that it pointed the way to an eternal NEW deal (Covenant) in the final sacrifice of God through His Son Jesus Christ. Very confusing I know of but what it did was MAKE ALL HUMANS CHILDREN OF THE FAMILY OF GOD (SPIRIT)  regardless of race, religion, sexual persuasion or whatever. Since we are created with free will we have a choice to accept this as truth or reject it because WE ARE NOT PUPPETS!. The writers of the New Testament were also Jews but they were corrected by God to include ALL humans as God's children. One specific lesson on this was Jesus was asked about a Jewish Law that said if a women's husband dies, the brother of the husband should marry the widow even in multiple times to raise the children or even have children. They asked Jesus..... when the women dies who will be her husband and whose children are who?   Jesus answered that by revealing that in the eternal Family of God  there are no marriages or pregnancy and children. We are ALL family if we accept the free gift of eternal life. If not......well what happens to those who reject the gift I have no idea is way above my pay level! I do have a hypothesis though.   Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God (SPIRIT) in parables...simple stories that had double meaning....spiritual and physical. I think the most powerful parable  was His story about the "workers in the grape vineyard."   I suspect this parable condemns all of us who judge other people......"do not judge because you will be judged by the same measure you judged others by"...Jesus.  Well....the parable seems VERY unfair and makes God out to be a real bum!  Parable: A worker starts work in the vineyard at 9 am. At noon another worker joins him. THEN at 4pm a guy shows up top work. Obviously the pay should be based on the hours worked...HOWEVER......they were all paid the exact same pay!   Unfair! this is not right..this is democrat aoc schumer pelosi crap!  Most theologians think this is about us preaching and judging etc. NOPE...God desires ALL humans to repent and accept His free Gift of eternal life and even those who wait to the last billionth e of a second can receive the Gift.   I get so upset with people saying to a person who recently died...."was he saved? That's NONE of our business!  That's judging!  If God want's to forgive bad people like Hitler, Sadaam Hussein,  Putin, Rocket Man, Pelost, Schumer. Biden, Commey, Mueller, Schiff, Nadler, Brennon. OBAMA... ETC. that's His business not mine. If God has mercy on me and family and friends I'll humbly accept it.