Monday, January 20, 2020


Ten Assumptions about existence……......

1)  God, "the Creator" of Existence-Reality ,BOTH the  Physical and the Spiritual, IS SPIRIT.

2) NO one knows what SPIRIT is. Some call it the  "Supernatural." (beyond natural?)

3) Science does not recognize "SPIRIT" because it can't be detected or measured. Ironically Science knows it cannot detect, observe and measure the subatomic world “smaller” than the Planck limit (1 X 10-33cm)  but they sure “recognize” the reality of it!

4) Modern Science, through the lens of  Quantum Mathematics , has suggested that matter and energy are essentially different states of the same entity related to the velocity of energy relative to space/time. (E=mc2..Einstein Relativity) AND that space /time are also the same entity. The implication is they are infinite and eternal. (Present theory is that there is NO solid particles..they are simply 6 vibration states (Quarks) of what are called "strings" for want of a  better explanation. (Maybe the "Mind" of God is a better explanation!! MAYBE SCIENCE has revealed SPIRIT and is not aware of it because they lack God's GREATEST Gift.....FAITH!)

5) God is PERFECT...therefore His Physical and Spiritual Laws are PERFECT ...the "supernatural" implies a violation of His illogical state, a non-sequitor. (The speed of light, 300 million meters per second, is not just a good idea….IT’S THE LAW and it is impossible to break it!)

6) According to the Word of God...The Holy Bible...God "created" man in His IMAGE .... therefore men are Children of God.

7) The Incarnation of God in His Son Jesus (Yeshua ben Joseph) ...according to His WORD..the Holy Bible, reveals that "God dwells" within man and therefore within CREATION.

8) God has NO beginnng or end..He always existed and always will which implies "Creation" always existed. (In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was God.  The word beginning in the Holy Bible does NOT imply that God had a beginning or was a created Being. God has NO God!) NOTE:  It is CRITICAL to understand that the authors of the Books of the Bible did know about the other writers nor did they know they were being INSPIRED by the SPIRIT of God to write the Books! The many writers of the oBoks of the Bible  had no clue they wrote the Bible…The word Bible means “LIBRARY.”  Many years after the Books were written and the writers had passed on …the Books  (even New Testament) were organized into a LIBRARY of Books ….. ”The Bible"…. by scolars  who noticed a common “thread”  connecting ALL the Books into a “theme” revealing the destiny of man.

9) The  Bible reveals that God's "ways" are far above man's.  To assume it means we cannot understand His Laws through His "gift" of the Scientific Method and Mathematics and therefore would imply we are NOT created in God's IMAGE and therefore NOT  His Children.  Prior to the so called "Age of Reasoning" (20th Century) Science considered understanding God's Laws  an act of "worship"  because most scientists were men of "faith" then.  I suspect that the Scripture refered to above reveals that man can NEVER understand God's LOVE revealed in His Son....NOT His Laws of existence.
10) AND the most important is satan...the fallen archangel that has influenced man to mistrust science and believe it is incompatible with the Bible when in reality science VERIFIES that the Holy Bible is the inerrant and absolute TRUTH of God's Nature.

Based on these 10 assumptions... I offer a Scientific verification of the Biblical explanation of the CREATION of Eve......

God created Eve from Adam's "rib."    The "rib" marrow is a rich and easily accessible source of stem cells.  The "sleep" of Adam was no doubt induced coma to remove the stem cells AND prepare Adam for his helpmate Eve.  Two stem cells were used.....the Y chromosome (DNA) from the first is removed and discarded and the cell is saved.  The X chromosome (DNA) is removed from the second and the cell is discarded. The X chromosome is Injected into the nucleus of the first cell.  The resulting modified cell is essentially a zygote and is induced to go through cleavage and form a blastocyst.  The blastocyst is either placed into an indigenous female's womb or in vitro artificial womb where gestation and morphogenesis is completed and 9 months later "baby Eve" is born. When God presented Eve to Adam she was a sexually mature young women which explains the "deep" sleep of Adam. Adam exclaims..."At last, this is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone, I will call her women because she comes from man."   NONE of the Bible writers knew about the science and those accused of "creating" a Bible story as well.  Science destroys ALL attempts to refute God's Word.