Friday, October 20, 2017


What on earth ?€” or perhaps, off earth ?€” did Nimrod and his followers think they could accomplish? How could building a tower enable them to "make war against G-d?" [Genesis 11:1]
Not only is the idea nonsensical, but they contradicted themselves: "They said: €™Come, let us build a city and tower, its head in the Heavens, and make a name for ourselves, that we not be scattered across the earth.?™" [11:4]
 Rabbi  Rashi (French Rabbi)  explains there that battling with G-d was so "that He not bring upon us a blow that scatters us from here." They convinced themselves that their aggression was defensive!
So the people perceived a false danger, that G-d would want to harm them without reason, and provided themselves a ridiculous solution to their false problem. The result was truly counter-productive: the very thing they wished to avoid was done to them, due to their own actions.
This came about because the people followed this line of thinking without thinking. Nimrod is described as a charismatic leader who was able to capture people’s thoughts and imagination with his words. Logic and analysis were replaced with sweet-sounding invitations and sloganeering, all for the supposed benefit of humanity.
We have not learned. Throughout history, charismatic leaders have enticed unthinking followers to do abhorrent things that run counter to their stated goals. Jules Streicher, the Nazi leader, "taught" Germans to believe that "the peoples of the ancient world perished from the Jewish poison," and that this was "proven" by world history — thus requiring that Germany act to remove the Jews before it be destroyed.
By his day, world history had long proven the very opposite -Â that it was those who oppressed the Jews who found themselves in "the dustbin of history." And so it went with Streicher and his comrades; not only were they defeated and the Reich destroyed, but today to call someone a Nazi is the worst of epithets.
How little things change: today, much of the world celebrates murderers of children as "freedom fighters," asserting that "resistance is not terrorism" as long as the victims of said terrorism are Jews.
Our Torah teaches us to think and analyze, rather than mindlessly accepting what we are told to believe. Is is when we maintain objectivity and study carefully that we arrive at the truth. Never let slogans replace substance!
Good Shabbos!
Rabbi Yaakov Menken
Director, Project Genesis /


4 Signs of the Antichrist
The coming of the Antichrist is a sign of the end. (of the present evil world order)
By Stephanie Hertzenberg 
The identity of the Antichrist has long been a source of both debate and anxiety for Christians. The Bible warns that many people will be taken in by his lies or fail to recognize him for what he is. No Christian wants to be one of those who is deceived by this frightening and demonic figure.
Given that the stakes are nothing more or less than a person’s eternal soul, a great deal is riding on successfully identifying the Antichrist. The internet is filled with bloggers and preachers alike claiming that this political figure or that rival preacher is the Antichrist. Speculation is not confined to the depths of the web either. Innumerable churches have heard sermons warning about what the Antichrist will say and countless Bible study groups have debated the where the Antichrist will originate.
The Bible is peppered with verses warning about this false prophet and alluding to the acts that will reveal him for what he truly is. The problem and source of debate comes from trying to weave dozens of cryptic remarks and prophetic hints into a clear picture. Unfortunately, someone has yet to turn the myriad of clues and references to now-ancient empires into a single cohesive portrayal. This leaves Christians stuck in the same uncertainty that all the debate is attempting to clarify. That said, the continued study of the Scriptures does leave us with a general idea of what the Antichrist will be like. Here are four signs that will hint at the Antichrist’s true identity.
The Antichrist will sway many people to his side. This fact is undeniable based on the descriptions of the Antichrist throughout the Bible. He will be admired, and the odds are good he will be a smooth talker who will win people over through his ability to speak “great things.” Those who follow the Antichrist will become zealous and follow him unquestioningly. They will revile and persecute those who are leery of the Antichrist or disavow him. In this regard, many believe the Antichrist will be similar to Adolf Hitler.
Hitler was known to be extremely charismatic. Those who actually met him in life say that he was extremely skilled at making connections with people and saying exactly the right thing at the right time. Hitler projected a certainty that lent his opinions authority, and he had a talent for sinking his claws into a person’s subconscious thoughts or desires. The Antichrist is likely to have similar gifts. He will give voice to what people believe but are reluctant to say and, in doing so, gain their utter loyalty.
The Antichrist will also be clever. Daniel 11 describes the Antichrist as taking control through “intrigue,” and Daniel 8 says he will be a “master of deception.” This supports the idea of the Antichrist as something akin to a charming, clever psychopath. That calculating cleverness will help bring the Antichrist to global prominence in multiple ways.
One of those ways is as a military tactician. Verses in both the book of Revelation and the book of Daniel describe the Antichrist as being a powerful military leader, an unrivaled military genius in his time who will develop a tendency to attack when his victims feel secure.
Another is the Antichrist’s ability to avoid what people would see as scandalous behavior. It is said that he will not “regard…the desire of women,” thus avoiding the common scandal of an affair. Revelation also says that the Antichrist will be given the authority to “make war.” His actions, violent as they will be, will be supported by not just zealous followers, but by what the average person will recognize as legitimate authority.
The Antichrist will have the cunning to be a successful military leader. Revelation and Daniel both describe the Antichrist’s military prowess, but there is a difference between being a talented tactician and being a conqueror. The Antichrist is undoubtedly the latter.
Revelation 6:2 says that the Antichrist will go “forth conquering, and to conquer.” He will take over lands that did not belong to his people and hold them. His conquests will likely take place at least partly in the Middle East. The theory of the Antichrist’s involvement in the Middle East is common, especially the notion that part of his strategy will be to make peace with Israel before attacking the Jewish people.
The Antichrist’s conquests will also be seen as legitimate. Revelation 13 says that the Antichrist will be “permitted to wage war on God’s holy people” and “given [power]… to extend his authority over every tribe and people.” Revelation 13 also states bluntly that the Antichrist will succeed in conquering God’s people, at least for a time.
Economic Control
As well as gaining military control over much of the world, the Antichrist will gain economic control. In Revelation 13, the infamous number of the Beast is discussed, and it is related to the Antichrist’s control of the economy. According to the Scriptures, the Antichrist will compel all people to be “marked with an inscription” on their hands or foreheads. Only those will this mark will be allowed to “buy or sell.”
Whether the Antichrist will use force or charisma to compel people to accept his mark is not stated. It could, however, be born of simple practicality. People may be presented with the choice of refusing to take this mark or losing their chance to participate in any sort of buying or selling. The Antichrist’s charisma and cunning would allow him to make this seem like a reasonable requirement of trade. With society accepting this new regulation, even those who disagree with the Antichrist oblige and take the mark so that they can feed their families.
The Antichrist will be a blasphemous man. It seems like blasphemy would be an easy way to identify the Antichrist, but consider what the Bible defines as blaspheming: any use of the Lord’s name in vain. Now, think of how often the phrase “oh my God,” is used to denote shock or excitement.
Recognizing the Antichrist will be difficult, especially in the Western World today where religion is often kept carefully out of politics. A clever man could very easily get away with a great deal of blasphemy, especially if he takes care to do it in ways that are common around him. But, the blasphemy of the Antichrist will eventually reach new and unheard of heights, and he will attempt to say that he is God. Until that time, however, no one is likely to look twice at a man who uses “Jesus Christ” as a curse when startled or angry.
What will set the Antichrist apart from other clever, charismatic leaders is his ability to accomplish wonders. The Gospels of both Matthew and Mark warn that the Antichrist will perform miracles that convince many people that he is the Messiah returned, not Christ’s enemy. In 2 Thessalonians, it is said that the coming of the Antichrist will coincide with numerous signs and marvels.
One of these false miracles may give us a few physical characteristics of the Antichrist. In Revelation 13, we learn that the Antichrist will survive a deadly wound, usually attributed to a head or facial wound. This miraculous survival or perhaps even a return from the dead, will convince many that the Antichrist is actually Jesus returned. Some link this sign with Zechariah 11:17 which calls for the Antichrist’s arm to be “completely withered and his right eye totally blinded.”
While some interpret these verses as meaning that the Antichrist will actually be blind in one eye, possibly from whatever mortal wound he survives, others believe the verse describes a more metaphorical wound. Those familiar with the history of Hitler’s rise to power know that there was a period where it looked very much like the Nazi party was going to fade into obscurity. Revelation may be describing a time where the Antichrist loses power and support, only to regain it spectacularly and, in returning to prominence, gain more followers than ever.
Christians Must Be Vigilant
Despite the sheer number of times the Antichrist is mentioned in the Bible, there is little that will definitively identify him before he has the world under his thrall. Christians must be vigilant and be sure to maintain a questioning attitude. The spell of charismatic men and women can be dampened through logic. After all, those who experienced Hitler’s rise said that many of his speeches could be “refuted by reason.” Be wary of things that sound perfect and of those who seem to have all the answers, especially in today’s divisive time. Reason serves as a strong barricade to the sort of zealotry such a clever, charismatic leader will breed.

Monday, October 09, 2017


THE GREAT LIE................
When you start buying into the theory of evolution, you open the door to say, “You don’t have to trust the Bible completely.”
This is a lie straight from the gates of hell because salvation is based on the Blood of Jesus Christ NOT rejecting Scientuifc discovery.    Evolution and old Earth evidence has NOTHING to do with God Crteating man in His Image AND the reality is that Science  proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the Creation revealed n Genesis is ABSOLUTE is interpretation of processes that have caused the division and the TRUTH is ALL of the Bible is ABSOLUTE thruth. I suspect Fundamental young Earth believers fear Science because they fear God for the wrong reasons. The DANGER is that humanity has bought into pseudoscience which has allowed the evil new world order to supress real TRUTH and enslave mankind in total ignorance!
I suggest all readers check out

An article on old vs decide

Have you ever heard of the “Old Earth” theory
and the “Young Earth” theory?
The founder of Prophecy in the News, Dr. J.R. Church, was always a believer in what the Bible teaches about a 6-day creation and the “Young Earth” theory. He taught this without compromise and without apology.
When you start buying into the theory of evolution, you open the door to say, “You don’t have to trust the Bible completely.”
Evolution and the theory that the earth was formed in “millions of years” is the greatest myth ever forced on the minds of men.
The main reason for believing in the young earth is that the earth is young! The Bible tells us so, and the weight of the scientific evidence points to a young earth. John Morris, son of the famous Dr. Henry Morris, president of the Institute for Creation Research, states that “While the Bible may not specify a precise date for creation, it does indicate that the earth is only a few thousand years old. Similarly, while the geologic and physical evidence cannot give a precise age, all the evidence is compatible with the young-earth doctrine, with far greater evidence supporting a young earth than an old earth. There is much evidence incompatible with the old-earth idea.”
He goes on to say, “Furthermore, many biblical doctrines are based on the recency of creation and the corollary doctrine, the global flood. One cannot hold the old-earth position and believe that the flood was global, for if the flood was global, then the entire earth’s surface was altered. The flood would leave in its wake the rock and fossil record, which now is misinterpreted by geologists as evidence for an old earth. All Christians who knowledgeably advocate an “old earth” believe that the flood was only local. (A few still hold the bizarre notion that the flood was tranquil and did little geologic work. Imagine – a tranquil, worldwide flood!) The doctrinal absurdities which result from a local flood and old earth are well documented in creationist literature. The most serious fallacy involves the death of the vast majority of earth’s inhabitants before man appeared, and before he sinned and incurred the wages of sin. Astronomer Hugh Ross even proposes human-like animals who buried their dead, practiced religious ceremonies, painted pictures on cave walls, etc., but did not yet possess an eternal spirit. Death before sin implies that death is natural, not the penalty for sin. But if so, what good did the death of Jesus Christ accomplish? And what was the world like before the Fall? Old-earth advocates believe it was no different from our world – with death, disease, bloodshed, carnivorous activity, fossils. Belief in the old earth, with the implied concepts of death before sin, the world before Adam not really “very good,” an inconsequential Fall and Curse, a local flood, etc., destroys the foundation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some Christians do believe in both Christianity and the old earth, but this is inconsistent with their professed belief in the Bible.”
I have been reviewing a book for our Prophecy in the News bookstore titled, “Is The Big Bang Biblical? by John Morris. In his book he talks about the so-called “Gap Theory” in a chaptered titled, “Does Scripture Allow a Gap?”. He says the “Gap Theory” was proposed early in the 1800s, but which became popular around the turn of the century, and has very few scholarly advocates these days. However, many Christians do still hold to it, mostly by tradition, having never examined it closely. There have always been many scientific and theological problems with the idea of a long gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, but perhaps the “death” of the gap theory came with the 1978 publication of Dr. Weston W. Fields’s fine book, Unformed and Unfilled. In it, Fields specified the many biblical problems inherent in the concept and, with only a few exceptions, Bible scholars have now abandoned it. Some of the main arguments are briefly summarized below.
Gap advocates hold that only the surface of the earth was “created” during the six-day series of events detailed in Genesis 1:2 through 2:25. This creation followed a global holocaust brought on by the fall of Satan, which destroyed a supposed pre-Adamic world. But the all-summary statements of Genesis 2:1-3 and Exodus 20:11, and elsewhere, argue otherwise; “the heavens and the earth…all the host of them…all that is in them…all His work which God created and made,” seem better to refer to all of creation, not just the earth’s surface.
Some have claimed that in Exodus 20:11 the verb “to make” is used instead of “to create,” and, that, therefore, the summation is referring only to the earth’s surface, leaving the rock strata and the earth’s interior untouched. But in reality, while there is an important distinction between the words in Genesis 1, both are used in Genesis 2:2-3 and Nehemiah 9:6 to refer to all of creation; and are even used in synonymous parallelism in Genesis 2:4, Exodus 34:10, Isaiah 41:20, and Isaiah 43:7.
Another often-repeated claim is that Genesis 1:2 should read, “the earth became without form and void,” as supposed to the traditional understanding that when God first created the earth in verse 3, it “was without form (i.e., not yet inhabited).” The verb’s normal meaning, however, is simply “was,” and while it may be translated “become,” the context does not warrant it, and all accepted versions of the Bible was “was.”
Each verse in Genesis 1, except verse1, begins with the conjunction “and,” thereby connecting each verse sequentially to those before and after. There is no hint of the passing of millions or billions of years of time between verses 1 and 2.
Gap advocates frequently turn to other portions of Scripture for support, particularly those which use the word “without form” and “void” (Jer. 4:23, Isa. 24:1, and 45:18 are most important). In each case, the prophet refers to a wasted state due to the judgment of sin, thereby implying that Genesis 1:2 likewise implies a condition brought about by judgment. But in each case, the context regards the land of Israel, not the original earth. There is no justification for postulating long ages present in a supposed gap in Genesis.”
John Morris summarizes the chapter by saying… “The gap theory, as with all efforts to harmonize Genesis with the geologic ages, faces insurmountable problems on several fronts. How much better to take God at His Word and simply believe what He says.”


Sadly,  many Christians of ANY denomination, Catholic or Protestant, live with a false sense of security by believing that obeying their Church doctrines, rules and what their clergy teach them will automatically place them in the "Bride of Christ"...the REAL CHURCH.  One of the characteristics of such belief is the sense we are "better" than "other" sinners.   The ONE human trait that will gurantee we are NOT right with God is hatred of ANYONE. God judges our hearts not our obediance to rules ....when we are RIGHT with God rules are automatic because we do God's Will...NOT ours.
I believe the article below by a Catholic Priest reveals the truth about the consequences of "hate."  God forgave us from the Cross of Calvary, it is impossible to do God's Will unless we too forgive anyone who "trespasses against us."

On Hatred
James V. Schall, S.J. on the way those who say they oppose hate engage in hatred of whatever and whoever refuses to confirm their own prejudices.
Both Testaments of Scripture contain passages in which we are admonished to hate something, like evil, but not to hate our brother. We are familiar, perhaps too familiar, with the adage: “To hate the sin but love the sinner.” This aphorism can easily leave the impression that my sin is floating out there totally independent of me, who, in the meantime, remains pure as the driven snow. No sin disconnected from a sinner can be found. Moreover, we are definitely well advised to avoid some sinners or, at least, to deal with them most gingerly.
When Aristotle treats anger, itself a good thing, he talks about controlling or not controlling our passionate response to what is dangerous or wrong. We usually overdo it. But not to be angry at evil things is a vice. Some things ought to anger us.
Hatred is the emotional response to our recognition that some specific thing is wrong in the world. Tell me what you hate and I will tell you what you are. And if you tell me that you do not hate anything because nothing is wrong in the world, I have an even clearer picture of what you are – that is, hopelessly naïve.
Cultural revolutionaries
Here, I am interested in the relatively new phenomenon known as “hate language.” Few things are potentially more pernicious, especially when governments and institutions get into the business of defining and enforcing it. “Hate language” and freedom of speech are clearly in bloody conflict with each other. The same folks who were once interested in pressing the limits of free speech – such that most anything could be said with impunity – are now the same people who, in control of the culture, want to suppress any speech not to their liking.
Where did this “hate language” business come from anyhow? Its origin was in the now largely successful endeavor to overturn the moral structure of civil society. Generally speaking, this transformation was accomplished through the deft usage of “rights talk.” What was once called, on rational grounds, a disorder or vice became first tolerated, then finally a “right.” Once it became a “right,” then for anyone to call it a sin or evil became a slander, an attack on transformed human dignity and pride.
Human language has a purpose. It is accurately to define, then name, what in reality it designates. If we come to use the same word for two very different realities, we have to deduce from usage to what reality we are referring. If marriage means both the relation of male/female and male/male, the reality to which the word marriage refers does not change. One is not the other.
 At this juncture, “hate language” arrives on the scene. Since the law now claims that both marital arrangements are “the same,” we no longer are free to state that they are not the same. It causes pain to people to hear that what they do is or is not a marriage. The very statement that they are not the same is judged a civic disorder that must, in the name of preventing turmoil, be forbidden. We can find ourselves ostracized or put in jail for stating what is true and giving arguments for it. Free speech, which was designed to state the truth of things, is no longer permitted. Truth is now what endangers society.
When this situation is universalized, we find that we have to provide places where people are protected from even hearing anything that would question either the rightness of their own choices or the civil law that has now claimed jurisdiction over all of our speech. A most odious feature of totalitarian societies was to set up listening posts or to have children tell what their own parents said in private. This same phenomenon has arrived among us. It is now gussied up in the image of protecting the victims from the hatred of those who refuse to accept the new “rights” regime that insists that its law is the highest and only law in the land.
In discussing law, Aquinas asked: Whether we should have a law that forbad all vices? At first, it seems like a good idea. In fact, it is a terrible idea. Aquinas understood that giving such power to the state would imply a divine knowledge. It would also do away with that freedom to err and to be wrong that allows us to chart our own destiny.
Aquinas knew that some vices had to be dealt with, otherwise we would be in a state of war with each other. But to empower the state to rid us of all vices would require giving it absolute power, something too many politicians covet. Citizens would lose that arena of freedom and intelligence in which they are to carry out their own decisions. “Hate laws” ultimately stem from the modern democratic state’s endeavor to change human nature.

James V. Schall, S.J., who served as a professor at Georgetown University for thirty-five years, is one of the most prolific Catholic writers in America. Among his recent books are: The Mind That Is Catholic; Political Philosophy and Revelation: A Catholic Reading; Docilitas: On Teaching and Being Taught; and Catholicism and Intelligence.

Wednesday, October 04, 2017


Jesus said "No one knows, not even Myself, ONLY the Father knows, when the Kingdom will be restored on Earth as it is in Heaven."


AND..Isaiah 45 tells us the world is  WITHOUT end...the present evil world order is the one that ENDS!

Apocalypse Now: 6 Biblical Signs of the End Times
These are signs of hope, not despair.
By Wesley Baines

The Bible presents a certain paradox when it comes to the end times. On one hand, we have Mark 13: 32, which tells us "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” So the angels in heaven don’t know when the end is coming. Not even Jesus, Himself, knows when He’s coming back, it seems.
Yet in Matthew 24: 5-8, Christ says, of the impending end of all things, that “For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you dare not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.”
So we’re told that we cannot know when the end will come, yet we are given definitive signs that foretell its coming. How can we make sense of this?
One way in which these signs can be useful is if we, instead of trying to predict the end through them, simply take them as hope-filled reminders that Christ is going to return and redeem all of creation. In this way, when we see these events transpiring, we can find hope instead of fear as we prepare ourselves to weather the storm.
To help you see these events for what they are, let’s take a look at 6 Biblical signs of the end times.
Nation Against Nation
In Matthew 24:7, Christ gives us one of the signs, saying that, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.”
Since war has been raging ever since the Biblical Fall, we have to assume that this means something more—something far more destructive or significant than what we’ve yet seen. And knowing what we’ve already been through—things like WWII—it is difficult to imagine anything worse.
We may very well be about to enter this troublesome age. However, with world tensions again growing taut, and with most every country now possessing the most powerful weapons in history, this sign may be fast approaching.
Consider North Korea, and its boasts of nuclear retaliation. Think on Russia’s growing tension with the United States. Think of the myriad conflicts in the Middle East. And don’t forget that China, one of the world’s superpowers, is growing increasingly hostile with the West.
With all that’s going on, we can’t help but be reminded of Christ’s return.
 False Prophets
In Matthew 24:24, Jesus warns of another sign, saying “For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.”
These “false christs” will look like the real deal—they’ll preach like a Christian, be charismatic, and draw in many, many followers. Those followers will sincerely believe that, in following these people, they are doing the work of God.
But in reality, these false prophets are not of God at all. Their messages will be subtly corrupt. They’ll even perform miracles. This brings to mind many a corrupt religious leader.
But there is a way we can discern who is true from who is false—Christ, in John 14:21, says “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.”
If we steep ourselves in the study of Christ’s life, we can plainly point out those who are not like Him. So study up, and be prepared for the false prophets.
 Moral Decay
In 2 Timothy 3:1-4, Paul writes of a sign: “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.”
Again, since human beings have always been all of these things, we must assume that these traits will occur at an unprecedented level—more brutal, more heartless, and more greedy and proud than ever.
The fall from God-inspired morality to relativity is a mark of the postmodern age. Ours is a society that has become suspicious of anything labeled “truth,” and this may very well be the beginning of this sign. Moral relativism allows for the creation of personal codes of morality, of personal interpretations of truth—everything is up to the individual. This may eventually allow for the extreme behaviors listed in this sign.
Remember the fruits of the spirit— love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Live by these, and you’ll avoid the trap of moral decay that so many are destined to fall into.
 Signs in the Stars
In Luke 21:25-26, Christ speaks of the sky, saying, “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”
This is an interesting one, and appears in several places in the Gospels. Some of the other verses speak of “roaring” in the heavens, as well as some kind of trouble in the seas.
One thing that’s certain—this sign will not be one to be missed.
It’s possible that this sign is simply speaking of human weaponry—satellite-based defenses capable of firing on the planet, missiles and bombs that streak down from the sky, and whatever other objects of destruction the human mind will contrive in the coming years.
Alternately, this could, as we see in Matthew 24:29-32, be the great sign that accompanies Christ’s return.
Whatever the case, when the sky darkens and the stars disappear and the moon becomes red as blood, you will know that Christ is near.
A Great Tribulation
The Great Tribulation is a bit of a contentious sign. Some interpret surrounding scripture to mean that believers will be taken up into heaven and spared this difficult time. Others believe that they will not be taken up until after.
Of this time, Christ says that "For then there will be a Great Tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall." This Tribulation will be set off by an action of the Antichrist and conclude with the coming of the true Christ.
The Book of Revelation gives us a few details about what this time period will entail: God’s wrath will be on the earth, the Beast will be revealed, and plagues and suffering will occur throughout the earth.
It may be that this Tribulation is the combined effect of all the other signs—a world torn by war, inhumanity, natural disasters, and heavenly disturbances would certainly qualify as a “tribulation.” Whatever the case, and whatever you believe about this troubling time, keep your eyes open for it, and make sure your heart is prepared for the coming of Christ.
Earthquakes in Many Places
Earthquakes play a big role in Biblical prophecy. In Matthew 24:6-7, Christ says that “there will be famines and earthquakes in various places” when the time is near for His return.
Notice the “various places.” We cannot point to every earthquake that happens and think the end is coming—this sign is something different, something more widespread.
Like many of the signs, this will be something we’re familiar with, but greatly intensified—these won’t be just any old earthquakes, but something that rocks the very foundations of the earth, and so do in many places at once.
These quakes are mentioned five times in the Book of Revelation, with the final earthquake corresponding with the seventh bowl of God’s wrath being poured out on the earth. This is described as “a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth. Now the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell.”
This is another sign that will be difficult to miss, but take care to interpret it correctly. These signs are merely the “birth pains” of Christ’s return, as Christ, Himself, says. Even in these frightening times, there is hope for a better world.
Prepare, Don't Despair
Christ tells us the importance of the signs when He says, “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near.”
That’s it. That’s the essence of why we’ve been made aware of the signs—so that we might know that Christ is near and take heart, and so that we might also prepare ourselves.
So keep an eye out for these 6 major Biblical signs of Christ’s return—you might just be able to see a few already.

Monday, October 02, 2017


 ................ is defending life ever opposed to God's will?
The world order says....Exitus Acta Probat....."The ends justify the means".......HOWEVER... Jesus says "the ends is justified ONLY by just means".......
                                             JESUS CHRIST
Would anyone be able to pick you out of the crowd, at your place of work or in your neighborhood, and identify you as a Christian? Can people definitively say, “I know he/she is a Christian,” or “I know he/she is a follower of Jesus?” What makes you look, act, think and speak differently than those whom you work and live with? Today, the Christian faith has not only come under attack, but many Christians themselves have become complacent and too willing to compromise their beliefs. Unfortunately, Christians are known more for what they are against than what they are for. In the U.S. in particular, we have adopted for the most part a barely recognizable form of Christianity that almost completely ignores the teachings given by the Bible by the man we say we want to follow and be like: Jesus. Here are six teachings of Jesus that followers of Jesus should be ........................
6 Teachings of Jesus that His Followers Almost Never Take Seriously
It’s time to take the words of Jesus seriously.
By Lesli White 
 On Forgiveness
Our lack of obedience leads to our constant need for forgiveness. Scripture tells us, “Be gentle and ready to forgive never hold grudges. Remember the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others (Colossians 3:13). But forgiveness is a concept many Christians struggle with. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Our inexcusable behavior has been forgiven by God, so if we are to have the stamp of Christ on our lives, that would include forgiving the inexcusable behavior of other towards us. We must be honestly repentant and truly sorry for the hurt we have caused God and others. We must not as for forgiveness just because the Bible tells us. While this is a good starting place, we have to know and feel in our hearts that we need to be forgiven and to forgive.
 On Blessing Others
The Bible tells us, “love your enemies and bless those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). While Jesus encourages us to sacrifice ourselves and speak kind words of blessings to those with disagree with most, for many Christians, that isn’t always how we respond to others. There is always new controversy taking place in the Church. This can involve one group of Christians disagreeing with another group of Christians and the outcome of this situation ends with those taking to the internet to write slanderous posts about the other. This is not Jesus’ way and is absolutely contrary to what He would do. Instead of cursing those who offend us or we don’t agree with, Jesus calls us to speak blessings over them, even if the only thing we want to do is curse them out.
On Witnessing
One of the key elements of Christianity is being open and willing to share your faith with others, but the practical way of doing that is often a struggle. Many Christians don’t share their faith out of fear of being ridiculed, disapproved and persecuted by the world. We hesitate to share and fear-based thoughts begin to show up. How do we tell others about God in a way that is effective? Some people think of sharing their faith as a commandment enforced by knocking on doors and throwing Bibles. Fortunately, this is not what God commands. We serve a loving God who didn’t design sharing your faith as a way to condemn others. We can witness to others by spreading God’s love and approaching witnessing with the right attitude and state of mind.
On Condemnation
Many Christians spend a lot of time addressing the people that God is opposed to and who He condemns. They also spend time addressing how to shift from a place of condemnation before God to a position of grace through believing the right things about Jesus. They will also talk about those who disagree or live contrary to their understanding of what is “righteous” as those who are under condemnation from God. But when you take a close look at Jesus’ life and teachings, we see that He not only befriended, loving and affirming some of societies most despised and vile people, but also chastising the religious leaders who condemned for their sin. Jesus said, “I have not come into the world to condemn it but to save it” (John 3:17). It appears that Jesus spends very little time telling sinner they’re wrong or speaking words of condemnation over them, but rather extending love and grace to those who have steered off path and need God most.
On Time with God
Jesus said, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours” (Matthew 11:24). As Christians, we know that prayer is a key part of our relationship with God but it isn’t always a part of our regular practice. Many Christians struggle with making adequate time for God, through prayer and communication. We live in a fast-paced world and while many Christians say God is most important their life, many struggle with fitting God into their daily agendas. Our lives don’t always reflect that God is at our center. What’s special about a solid relationship with God is that when we face struggle, we know where our help comes from.
On Salvation
One of the clearest messages throughout all four Gospel accounts is the way that we enter the Kingdom of God is through living in obedience to the Law of Christ. Throughout the Gospel, Jesus makes very clear statements that condemn those who think they will be saved because they say the right things or do the right religious rituals. Jesus responds to those who believe they are religious and deserve Heaven by saying that their outward religiosity is detestable and the only thing God desires is that they exercise their faith is by obeying the command of God – to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly. We enter His Kingdom by doing God’s will, through loving God and neighbor. Looking or acting religious isn’t a qualifier.
In the Bible, God tells us, “Simply let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no’. Anything beyond this comes from the evil one” (Matthew 537). On your faith journey, you will take more than one detour from Jesus. But in spite of those situations, your stubbornness, your self-righteous arrogance and a litany of other short comings, God loves you. If you don’t feel as close to Him as you once did, it isn’t God that has moved, but you that has moved.