Saturday, September 25, 2010

Darwin vs God

Darwin vs God ……. “The Futile Battle of Creationism vs Science”

The resolution of this battle is so simple that it will be near impossible resolve. The problem is simple......

ALL religions separate God from His Creation which creates the illusion of the "supernatural." The reality is that God lives and works within and through His Creation and His PERFECT Laws. Discovering the mechanism of Creation through the "Gift" of the Scientific Method does not disprove the Creation and it's in fact PROVES His existence and nature because in Science...there is ALWAYS cause and effect. Discovering Darwinian Natural Selection as the mechanism of Creation of life unequivocally proves a "Force" behind it. This "Force" is God. It is the great liar himself Satan..that has created the illusion that God's Natural Selection disproves God and gives the atheist an alternative explanation of existence. "Only the fool says there is no God" and is obviously also ignorant of Science! The ironic thing is that in the original Hebrew, Creation in Genesis is "phylogenetic" and even supports the "heterotroph hypothesis." The error of literal interpretation of God's Inerrant Word and FINAL Authority has blinded the Truth of God's Nature as revealed through His Son Jesus Christ. We are Created in God's Image which includes His GIFT of the Scientific Method and His Word recorded in the anthology known as the Holy Bible cannot be understood out side of God's Laws. When Isaiah tells us that God's ways are far above man's...he was not talking Science....he was talking about God's Unconditional Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Morality, Holiness…. AS REVEALED by Jesus. The "Amazing Kreskin" once said.. "The Supernatural is the Undiscovered Natural" and God's Word supports this idea better than any religion AND George Lucas ,creator of the 'Star Wars " saga, is closer to Biblical Truth than ANY religion on Earth, including Christianity! (only difference is George, in his story, had one man sacrificed for one man....Obi Wan "saves" Annaken .....where God our Father sacrificed His Son Jesus to "save" ALL humanity) The battle between Creationism and Evolution is an illusion created by the great LIAR Satan because he knows Darwinian Natural Selection is the "Finger of God" and he can't afford to have man discover this TRUTH!

I have accepted that the Holy Bible is the Inerrant Word of God and the FINAL Authority on Earth for EVERYTHING which is why I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I taught Biology for 35 years and I understand the difference between mechanism and motive. The ONLY result of the battle between "Supernatural Creationism" and the 'Finger of God" revealed by His Gift of the Scientific Method......Darwinian Natural confusion that prevents man from coming to the TRUTH of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am a small little voice telling folks it's time to stop arguing the mechanism of Creation and CONCENTRATE on the Love that God revealed in His Son Jesus! I know of NO ONE who accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior by convincing him that Darwinism is evil and God is NOT allowed to be IN HIS CREATION so He created all things "Supernaturally " through the "blind faith" in Creationism. My God is all powerful because His Spiritual and Physical Laws are perfect and cannot be broken......" My God does not need "cheap parlor tricks" to Be GOD!!! My God showed me His Glory and His Love for me in His Son Jesus Christ!!!! In the Peace of Christ...David Brown

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Building Mosques and Burning Qu’rans

Building Mosques and Burning Qu’rans

What a way to remember 9-11-01….all this fuss over building Mosques at Ground Zero and burning Qu’rans on 9-11-10. “Christian kooks and Christians apologists and American Flag and Bible burning Muslims, Oh my!” Many say America is hated because of our political support of Israel and many say it is because we are arrogant and greedy as our President suggests. Many Muslims hate Christians and Jews and many Christians and Jews hate Muslims! OMG…WHAT A MESS!!!

Yes...Jesus is weeping for the hardened hearts of His children and the hatred we seem to have for each other. Those who claim to know and follow Christ need to ask themselves the WWJD question….”What Would Jesus Do (say)?” My friend…there is a more important question we should ask Jesus….Why is their hatred? It’s NOT our support of Israel or our American culture….the basis of evil and hatred is found in St. Paul’s letter to the Church in Ephesus, Turkey……. Ephesians 6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

MY FRIEND …..THERE IS MUCH MORE than political reasons for our supporting Israel. Jesus was asked when the Kingdom will be restored to Earth...He said…."when you see the leaves of the Fig will know the season is near." My friend….that SEASON started on May 14, 1948. Scripture tells us that the Resurrected and Ascended Jesus returns to Earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and will Reign on Earth from the Throne of His ancestor King David in Jerusalem, Israel. Some Christians teach this future Kingdom is in our hearts…..not a physical place. If true...why did the Angels tell the Disciples that Jesus will return the same way you see Him ascend." ??? (Acts 1:8-12) John 14:6 is true for ALL humans no matter what religion because the Christ of God…...Jesus is NOT religion...He is REALITY. Israel…..the physical place on Earth over there in the Middle East is NOT about Jews or Gentiles or Muslims or anything else…..IT IS ABOUT JESUS' and God’s Kingdom that will be restored to Earth …. AND SOON my friend! There are 2 New World Orders...the one of this World and the one that replaces it with Jesus as King. When Jesus said "My Kingdom is not of this World" ..but is in our hearts is for each believer who accepts Jesus as their Personal Savior (what Scripture calls "born again in Spirit") These statements do not refer to the restoration of Earth to the True Kingdom of God. When a person is "born again" in Christ...he becomes a citizen of this future restored Kingdom at Jesus return. Jesus returns as JESUS…..not as some esoteric conversion of all humans. This idea of "the Kingdom of God" is restored when all humans are "enlightened" or spiritually elevated or some other philosophical meaning and that we as the "enlightened" are to be the instruments of this restoration is NOT THE GOSPEL of Jesus is nothing more than Old Age Paganism dressed up as New Age Paganism....same old illusions of the DEVIL used on Adam and Eve in the Garden.

NO we should NOT burn Korans or Books of Mormon or stop Mosques from being built...WE MUST TELL ALL PEOPLE HOW UTTERLY LOST THEY ARE WITH FAITH IN ANY RELIGION! Religions.....even Christianity.... does not "save" a person nor can any person "save" them selves from ANYTHING. Faith must be in ONE thing and ONE thing ONLY...that Jesus came to restore man to God's Cosmic Kingdom and that He will return to govern the Earth under the real New World Order which is the Cosmic Kingdom of God. Ironically...George Lucas in his Star Wars saga is closer to the TRUTH than ANY religion on Earth! We are ALL Cosmic brothers and sisters in God…..or as George affectionately calls the "Force." Religions fail man (even Christianity) because they all separate man from God which is the biggest SIN of all because God dwells in and works through His Creation and His perfect Laws. Jesus reveals this TRUTH in His Incarnation. Jesus came not only to restore man to God by His Vicarious Death on the Cross of Calvary but also to FREE man from ALL religions.....not to start a new one like so many false prophets before Him and after Him did,

Tolerance is NOT is callus indifference to our fellow man. Respect means we care and love them enough to share TRUTH with them. Don't put down your brother who doesn't KNOW the TRUTH about Christ.....bring them to Christ in LOVE! If you had the cure for cancer…would you keep it secret and tell others that what they are doing to fight cancer is acceptable? That would be murder my friend .............. The Doubting Thomas...David Brown...Oswego, NY