Monday, June 08, 2020

Corono virus

...corona virus is a retro virus....mRNA with a crystalline capsule. I studied them at SU when I was a grad student. mRNA is a short  single strand polyribonucleotide and they all have a common characteristic in that their nucleotide sequences are unstable and they mutate (change) very rapidly. This makes it impossible to create a normal vaccine. Unless they found a way to modify the protein receptor sites on the capsule, which I personally believe  is doubtful, a vaccine is 5 years away. The virus has mutated so fast that it has developed what  ALL cold viruses do.....thy die out.....yes it is a common cold with enhanced infection rates which smells of human manipulation during the obama administration by the 3.7 million dollars anthony fauci and his cronies at Harvard University and Texas A&M and the WHO gave to Wuhan Lab.  How come? What's going to happen when American's fin out that the virus has mutated to a very low infection rate in Italy? Their scientists are now saying that the virus has disappeared!  What are Americans going to think about WHO saying ONLY people with a high body temperature and cough and loss of taste and smeall should certified masks. There is no question that the new world order has succeeded in SCARING the average American. Shame on them!  I may be wrong but the deep state children of darkness knows that only chance for novus  ordo seclorum (elite new world order) is to elect a democrat administration. Poor old  Sleepy Joe is just a proxy.  I'm a JFK Democrat and I hate that the commies took it over.    If I am wrong so be it BUT Luke 12:2-3 will NOT be wrong!  Don't you think it is suspicious that 100% of the news media and 75% of Fox is anti Trump? Very few pay attention to the 25% conservative people on Fox!   Don't you think it weird the Black Live Matter has helped the Antifa and other communist groups to succeed?  How come the US became so racist over night thanks to the deep state news media. It is sad that bad people do bad things including bad cops but getting rid of the bad guys is the logical answer NOT getting rid of cops.  If there is racism in our Law Enforcement in democrat controlled states and cities the answer is them out and clean up  our cops!!! Pick a of us is wrong ….one of us is right.....frankly I don't care because God's will is always right and from what I see God's will is about to come soon. Hating Trump is NOT the answer! It is how the new world order controls us!  
I suspect the virus was a politcal tool to bring in the one world secular order and the last obtacle to its' success was America and Western Civilizatiion in general. It is so sad so many people suffered and died  for this coup against humanity and increased racism.
Exitus acta probat is the motto of the new world order..."the ends justify the means"....This is never God's will. The ends are justified ONLY by just and moral means or the end become IMMORAL.