Luke 12: 2-3
Welcome to all "The Doubting Thomases" out there from one of the "biggest." This is a site about a Journey in Scientific Spirituality. It is NOT about Scientology, New Age or "traditional" contemporary Christianity, or any "other" worldly religion. It is a personal Journey that is shared with anyone who has a basic desire to "think out side of the box." All posts in response to my ideas are most welcome as growth occurs for both parties ONLY when there are differences in opinions.
SPECIAL NOTE: .... ANYONE WISHING TO COMMENT ON MY BLOGS, PLEASE RESPOND TO MY EMAIL ("DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE WORLD ENDING TODAY...IT'S ALREADY TOMORROW IN AUSTRALIA!" -Charles Schultz) NOTE: IF YOU MAKE A COMMENT, PLEASE SEND A COPY TO MY E-MAIL ( ) AND IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST VISIT TO MY SITE, IT HELPS TO START WITH OLDEST POSTS in my archives to understand where the heck I'm coming from ...THANKS!.......DT... Been married 46 years, (to same women!) two married daughters, two grandaughters, one GREAT grandaughter cat, retired Biology Teacher (33 years..retired in 2000), worked 3 years TSA Federal Security Officer,4th Degree Knights of Columbus, Sang in Church Choirs and Cantor of Psalms. Ham Radio Operator since I was 12 years old. My 1st FCC Ham call was WV2LOW in 1959, (presently my club call)then WA2LOW from 1960 to 2002 and presently it is W2TSA.