Sunday, January 30, 2011

E. Coli and Egypt

As the presence of E. coli (digestive tract bacteria) in drinking water is an indicator of sewage pollution, maybe Egypt is the indicator of the pollution of Western Civilization by Islam? Egypt may be an Islamic majority but the government is secular, or was? The goal if Islam is world wide Sharia Law....a Theocracy.

What about America? Any E. coli here? Maybe.......

"I have found the enemy and he is us." Let me explain...........

I fear MORE than Iran is helping to fund the Islamic Brotherhood and the take over of Egypt and the world is being fooled that it is a grass roots secular protest of a 30 year dictator. Hmmm..If Joel Richardson is correct about the Book of Daniel...this is a PERFECT time for the rise of the Islamic anti-Christ. Wonder who that could be? Or....maybe the Bible is just a bunch of stories and there is no Devil and no anti-Christ. Law of Free Will allows us to decide what we want to believe. Observe the facts and pick your side, I guess!

I am not proclaiming that obama is that person but Henry Kissinger (Bilderberg member and former Sec. of State) did state (at Washington Press Club) that obama was being "groomed" to be the leader of the New World Order (Novus Ordo Seclorum) and obama was the FIRST candidate for President of the US to campaign in a foreign country! (Germany)

I just have some questions I would like answered......

1) Why did obama campaign in Germany for the office of the President of the United States if America?

2) Why did obama spend us into 14 trillion dollar debt. You really believe SPENDING was the answer to Bush's economic mess?

3) Why did obamacare not allow competition across state lines for health insurance?

4) Why did obamacare not include tort reform? (medical malpractice may be the biggest cause of insurance premium increase)

5) Why does obamacare not include plans to educate MORE physicians? (the plan as it is creates a doctor shortage.)

6) Why does obamacare "secretly cover" tax supported abortions? (Why did obama lie about it?)

7) Why does obama apologize for the US being Imperialistic and is CONSTANTLY embracing the "peaceful religion of Islam?" (Why does he constantly call the Koran the Holy Book? If your a REAL Christian..the BIBLE is the ONLY Holy Book! BTW...if your a real are commanded by the god of islam, allah, to lie to all infidels for the cause of the spread of islam to the whole world. I AM NOT AN ISLAMOPHOBE...I AM A REALIST!

8) Why does obama Republicans (RINO's and Tea Party too) ignore the trade deficit, taxes and unions that inflated wages and benefits and pensions as the chief cause of jobs going overseas? (actually our own fault for chasing after cheap goods at WALMART and fall into the trap of materialism. Politicians just take advantage of that weakness in Americans!)

9) Why was John McCain required to produce a long form birth certificate (he was born in Panama) and obama didn't have too?

10) Why did the Governor of Hawaii say he was going to produce the long form birth certificate to finally embarrass all "birthers?"

11) Why did the Gov say "he can't find the long form birth certificate" in the bureau of records in Hawaii?

12) Why did the Gov say the Attorney General of Hawaii told him he can't release the birth certificate without obama's permission?

13) WHY THE HECK WON'T OBAMA GIVE PERMISSION?? (Is it maybe because his name is not on it but instead is his former name Barrie Soetoro?...That would be VERY embarrassing and maybe even unethical or illegal and why obama has spent over a million dollars preventing this long form from coming out? Did he legally change his name to barach hussein obama? Hmmmmm? (BTW...newspaper birth announcements are not evidence of location of birth. We have plenty of birth announcements in our local paper placed by family of a new grandchild born in some other location.)


14) I still want to know why Hiliary Clinton settled for Sec. of State when she lost nomination to obama and she was so negative toward him in the campaign. Campaign rhetoric? BALONEY!!!

15) Why was Sean Hannity the ONLY TV journalist to talk about obama's birth status and his relationship to "God Damn America" Reverend Jermiah Wright? Why has Sean Hannity dropped it all together and today birthers are called wackos? 16) Why did Bill O"Reilly claim he saw the long form birth certificate when the Govenor says there isn't one? Why does Glenn Beck call "birthers" crazy? Hmmm....they work for Rupert Murdock ....Fox News...any dots to connect? I mean..they pretend to be basically anti-obama but is this a ruse?

17) What are we afraid of?... embarrassing for us to admit we may have elected a fraud for President and it would have devastating affects on our country's economy and world ranking? A 14 trillion dollar debt doesn't? Shortage of doctors because of obamacare doesn't? GIVE ME A BREAK! We forced Nixon to resign in shame and Clinton was IMPEACHED and we all survived!

Hmmm... Maybe the "official" wacko out there is Dr. James Manning. (Manning Report..ATLAH/ Worldwide who BTW is a real African-American) I listened to his latest report. Is he really a whacko? I wondered why News Max. com and World Net Daily were the only ones updating legal action on obama's eligibility to be President under the Constitution of the United States. Drudge Report is even ignoring it. Is that proof birthers are nuts? Maybe but when I learned that MOST of the money that supports Rupert Murdoch and Fox News is Saudi Arabian muslim money I am beginning to wonder. Why? $$$ with the enemy and he may be nice to you with $$$ ...this is called "AN UNCLE TOM." AS THEY SAY...IFYOU ARE LOOKING FOR TRUTH FOLLOW THE MONEY! It is obvious why mainstream media (NBC, CBS ABC, CNN, MSNBC) ignores legal action on obama's long form birth certificate...THEY ARE ALL PART OF THE NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM.

(New World Order)

Hmmm...there is maybe another explanation and not just GREED......."The X-Files Theme" ...maybe the "elite" who really "run" the world (Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Trilateral Commission etc.) have made a "DEAL" with the "DARK SIDE"......IF TRUE THE ELITE ARE THE ULTIMATE UNCLE TOMS.....selling ALL of humanity out to the "DARK SIDE" Trust me..if Ephesians 6:12 is true..THERE IS A DARK SIDE.............................

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

JUST speculating folks! OH....EVERYONE...GO SEE ANTHONY HOPKINS IN "THE RITE".....Awesome acting performance but the movie may also make you think a bit too!!!

Please take the time to listen to Dr. Manning in the following this link .......... AFTER reading below.

I don't agree with everything he says, especially his anti-Tea Party sentiment and his saying you might as well watch MSNBC and be NAZI's because Fox News are Uncle Toms but his warning about islam is REAL! (Funny how Bill O'Reilly is vocal about investigating islamic activity in America!) I do worry that the Tea Party may hinder instead of help true Conservatives thus allowing liberal control. I do think RINO's (Republican in name only) are worse than liberal Democrats because they PRETEND to be compassionate and moral but are either Uncle Toms or are just greedy opportunists.

Matthew 7:15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."

Well...mohammed came 600 years AFTER the person who said this...and that person was Jesus...I'm just sayin'. Was He warning us about islam today? You be the judge.......but here's one scary statistic. for every non-muslim born in the world..there are 8 muslims born. YOU DO THE MATH.

Pax........The "Doubting Thomas"

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Probably the most misunderstood commandments of Jesus was to "turn the other cheek." AND...."forgive your enemies and pray for them." Jesus is VERY clear....intent is equal to action. ie; "just looking at your neighbor's spouse with lust in your heart IS ADULTERY."

There is another side to the "turn the other cheek" coin......AND Jesus Himself revealed it when He rather VIOLENTLY over turned the money changers tables in the Temple! (Hmmm..wonder if that was a precursor to the Bush Doctrine?)

"THOU SHALL NOT KILL"......Everyone knows this logical Commandment. I wonder how many REALLY understand it? Many argue over the difference between KILLING and MURDER. Is there a difference? Hmmm..maybe there is. Since Jesus makes it clear that "intent" is the key to moral character and behavior. How does this Commandment relate to "turn the other cheek?" Is there such a thing as moral action like "self defense?" All living organisms respond to a Universal Law of self preservation and species preservation. Having taught Biology for 35 years, I am obliged to analyze the question of the Commandment "Thou shall not kill."

The following explanation of this Commandment did not come to me by "thinking about it." (as far as I can tell) It came to me in a very lucid "dream state." Obviously...I am a "product" of my education and experiences but since I believe that God dwells and works through His Creation, I suspect that my dream revelations come from Him. ( "Test all Spirits to see if they be from God."..... this is one of the toughest things to discern in an inspiration from God or from the "gods" of this world?......Christianity has over 500 denominations so I suspect a lot of the inspirations that caused this are surely NOT from the God of Creation!....AND they all claim that their inspirations are from God by verifying it be God's Will as revealed in the Holy Bible.....odd that God's Word causes so much confusion.)

"Thou Shall NOT Kill"........Jesus says "if you "hate" your brother it is equivalent to killing him. Pretty clear I'd say. Now......the "dream" explanation.......If you kill a person intentionally with violates God's Commandment and you are guilty. If some one kills YOU under the same circumstances ..they are guilty as well. HOWEVER......IF SOMEONE TRIES TO KILL YOU AND "YOU TURN THE OTHER CHEEK" AND THEY KILL YOU......YOU ARE THE ONE GUILTY OF BREAKING THE COMMANDMENT BECAUSE YOU ALLOWED IT BECAUSE OF MISUNDERSTANDING JESUS' COMMAND TO"TURN THE OTHER CHEEK!" If you do "defend" yourself and the person trying to kill you dies because of your defense (as long as your defense was to preserve your life and not based on hate)....YOU ARE NOT GUILTY OF VIOLATING THE COMMANDMENT.

Today, defensive action is no longer based on the personal weapon of knives, swords and guns. Unfortunately today, we live in a nuclear world AND that fact REALLY changes defensive action. The Law of self preservation and species (or even National) preservation still applies. BUT....the enemy no longer needs to be in your presence to kill you. You couldn't "turn the other cheek" even if you wanted too..BECAUSE "he ain't there" and history has shown that "negotiation" has NEVER resulted in peace. Unfortunately, in this "fallen world", temporary peace comes only after war. Do we still have an obligation then to preserve ourselves through "preemptive" action...the so called "Bush Doctrine" that is rejected by so many liberals today? Was not Jesus' attack on the Temple money changers "preemptive?"

Ironically...those who insist on negotiated peace with an enemy that wants you dead are able to argue this position thanks to a Nation that recognizes military defense was necessary to preserve this right to these "peace doves." Every one wants peace...but the means to this peace is radically different between those who understand the Commandment "Thou shall not Kill" and those who don't. (mostly "progressives")

As Jesus taught us..."intent" of the heart is the basis of a moral life. War is NEVER is JUST war and a necessary evil of a "fallen world" and failure to recognize this TRUTH is a misunderstanding of living a moral life. Living a life with impure qualities not only has a negative affect on an individual's physical and mental has even a greater negative impact on the very fabric of space-time. God is totally perfect and Holy and this is why we cannot co-exist with God if we live a life of impure character. War does not make us impure...failure to preserve life DOES!

This is a dangerous extension of Jesus' teachings that needs to be exposed, especially in light of the tragedy of Tucson......"group guilt"......laying blame on "others" or on weapons that kill. (knives, guns, etc) Outlawing guns does NOT deal with the's fallen moral character is the problem.

Everyone wants "peace" and there are two schools of thought on this issue....can man achieve peace by changing man's heart? Many believe it is possible because the alternative seems contrary to a loving God. This is the goal of most religions, including many in Christianity and New Age Philosophy....peace comes when 51 % of all people are "enlightened" into the Christ consciousness. This is an error because "group enlightenment" was never God's Will as revealed in the Torah. The reality is Individual "enlightenment" that prepares individuals for a future restoration of Earth to the Kingdom of God...the Intergalactic Federation of Star Nations. Man was NEVER meant to be the vehicle of peace. God Himself is the ONLY source of TRUE PEACE as revealed in the Old (Torah) and New Testament of the Holy Bible. Emmanuel.."God with us".......Jesus the Christ of God is the ONLY vehicle of restoration. Instead of man accepting the TRUTH revealed in Christ...they made another religion out of it no different than any other religion. This is because Christians make the SAME error as ALL other religions.....they base it on "supernatural power." There is no such thing as the supernatural as revealed through God's gift of Science...Quantum Mechanics. Did Jesus actually "rise from the dead?" Did Jesus actually ascend into Heaven (space-time) and will He actually return the same way He left? (Acts 1:1-11) Science answers all of these questions affirmative! (Resurrection..."Shroud of Turin." Ascension and Return.....'taken up ("tractor beam") and hidden in a cloud.' "Cloud=condensation caused by energy fields generated by dimensional travel") Peace is restored to Earth when Earth is restored to the Federation....upon Jesus return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! The supernatural is the illusion that has robbed man from knowing his rightful place in the Kingdom of God with his Cosmic Family. The Incarnation of God in the form of Jesus reveals this TRUTH but was rejected not just by Jews (and all "other" religions) but Christians as well when they made a religion out of Him!

Another major error of the Christian religion besides not understanding the 5th or 6th Commandment (depends on denomination) is misunderstanding the basis of "their" religion.."the Holy Bible". The Faith required in ALL religions is blind Faith. Jesus specifically said we need the Faith of a Child. A child's Faith is NOT blind but is based on TRUST and Truth. THE ONLY source of TRUTH is the Bible as revealed by God's Gift of Science. Creation of Space-time and matter and energy, Creation of the Diversity Life through Darwinian Natural Selection, Creation of Man in God's image through Recombinant DNA and Hybridization, Creation of women through modified cloning ARE ALL BIBLICAL......BUT ONLY IF we believe what Jesus revealed...that God dwells within and works through His Creation and His perfect Physical and Spiritual Laws. Because man "invented" the "supernatural" he interprets the Bible literally which resulted in creating an illusion that robs man of TRUTH. Science is the ONLY human activity that is immune from human bias and prejudice because experiments that reveal TRUTH MUST BE REPEATABLE......and if others can get the same results....TRUTH is preserved and if wasn't TRUTH!. The Nobel Prizes in Science have NEVER been revoked because the winners all revealed TRUTH through their discoveries BECAUSE of "repeatability.". (The Nobel Peace prizes are not immune from revocation and we should start with Carter, Gore and Obama!)

In the Truth of Christ......David Brown...Oswego, NY

Pax........The "Doubting Thomas"