Sunday, April 30, 2006

"Don't throw the Baby out in the Bathwater!"

I was seriously thinking about the purpose of living and what life was all about. Throughout history men and women have wrestled with this concept of “what’s all about?” Well…Theologians, Philosophers, Medicine Men, Gurus, Dali Lamas, Avatars from every culture and race and even Scientists have grappled with this age old issue of Existence and have come up with some really interesting systems of belief and explanations of “what’s goin’ on.”

Scientists thought they nailed it down pretty good with Darwinism but they never stopped to wonder where did the matter, space and time come from for “Natural Selection” to do its’ “thing”. Then…. the Doppler Shift came along and WOW! “Big Bang!” Boy, we sure got it now! Never mind that the 4 Forces of the Universe (Electro-magnetic, String Nuclear, Weak Nuclear and Gravity) had no workable math that would “unify” these forces at the “Quantum” level. Then about 10 years ago, using reverse Scientific Method, Mikio Kaku and other Quantum Physicists formed a very “weird Hypothesis” in an attempt at “Unification” of the 4 Forces. “Quantum Entanglement”, …(An event at one point in space and time affecting an event at another point in space and time simultaneously, even if infinitely separated.)…. a “spooky phenomena” predicted by Einstein, who called it “all too spooky”, has been demonstrated in the laboratory and is presently being developed as a technology in “Quantum Computer CPU Chips.” This “spooky” phenomenon appears to be direct concrete evidence that the proposed “Strings” of Existence in the “Hypothesis” is pretty darn close to “reality” and we now have a workable Theory called the “String Theory.” The Theory has come a long way and there has been modifications added to it such as “Super Strings”, Branes (M-Theory) and “Bubbles” in the Fabric of Space-Time. In String Theory we have “Unification” in a multidimensional Universe of 11 dimensions and the “math” works! Of course, Science “lost” its’ connection to the Spiritual in the first quarter of the 20th Century so now they are caught in a paradox of calling the “tiny loops” of Strings “energy loops” but that is illogical because the different kinds of energy are made out of different frequencies of the vibrating loops so we are stuck saying “energy” is made out of “energy.” Most Scientists are unable to comprehend a Spiritual connection in this “reality.” (Personally, I suspect “Strings” are manifestations of God’s Thoughts…His Word…. John 1:1-5,14, and the 11 dimensions? How about John 14:2? Note: In the Scientific Method, math is often considered Scientific evidence)

Now, about the Philosophers, Theologians. Medicine Men, Gurus, Dali Lamas. and Avatars, etc……They are all “men” too. They had to come up with what they think “reality” is by “reasoning” it out. Not a bad idea since we are Created in the Image of The Creator BUT very incomplete because it does not consider Science, a “Gift” from our Creator’s Image. Theologians “invented” God and all the different forms of “religion” to go along with it. The rest of them did their thing too but for the life of me I still can’t figure out what the heck Philosophers are trying to say. One thing is certain; Theologians are a heck of a lot more “Scientific” than Philosophers!

Most systems of belief developed by men include an element of “working” or “earning” “enlightenment” or what Christians call “Salvation,” which for Christians and many other religions includes a ticket to “Eternal” life, whatever that is. 2,000 years, the established Monotheistic Religion of Judaism was thrown into turmoil with the Birth of a Child that we know has changed the World historically and for many others Spiritually. He grew up to bring “new” message to the World we call the Gospel. If you really look into what this Man Jesus taught…He was really saying “religion” in NOT the WAY! Man did take His teachings and Created a “religious” system out of it called Christianity but unfortunately, because it is just another “religion” men created over 200 different forms of it, each one thinking they are right and the others wrong. What about all the other religions before Christianity and the one big one after…Islam? All man made for sure just like Christianity. BUT…one thing Christianity has right, I believe, is that “enlightenment” or Salvation” or whatever you want to call is it not “earned” or “worked” out…it is FREE for the taking. Problem is everyone thinks this is Christianity and they have to be a Christian so they reject this TRUTH. Too bad…because its NOT religion. (The Scripture that says we are to “work” out our salvation with fear and trembling before the Lord has to do with our “hearts attitude” about Christ NOT our WORKS! Philippians 2:12-18.) We don’t do “good” to get Jesus and be saved…We get Jesus so we CAN DO GOOD!

NOW…the POINT I am trying to make! (finally!) Jesus said weird things. .He did weird things and He said we can do the same weird things and MORE AND He makes it all possible by His Precious Shed Blood at Calvary…..

JUST BECAUSE MAN MADE A RELIGION OUT OF THIS TRUTH DOESN’T MAKE IT “JUST ANOTHER RELIGION OF MANY” WITH ALL RESULTING IN THE SAME AFFECT. For me….my “Journey in Scientific Spirituality” towards the Light of Creation has been verified by String Theory and for me is a “Doubting Thomas Gift.” …….




Personally. I think the “secret” to “enlightenment”, “Salvation” and Eternal life is hidden in String Theory and I suspect this is what Jesus was trying to get across to us! The Supernatural IS the Natural for it is all ONE in God. When you acknowledge the “purpose” of Christ, you knowingly become ONE with God within the Strings…I suspect this is what Christ is saying in John 14:6…”I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” St. Thomas Didymus was given the “Special Gift” of “knowing” Christ by placing his fingers into Christ’s Precious Wounds. Many believe we are in the “end times” (whatever that means) and I suspect we are. I am convinced that God is speaking to us today through String Theory, which is a “new and final” Gift to all of us Doubting Thomases just as “powerful” as when St. Thomas placed his fingers into Christ’s Wounds. I know my reaction to this perceived Truth is the same as St. Thomas…”My Lord and my God” (John 20:28)

Pax….Doubting Thomas

Saturday, April 29, 2006


If I only had just a nickel for all of the different ideas out there about God and “reality”, I would be a millionaire today and still growing! It would be wise for us to heed the warnings of Ephesians 6:12….

" For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

So many people think ALL of “paths” lead to the same place….God and Eternity. They better hope they are right! I'm paranoiac so I simply believe Jesus is who He says He was and if that's true.... He is the ONLY WAY!

John 14:6…” I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to Father except through Me.”

If all paths eventually lead to Christ, then I guess you could say all paths work… BUT…where’s the evidence? I'm not a gambler on ANYTHING let alone the possibility of judgment and the consequences of rebellion affecting the possibility that I am an "eternal" living being.

Hey...if when your dead your dead, then you NEVER really existed in the first place and atheists, multipath people and those who accept the Vicarious Death of Jesus Christ will never know who was right and who was wrong or even if all were right! If this scenario is true, you might as well "eat, drink and be merry" and "pray" that when your dead your dead! You should buy lots of lottery tickets and go to Los Vegas too! Who may get "lucky!"

I have never had any "luck" in my life and always loose when I gamble so I am going to "BET" the whole "enchilada" on Jesus! I guess that is the reality of life that EVERYONE on Earth has to choose..."place your bets folks" and trust "lady luck" or JESUS. This is the essence of the Law of Free Will. If the result is the same for whatever path one chooses in life.... this is logically a violation of the Law of Free Will and we are indeed "robots" and not "free" beings. Like the ol' TV quiz show of Groucho Marks, "You Bet Your Life!" Each one of us must make our own choice. I’d rather accept the Scripture that Christ is who He said He was and Salvation is through Him and die and be “non-existent” than NOT accept Him and die and not be “dead!”

If “judgment” is real and there are consequences for our choices in life and one chooses to believe that Christ is a fantasy and salvation is untrue…. better hope when you die you wake up “dead!” Just because one may believe that Faith in Christ and John 14:6 is untrue does not make it so.

…Pax…. Doubting Thomas

Friday, April 28, 2006

"ILLUSION" is the Offspring of Anti-Science

I recently received an interesting comment from someone on my website that seems to support my belief we are living in an "anti-science" culture. Funny how both science and religion have gotten such a bad rap from the world, science from the religious and religious from the science! (Comment is on my "UNRELIGION" post. Check it out.) I also find it funny how everyone uses the same Scripture to prove science is not the Will of God...

Isaiah 55:8-9 -"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD."As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

If all people thought this Scripture means that Science is EVIL...we would all be living in a 3rd Century culture still believing illness and disease is “demon” possession. uuuggh! This response has lead me to suspect more than ever that Science and Spirituality (AND OUR STAR FAMILY!) are ONE and the the key to "reality" and I am trying my best to do something about the illusions created by an "unbelieving world."
I know we are Created in God's wonderful and beautiful IMAGE and that SCIENCE is one of God's Gifts to us in that IMAGE! Personally...I believe Isaiah is referring to our "hearts" NOT our God given freedom to use our God given gift of knowledge. (Scientific Method) I believe there is Biblical evidence that the Scientific Method is Willed by our Creator….

1 Corinthians 2:10 says...
"But to us, God revealed them through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.”....

In the creation of Sin in the Genesis story, it was Adam eating of the “Tree of Knowledge”, which is diametrically opposed to the “Tree of Life” that caused him and all humanity to be exiled from paradise. This was an act of rebellion against God in his HEART...NOT his BRAIN! The Bible says it was the Tree of Knowledge of "right and wrong", NOT the Tree of "Science." The problem I think is caused because people think Sin is breaking God's Laws. Sin is the result of our EGOS and is manifested in our "hearts", NOT the intelligence of our brain. EGO is the Sin that causes us to break God’s Laws. EGO is the natural consequence of the Law of FREE WILL and that occurred when Adam did eat of The Tree of Knowledge. This is why YHWH God had planned the "Great Rescue" from His Wrath long before He Created Man when He planned to Incarnate Himself as Jesus The Christ to "take our place" and accept the consequences of our Free Will on our behalf. This is probably the greatest manifestation of LOVE in all of Eternity!. (We say Jesus is the Son of God.... and that He is, BUT.... He also had to be God Incarnate or His "Sacrifice" of accepting the consequences of our Free Will would not have worked. The "Forbidden Fruit", the "Infamous Apple", contained the consequence of Free Will, the incorporation of EGO into our Hearts!
I personally believe that God's Thoughts and His Word (John 1: 1-5, &14) are the Strings of Existence in String Theory and therefore I believe that Sin is an "imbalance" in the Strings caused by Free Will and when one accepts the TRUTH of Jesus, "balance" is restored in the Strings. Another words, we ARE God's Dream and the consequences of Free Will that produce "non-resonance" are "tuned" to "harmonic resonance." It's like when we tune "reactance" out of a tuned electronic radio frequency circuit that results in "resonance" and we "hear" the dialed radio station or the opposite when we "transmit the radio signal". You may say this analogy of God is rather "cold" and "impersonal." I don't know about you, but Jesus hanging on the Cross of Calvary sure doesn't seem "cold" and "impersonal" to sounds like unbelievable-incomprehensible Passion and Love! (John 3:16, 11:25) I may be wrong, but I suspect that String Resonance IS LOVE.

Pax…. Doubting Thomas

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

It's ALL done with STRINGS!

I recently received e-mail from a friend that indicated to me that she, and I suspect many other people, have the wrong concept of “Strings.” My response follows my friend’s excerpt…

… “I have considered the string theory myself often and feel it is science just catching up with spirit. Though it cannot be proven, it is actually a good beginning, only I do not like the strings part. I prefer to think of them as circles of light or energy, not strings. It just goes with the natural flow of things in the universe, the dimensions of round, the orb, circular time etc.
But that is just me.”

Remember.... the "little strings" are NOT "energy" as we know it...there are only four forces or energy in the Universe.... 1) Electromagnetic 2) Strong Nuclear 3) Weak Nuclear and 4) Gravity.... These are composed of Strings as well. It is illogical to claim that "energy" is made out of "energy".....that's like asking one to sit in the corner of a round room! I personally believe the "Strings" ARE YHWH GOD'S THOUGHTS and HIS WORD.... (John 1:1-5,14 is Biblical “evidence” of this.)

God IS "everywhere" and IS "everything" are Strings! God said in Daniel 14:2 that in the "end times" (transition from 4th to 5th world) "KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE." We are witnessing the fulfillment of these prophecies. String Theory is the FINAL Gift from God to help in the Transition to the 5th World.

Saying that “String Theory” has no proof or cannot be proven is untrue. Theory is a tested “hypothesis” that has revealed physical “evidence” to support the idea. This IS the Scientific Method. “Quantum Entanglement” is physical evidence of this theory and use of this phenomena shows great promise in computer technology. Many would not consider mathematical evidence as proof but in Science, mathematical relationships ARE the underlying evidence of things “unseen.” Up until the discovery of Strings, there was incompatibility between 3 of the forces and gravity at the sub atomic level. (Quantum) In String Theory…all 4 forces “balance” which is mathematical evidence of reality. Generally speaking…if the math in your hypothesis doesn’t balance…the hypothesis is wrong! If the math works…. you have yourself a bonifide “Theory.”
Pax…Doubting Thomas

Sunday, April 23, 2006

What is Reality?

Ever since man has been on this planet he has tried to understand the mysteries of EXISTENCE and REALITY. Philosophers, Theologians, Mystics, Wise Old Sages from all cultures and Scientists have all contributed over the centuries revealing what man “thinks” is reality.

None has contributed more to understanding EXISTENCE and REALITY than Science in the last 100 years. In fact…all the “others” just repeat old concepts in “new” packaging with the latest telling us that reality is what we “think” it is and that we find it inside of ourselves! I personally believe that YHWH Creator is not a God of CONFUSION but one of ORDER and this “New Age” Philosophy is “ILLUSION” as Judeo-Christian Scripture warns… “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12. The fact that Science has “taken” the lead in revealing TRUTH is also fulfillment of Judeo-Christian Scripture… “ and knowledge shall increase”….. Daniel 12:4.

If there is a Creative Power behind “reality”, a force we call God, and that we are supposedly Created in His Image as revealed in Judeo-Christian Scripture, … (Word of God)… then part of that Image is to reveal TRUTH and REALITY through the God given “GIFT” of the Scientific Method. When the Scientific Method is applied without bias, prejudice and within the “Spirit of Creator”, it ALWAYS leads to TRUTH. All the “other” approaches have no “evidence”, ONLY belief. St. Thomas, “The Doubting Thomas” of the New Testament of The Bible, was “given” a very special “Gift” from The Creator…EVIDENCE. True, it is more Blessed to have Faith in a belief system as The Creator told us in Scripture BUT I believe that in this present day “End Time Prophecy” of fulfillment of Scripture, YHWH Creator is revealing EVIDENCE of His Existence once again like He did to St. Thomas 2,000 years ago.

So what is this “New Doubting Thomas” evidence I speak of? Simple… String Theory! In the Science of Quantum Physics, man has searched for the underlying pattern of “reality” and up until about 10 years ago, he was not able to resolve the long sought after “Unification” of the four forces. Gravity was the “holdout” and it was the obsession of Einstein to resolve it. String Theory and its’ subcategories completely resolve the Unification problem and unfortunately Einstein did not live to see it. He did however predict it!

In String Theory, “reality” exists in 11 dimensions, which are mathematical descriptions of existence. Subatomic particles, (and all matter composed of them) the 4 forces, space-time and the other 7 dimensions are all different frequencies and vibrational patterns of Strings. In essence…. different combinations and frequencies of Strings are Existence and Reality, NOTHING else “exists.” The Universe is a “Matrix” of Strings PERIOD! This also means that the entire Universe is essentially ONE…connected together as one continuous thread like the way the atoms of iron are connected in a steel cable. When you pull on one end of the cable…the effect of motion occurs at the opposite end at exactly the same time. This is how the Universe is constituted as well. Chaos Theory, Butterfly Effect and Quantum Entanglement are all evidence of the ONENESS and connected nature of the Universe and Reality. Quantum Entanglement, phenomena predicted by Einstein and called “all too spooky” by him, is probably the most conclusive evidence we have so far of the validity of String Theory. The concept of an event occurring at one point in time and space simultaneously affecting an event at a distant point no matter how far separated is indeed “spooky” yet that is exactly what Quantum Entanglement is and it has been verified many times in laboratory experiments. In fact, Computer Scientists are presently developing this technology in the next generation of CPU’s called “Quantum Chips” in which input and output occur simultaneously thereby eliminating a limit to CPU clock speed.

How does this Scientific discovery relate to Spirituality? Judeo-Christian Scripture teaches that God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. Strings certainly meet these criteria. The Scriptures record many “supernatural” phenomena and these events, as well as the “power of prayer” are easily explained in terms of Strings. Scripture even supports the multidimensional nature of “Reality.” (John 14:2) In essence, the “supernatural” is the “undiscovered natural” as the “Great Kreskin” said, for The God of The Universe operates IN and THROUGH His Creation and Universal Laws of Physics and Morality. Science has revealed through String Theory that the Physical and the Spiritual are ONE and differ only in frequency, very much like “tuning” a radio dial.

Strings are what “Dreams”, “Creation” and “Miracles” are made of for they are NOT “things” but are YHWH God’s Thoughts…His Word………..

“In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the Beginning. (Word=Yahshua) Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was Life, and that Life was the Light of Men. The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.” John 1:1-5 (Until now…String Theory.)… AND… “The Word became Flesh and dwelt among us.” John 1:14 (The Christ)

I realize that what I say sounds like what the Christian religion teaches and it indeed does, however, what I submit is BEYOND a belief system. Through my study of Science and religious teachings, I discovered that of all world religions, Christianity is the closet to the Reality of String Theory. Just because the teachings of Yahshua (Jesus) were turned into a manmade religion does not make what He taught fantasy. “Let us not throw the baby out with the bathwater!”

In addition to what I believe to be the TRUE nature of reality as revealed by String Theory and Scripture, I also suggest that String Theory will help in the disclosure of the TRUTH that we do indeed have Star Nation Family scattered through out the 11 dimensions of Existence and that many of them indeed have been with us from the “start” and are still with us and that Scripture verifies their Existence as “Angelic Beings.” The Star Visitors and many “enlightened” humans know that God is ONE in us as we are in Him. This is the most important teaching of The Christ of God.

It is my prayer that those who read my posts would search the revelations of Science WITH the Scriptures and through them find “fulfillment” in their “journey” through life. To help in this “journey” I recommend Brian Greene’s “The Elegant Universe” and “The Fabric of The Cosmos.”

Pax…. The Doubting Thomas

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Scripture says we are Created in the "image" of God...this means in His "nature." If Scripture is true, then one of His greatest "gifts" to us from that "image" has to be the Scientific Method. When the Scientific Method is applied with out ego and bias and TOTAL honesty (another words by scientists lead by the Spirit of The Creator YHWH) leads to TRUTH of reality.

Science has revealed many "secrets" of the Universe to us and if recent brealthroughs in our understanding of what "reality" is, scientifically speaking......we also must conclude that The Creator works "through" His Creation and His Universal Laws and therefore His " image" may include "form" as well as "nature."

The Holy Bible is without doubt, the inerrant Word of God. The Bible is without out a doubt the Greatest Gift He gave to His Creation with the exception of The Greatest Possible Gift...His only Son, Jesus The Christ. When the Bible is read without ego and bias and TOTAL honesty (another words in the "Spirit" of Our Creator YHWH) the Bible has NO errors, NO contradictions, AND leads to the TRUTH of reality. BOTH lead to TRUTH when done in God's HOLY SPIRIT........

The Scientific Method can only lead to the "HOW" of the TRUTH of reality...another words..the mechanisms of action and reaction.... BUT it NEVER can explain the "WHY" of the TRUTH of reality. The Bible answers BOTH the "HOW" and "WHY" questions. Since honest Science can only answer the questions "HOW", it can NEVER contradict God's WORD on the "WHY" of Creation. Therefore if Spirit lead Science and Spirit lead interpretation of God's Holy Word BOTH lead to TRUTH....then the words of the late John Paul II have WISDOM for all of mankind...."TRUTH NEVER CONTRADICTS TRUTH."

If either do appear to be incompatible with the other...the problem is with sinful (ego driven) man, NOT the Bible or True Scientific Method. Dishonest Science leads to erroneous theories and Scripture read without the aid of the Holy Spirit of God like wise leads to illusion and untruth. Ephesians 6:12 applies to BOTH theologians and scientists and BOTH will suffer the illusion of the lies of Satan if their work is done with out God's power.

There are over 200 denominations of Christianity and even Judaism itself is not of one accord. This WAS NOT caused by God but by the ego and sin in men's hearts. The erroneous conclusion that Science is incompatible with God's HOLY WORD is an illusion of Satan and both Scientists and Theologians are not immune to this illusion. The fear that if one TRUTH in the Bible is contradicted by Science then the WHOLE Bible is put into question. This is an honest and reasonable conclusion... BUT.... since both Spirit lead Science and Bible interpretation is TRUTH.....this is IMPOSSIBLE.

Very few people (if any) who have been convicted of their sin (EGO) and their need for repentance and the forgiving Blood of The Crucified Christ came to salvation by being convinced that the world is 7,000 years old and not 4.5 billion years or that "Special Creation or Intelligent Design" is truth and evolution is evil. The ONLY Way to bring people the Salvation of Christ is to preach Him Crucified and Died for our sins, Buried and Risen from the Dead. It is the Blood of The Christ that brings us to Salvation...not Theology......NOT EVEN ORGANIZED CHRISTIANITY. Let us concentrate our teaching on The Vicarious Death of Christ.

Arguing over Science vs The Bible being incompatible is a distraction that not only leads us away from Christ and reality but is totally unnecessary for they actually support each other.

Pax....Doubting Thomas

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I received this Easter wish from my nephew, whom I love very much. I am very much moved by the enthusiasm and sincerity he has shown in his quest for Spiritual Enlightenment in the Lakota Sioux Faith. His position is exactly the reason I question "new age" thinking because I am convinced that this is nothing more than "old age" thinking in "new packaging" and the type of thinking that created all the world religions and all the "illusion" being repeated today. Instead of "freeing" the person they "enslave" them to someone else's teaching and ultimately their control over us. My response to him is based on my belief that The Creator Incarnated in the manifestation of Jesus to "free" us from the bondage of all religious systems...INCLUDING Christianity as it exits today.


REMEMBER..... it is only the scientists
who need a mathematical formula
to think....... that they have an understanding of the Creator's


REMEMBER.... it is not for us to ask why but just to "be"....and be "thankful"....and listen to the "heart"...not the mind.......


....REMEMBER also....we are created in God's image which does not mean we physically look like Him but we are HIM Spiritually....which includes His Spiritual and Physical Laws AND one of His Gifts is the Scientific Method. Scientific Method devoid of the Spiritual leads to illusion......Spiritual discernment without God's Gift of unbiased , humble Scientific Method like wise leads to worse illusion....the creation of man made world religions...including Christianity with the resulting enslavement of man by the elite leaders (cabal......Illuminati, Trilateral Commission, Bilderburgers, Committee on Foreign Relations) over those who are not "allowed" to use God's! (Ephesians 6:12)
If we seriously expect everyone to "find" spiritual enlightenment without the intervention of Yahshua Ben Joseph (Jesus, The Christ) we deceive ourselves.......the proof of this is history "thought" they were "enlightened" and "favored" by God to tell the world "they" were given the secrets to Spiritual Truth. What happened.?......they "created" man made religions to control others! ie; Mohammed, Buddha, Shiva, Confucius, Krishna, Zoroastrians, Baha'I, Moon....etc. (including South and North American Native cultures...with their own style of "rules.") Some body else tells you what to do to..... What do all these religions and cultures have in common? Simple.....Spiritual fulfillment (what some call "salvation") is a personal process of either "working" for it, "earning" it, being "rewarded" for it for "being good and doing good" doing what "others" tell us we must do to "achieve" it! THIS IS ALL ILLUSION and we are deceived by our own EGOS.
2,000 years ago...the final plan for the Transition from the 4th World of illusion to the 5th Eternal World of TRUTH was initiated with YHWH, (translated IAM WHO AM) The Creator ,taking on His own Physical Biological flesh in the most amazing "rescue mission" in history in the manifestation of Yahshua Ben Joseph...Jesus The Christ of God. He was called "Son of Man"... because His Earthly Mother was a Virgin Jewess, Miriam (Mary) and He was also called the "Son of God" for His Father was YHWH Creator. Jesus was a "Hybrid" Man-Star Being....YES...He was a Star Being! YHWH Creates through His Creation....for He is Existence...His Laws BOTH Spiritual and Physical.....Star Nations...Star Visitors! "Let US Create Man in OUR Image, after OUR Likeness." (Genesis 1:26} This is OUR Star Family being recorded here! They knew God was in them, they know God is in us...Jesus taught that God is in Us as well...He said I and the Father are ONE.....this was Jesus' Message. BUT......His Message was lost by Theologians and He Himself (The Messenger) was LOST by so called "enlightened" "New Age" thinking, which is really VERY "old age" thinking in a new "package." MORE ILLUSION! Jesus IS the Message a AND the Messenger ALL in ONE! The MESSAGE IS.."THE MESSENGER!"
What is Jesus Message? That we do NOT work out our salvation....IT IS A FREE GIFT for accepting what the MESSENGER DID...He RESCUED US from ourselves..our EGO (EGO=SIN) by dieing on The Cross of Calvary. He was NOT a Prophet...He was not just a Master Avitar, He WAS YHWH GOD CREATOR INCARNATE!
Judaism is a religion that gave the World the 10 Commandments. So many are "fooled" into believing that by keeping the commandments we achieve "enlightenment" or "salvation" if you prefer and we go to some place called "Heaven" as an "award." THIS IS THE GREATEST LIE IN HISTORY. The Commandments have ONE and ONLY one reveal to us just how far out of union with God we actually are...they condemn us..they DO NOT SAVE! Our Star Nation Families are "IN UNION" with The Creator...this is WHY "THEY" GAVE MOSES THESE show us the WAY...and what is the WAY?...The Messenger...JESUS.....John 14:6..."I AM The Way and The TRUTH and The Life,...NO ONE comes to The Father (ABBA..YHWH) EXCEPT THROUGH ME!"
We cannot achieve "enlightenment" or "salvation" through the Commandments...we are GIVEN THIS GIFT by God Himself. It is our EGOS that prevent us from accepting this TRUTH about the Intergalactic Rescue of God Incarnate.
Heaven is NOT some weird "ethereal- mystical" place...... it is THE UNIVERSE! The Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus taught is in our hearts is NOW as we live in the flesh... in the 4th World but not "OF" the 4th World. At TRANSITION, this Kingdom comes to the Planet as the 5th World. ("Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done on Earth as it IS in Heaven." The Kingdom of God IS "The Intergalactic Federation" and our Star Nation Families are patiently waiting for us to "grow up" and join our rightful place with them that was robbed from us by our egotistical arrogant juveniles that screwed up our 4th World!
Jesus did not come to "judge us"..He came to RESCUE US! Darn Frank Sinatra and his egotistical song...."My Way" ...remember this one simple TRUTH.....We do NOT "clean up our act" to get rewarded by Creator.....we get "saved" by the Creator so we CAN clean up our act!" We can perform all the sacrifices that are possible and it is NOTHING but "filthy rags" in the "eyes" of The Creator for God is no respecter of persons. "For ALL have sinned (succumbed to EGO) and come short of the Glory of God." (Romans 3:23)
Most people reject Christ because of 3 reasons...1) if we accept Him we are stuck having to "clean up our act" 2) how can a "loving" God punish His creatures?...answer...He doesn't...we do that to ourselves and He suffers for it! 3) Christ is "TOO EXCLUSIVE"......funny part is..He actually is 100% INCLUSIVE...for ALL people of ALL religions and cultures because He is Creator. Being in a Christian group does NOT make you ONE with Christ (saved) anymore than being in a garage makes you an automobile! If you believe in your heart that Jesus died for your inequities and that God raised Him from the dead..YOU WILL BE SAVED." (enlightened) (John 11:25)

"YHWH God Creator came to FREE us...NOT to make us fulfilled Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, ANY other group."
Simple Truth..... John 3:16......not religion!

Pax....The Doubting Thomas

Saturday, April 15, 2006

In Remembrance

This is an important time of the year for many people. For some, a time of reflection for their religious beliefs, and for others...."a good time to mock those that do"....especially this year.... the "Easter Bunny" HAS GOT TO GO! (Replace him with the "Energizer Bunny!")

DaVinci Code, Holy Blood -Holy Grail, Passion Plot,The Jesus Papers, Gospels of Judas,Phillip, Mary, Thomas....etc., etc!


Ahhh.....YES! $$$..........

HAPPY EASTER......anyway!

Pax......The Doubting Thomas

Friday, April 14, 2006

Basic Themes of My Site...."A Premise"

The basic themes of this site are...#1- "Truth NEVER contradicts Truth", (John Paul II) #2- "The Supernatural is the undiscovered natural", (The Great Kreskin) and #3- The source of all true wisdom is not found in Science or Spirituality alone but ONLY in an unbiased and humble fusion of BOTH. (yours truly)

Reality, as we perceive it , has been basically divided into two realms, the perceivable Physical Realm and the "ethereal" Spiritual Realm. Up until the first quarter of the 20th Century, those pursuing a Doctorate in Science were required to have a competent knowledge of the Bible in Hebrew, Latin and Aramaic. As man became "intoxicated" with the knowledge revealed through the Scientific Method, his "dependency" on the wisdom of the Spiritual Realm became less important, probably a consequence of ego. As a result, Biblical revelation was left to Philosophers and Theologians. Unfortunately, the latter developed a disdain for Scientists, rejecting the Scientific Method for revealing knowledge that they apparently think contradicts Biblical Truth while most Scientists considered the Spiritual to be "pure fantasy" and consequently the "gap" between them has continuously grown to irreconcilable levels.

This separation of Science and Theology (Spiritual) is most unfortunate for BOTH have presented a distorted view of Reality resulting in "illusion." In the last 20 years, Science has made tremendous advances in the field of Quantum Physics and our perceived understanding of Reality has been greatly challenged. Using a kind of "Reverse Scientific Method", Physicists have been able to resolve many incompatible issues in Unification of the Four Forces with a "new" view of the Universe called the "String Theory" and its' different subcategories. (Super, Brane, Bubble etc)

"String Theory" has been able to "mathematically" resolve the incompatibility problem between Electromagnetism, Strong/Weak Nuclear AND Gravity, the "life obsession" of Albert Einstein. The very bazaar phenomena of "Quantum Entanglement", called "all too spooky" by Einstein, has been verified in the laboratory and is very strong evidence in support of Strings. The phenomena is showing promise in developing "Quantum Computers."

In a "nutshell".....String Theory implies that the ONLY difference between the Physical and Spiritual Realm is FREQUENCY. If this is true......the Universe we presently perceive is an "illusion" and a kind of "matrix" and REALITY is not what we once thought. In this view of the Universe we have 11 distinct dimensions and movement between one and another is merely a change in String Frequency.

In light of The String Theory, understanding the "REAL SECRETS" of the Bible are within the grasp of humanity, however, because of the isolation between Science and Theology, these TRUTHS will be slow to being revealed.

It is my hope that I may contribute in some small way towards speeding up the revelation of Truth and the discussions that this site hopefully generates will contribute to this end as well.

Pax......"The Doubting Thomas"

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Why Doubting Thomas?

I was recently asked why I chose the title "Doubting Thomas"
for my "blog." Let's look at the Scripture.......

John 20:24-29....... "But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, wasn't with them when Jesus came........ The other disciples therefore said to him, "We have seen the Lord!" But he said to them, "Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe."....... After eight days again his disciples were inside, and Thomas was with them. Jesus came, the doors being locked, and stood in the midst, and said, "Peace be to you." .......... Then he said to Thomas, "Reach here your finger, and see my hands. Reach here your hand, and put it into my side. Don't be unbelieving, but believing."......... Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!".......... Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen, and have believed."

You might ask...."What does this have to do with "Scientific Spirituality?" The answer is simple.....EVERYTHING! The Prophet Daniel said that there will come a time when "knowledge" will abound and it will be sign of a "paradigm shift" on the planet. (Daniel 12:4) This "shift" in existence is called "Transition" for "New Age Thinkers" and for many Christians, 'The Coming of The Kingdom", although there are also many who believe "The Kingdom" is already here, "in our hearts."

It is not my intention to argue which interpretation is reality...only to offer some incites I have from a Scientific perspective. As I said in my "preamble"....growth occurs ONLY if there is disagreement!

More later.......................

Pax....."The Doubting Thomas"

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


To ALL "thinkers" out there in the aether.........

Not exactly sure how to get this site will simply start with some New Testament Scripture that implies a Universe of many "possibilities"......

John 14:2-3 "There are many rooms in My Father's House; otherwise, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am." get the ball rolling further, I will quote some Old Testament Scripture........

Daniel 12:4 "But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the Book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and KNOWLEDGE shall increase."
Pax........"The Doubting Thomas"