Sunday, October 12, 2014


..Louis Pasteur resolved ALL of the questions about life and God 142 years ago but no one was listening!   Law of Biogenesis is a LAW and can not ever be NEVER had a beginning and it has no end.   Mortal men cannot grasp "eternity" because it goes in BOTH directions..."eternal time" ...forward and backward......IT'S CALLED THE "SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM"..EINSTEIN WAS RIGHT.......  "Time is an illusion no matter how persistent."


I submit that BOTH Science and Religion have it ALL wrong!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Frankenstein is a Myth...more on Creationism

    I am a retired Biology teacher. I taught Biology for 35 years and I have been on a "spiritual journey" for the last 20 years. Being retired, I have more time to research the literature for knowledge that helps guide me in my journey.   At this point in my journey I  am CONVINCED that the Holy Bible is the inerrant Word of God and FINAL authority on human destiny and I also believe that "science and faith are, and always will be allies, not enemies." In fact, I believe, since we are Created in the Image of God, that Science is a "Gift" of God that allows man to learn the true nature of God's PERFECT Laws and discern illusion from reality. The father of lies, satan, creates illusions that prevents man from KNOWING the True God of Existence that was revealed in the "flesh" 2000 years ago in the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. (Yeshua Ben Joseph)  God's "Gift" of Science is one of the most important tools we have in exposing these illusions.  Frankly. I believe Science and Faith in the God revealed in the Bible are MORE than "allies"...they are co-supportive of each other.

Before Science....belief in the Bible was based on Faith alone.   The difference between the time the writers of the Bible were inspired by God to write God's Word to humanity and now is that today we have the gift of SCIENCE.  Sadly, in my opinion, most religious thinkers today, because they perceive what "true" Science has revealed threatens the validity of God's Word and in fact contradicts it and the result of this is the replacement of Scientific discovery with "pseudoscience" which not only has "spiritual:" consequences but also political consequences which allows the "elite" of this world to control and oppress other people. (ie; global warming HOAX caused by human CO2 production with the resulting destruction of our country's economy to hasten the coming evil New World Order. (BTW....CO2 is a BUFFERED gas and key compound of the "carbon cycle" and is NOT toxic)

Because we do have God's "Gift" of Science today, I am convinced that the knowledge we gain through Science MUST be utilized to decipher the true meaning of God's Word.  Fundamental literal interpretation of God's Word says that "existence" is 6000 years old. I assume they are refering to the Cosmos, the Earth and ourselves.  The Bible is clear that God "existed" before the description of Creation in Genesis and further more, even the "Angels" existed before this.   What is critical here in understanding what"existence" is, therefore, the DEFINITION of existence is critical.. Before Science "existence"  man was limited to what he could observe at the time and what his imagination allowed.  Imagination is important in the pursuit of understanding reality but if it doesn't eventually lead to "discovery" of truth, it is a futile endeavor that can end up creating illusion. The unfortunate result of insisting on a literal interpretation of Scripture is that it replaces true Science with pseudoscience and what's worse, it causes people to mistrust Science because thay are brainwashed into thinking true  Science disproves the Bible when in reality it proves it is God's Word.

Probably the biggest issue with Creationists vs Science is Darwinian Natural Selection.  What I find ironic is that Creationists accept the reality of micro-evolution evidenced by antiobiotic resistance of pathogens yet reject that it also occurs at the macro level. The Fundamental literal interpretation says that man DID NOT EVOLVE from apes.   THEY ARE CORRECT but for the wrong reasons.    Present day Science says man DID EVOLVE from apes.  THEY ARE WRONG because the Science does not support this. The reason Science cannot "see" the error in the evidence is because they reject the existence of God or have a concept of God that is un-Biblical. Sadly, most religions, including Christianity, also have an un-Biblical concept of God which is a peculiar paradox because the central dogma of Christianity is that God Incarnated in the presence of Jesus the Christ and His Incarnation reveals that God is NOT external to EXISTENCE but that He dwells and works through His Creation and operates through His PERFECT Laws that He allows us to discover through His "Gift" of Science. Yes..God's "ways" are far above man's but I suspect He was referring to Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Holiness....NOT SCIENCE.  If man did not evolve from apes...then how did God Create man?  If one really KNOWS the God revealed in Christ, they would know the answer is so simple....Recombinant DNA. (Let Us Create Man in OUR Image...(Genesis 1:26)  In addition, the creation of Eve is easily understood as "modified cloning." and is supported by the Scripture right up to Adam exclaiming...."At last, this is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone, I will call her women because she comes from man".:......(Genesis 2:18-23.)  How does Science relate to this Scripture?  The marrow of the "rib" is one of the best sources to harvest adult stem which are easily "re-set" to an early embryonic like state called "Induced Pluri-potency." The answer to how God created Eve is simple as well.....  take two "induced" stem cells, remove and discard the "Y" chromosome (DNA)  from one of them. Remove an "X" chromosome (DNA) from a second cell, discard cell and insert the "X" chromosome into the first. The resulting cell is then induced to go through cleavage and morphogenesis and is placed into a "surrogate" womb (probably artificial and not an indigenous Simian female)  and nine months later a female child is born...."little" Eve...a female "clone" of Adam fulfilling....."at last flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone."  I suspect the ":deep sleep" part of the Scripture  had to do with maybe cryogenic suspension of Adam  and not "rib" removal surgery....(needle aspiration was all that was required anyway) because when Eve was presented to Adam she was already grown into a young women
Remember.....God's Laws are PERFECT so one could easily expect He used them to CREATE EVERYTHING.  The assumption that God is required to use the "supernatural" to create and project His will on Creation is an over simplification that limits God's power to man's limited "thinking" because the "supernatural" is the UNDISCOVERED natural. (The Amazing Kreskin)  I guess you may think I'm nuts but I must tell you my FAITH in God's Word because of Science can never ever be placed in jeopardy.   St. Thomas (Didymus) did not believe in the Resurrection of Jesus until the second visitation of Jesus with His Disciples when Jesus asked Thomas to place his fingers into the nail wounds in His hands and sword wound in His side,  Thomas fell to His knees saying my Lord and my God forgive me for "doubting."   I may not have had such a profound epiphany as St. Thomas but God revealing that Science proves the TRUTH of God's Word is "my Doubting Thomas epiphany."

 A serious problem for Science caused by their dismissing the Wisdom of God's Word is a need for a beginning to existence created by absolutely nothing.  Experiments that have shown that simple biological molecules can spontaneously form by natural collisions of elements have fooled them into believing "life" itself evolved from these simple beginnings.  Stanley Miller and Harold Urey were the two Scientists that sadly influenced Science to embrace the creation of life from non-life.  The TRUTH is that the Miller/Urey experiments did NOT prove "abiogenesis." (life from non-life) However.... French Chemist Louis Pasteur's experiment he performed over 142 years ago DID prove "biogenesis".....that is....."ALL life comes from pre-existing life."   The Miller/Urey experiments only proved the natural synthesis of amino acids....the building blocks of proteins which are polymer chains of amino acids.......NOT spontaneous  generation of life. The "jump" from amino acids to active protein enzymes which regulate energy transformations revealed in the Laws of Thermodynamics are needed to synthesize proteins is a "closed loop."   This means that a protein enzyme is needed to synthesize a protein enzyme!  Protein enzymes are also needed to synthesize  DNA and RNA  but the DNA and the RNA contain the recorded "genetic codes" to "make" the protein enzymes of specific amino acid sequences needed to make the DNA...ANOTHER "closed loop."   What this means is Pasteur was right and Miller/Urey proved NOTHING!   Many compound building blocks of organic molecules can form "naturally"  but the assimilation of these biological compounds into a living organism REQUIRES a living organism.    Bottom line.....the ONLY thing that can create a life is life itself through  asexual or sexual reproduction...PERIOD.

Recently there have been MANY claims of creating artificial life in a test tube.   This is an ABSOLUTE illusion.....  don't fall for it!  All they have done is learn how to "re-program" a cell by replacing it's DNA with DNA that was artificially synthesized in a test tube. DNA is NOT a living is how living things "record" genetic information. The point is they HAD TO HAVE AN ALREADY LIVING CELL TO DO THIS. No one has "made" a living cell from a "non-living mixture" of the biochemicals found in living cells AND THEY NEVER WILL.  Biogenesis is a Law...God's Law and it can never be broken.   Frankenstein is a myth!

In conclusion, I submit that the time, energy and money spent on the "war" between Science and Religion defending pseudoscience over real Science, defending the literal interpretation of the Bible actually hinders the Gospel message of Salvation through the Blood of Christ. .The critical message of the Bible is Salvation in Christ, NOT defending a 6000 year old Earth vs a 4.5 billion year old one.  It saddens me to think how many more souls might be lead to Christ IF these resources were spent on preaching Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. God loves us with a power that we can NEVER understand,   He has no reason to "trick" us or "test" our Faith and Trust in Him because ALL was "finished" on the Cross of Calvary.

 Pax........The "Doubting Thomas"

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Saturday, October 04, 2014


Bill Nye the "Science Guy" said in a recent interview that Creationism.....  (or Intelligent Design as it is sometimes called)..... a popular belief system of Fundamental Christianity  would be virtually non-existent in 20 years.  Oddly, Creation Revolution website courageously posted the interview on their site, presumably because "they think they are right" and Bill Nye is "lost in space!" If anything you have to give them credit for their confidence.
They received many comments.....most in support of the Creationist point of view as one would expect. One particular comment resonated with my belief system and I was persuaded to make comment.........

His comment..................

Warren O'Rourke · Top Commenter · Birmingham, Alabama

Consider this for a moment before replying:

Absolute nothingness -- no forces, no particles, no spiritual or metaphysical entities, absolutely nothing at all.

It seems that such a condition would be irreversible -- that nothing could come out of absolute nothingness.

So we must reject the idea of absolute nothingness and face up to the idea that something or other has always existed.

Also, whatever it is that has always existed has at least the following characteristic:

That ever-existing something or other has the potentiality to give rise to the universe we see around us.

Whatever that ever-existing something is may be characterized as GOD!

My comment....................

Of all the comments made on Bill Nye's statements, and even guys like Dawkins et al.....Mr. O'Rourke's  is the ONLY logical one AND  Mr. Ramer's  Psalm 14:1 comment "The fool has said in his heart ,There is no God."  is "right on" because you must be a fool to reject God's TRUTH revealed by the Science in the Bible! 

The reason why BOTH Science and Religion  cannot explain TRUE reality is they BOTH "need" a beginning. 142 years ago French Chemist Louis Pasteur answered that question and to this day, very few "get it."   The Law of Biogenesis, revealed by Pasteur's experiments, states that ALL life MUST come from pre-existing; Creation always existed...was always "creating" and will continue to create.....frankly...this seems to be the "God" revealed to the ancient Hebrews and culminated in the Incarnation of Yeshua Ben Joseph 2000 years ago. (Jesus The Christ)  Why?  ....because God reveals Himself within ALL of us as Jesus revealed.

 The tragedy is that man in his arrogance created a "religion" out of Christ's revelations (frankly not much different than any other man made religion) which sadly is opposed to the TRUTH revealed by God in Christ.  This TRUTH is suppressed by the illusion that Science and Faith in the God of TRUTH are incompatible creating a "war" between  the TRUTH of reality and belief systems. 

The purpose of this "war" was to keep humanity divided socially, culturally and spiritually and more importantly to prevent mankind from knowing we are members of a vast Cosmic Family isolating us from sharing and being a part of this "Family of God." This is the definition of "evil."   Why does this evil exist? The answer is Free Will.   All sentient intelligent life has the choice to accept the reality of the God within or "be there own gods."  Since I believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, I will use it to reference the fact that 2/3rds of Creation chose to remain within God's Family and 1/3rd chose to rebel and "be god."  It is the 1/3rd "rebels" that presently control our reality and influence our sinful nature on this planet as revealed in the letter of Saul of Tarsus (St. Paul) to the early Church at Ephesus, Turkey, (Ephesians 6:12....“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” The ONLY way the "God that dwells in us" can unify humanity is through the Incarnation...Jesus Christ. The "Gift of Science" (and mathematics)  is the tool that can reveal TRUTH and reality but only if used through a humanity unified through the TRUTH revealed by Christ....."that God dwells within us and works through us and His PERFECT Laws"
(BTW...this is the only way I could deal with all the evil in the world today, especially the beheadings of 4 innocent hostages at the hands of  "religious" ISIS. ALSO....the alleged incompatibility between Science and the Bible is illusion......the TRUTH is that Science verifies the Bible's Truth (and vive versa) and exposes the Fundamental Creationist INTERPRETATION of the Bible as illusion)

Bill Nye stating that Creationism will disappear  in 20 years as a "mechanism of creation" is not entirely true.  The "traditional" definition of Creationism, which is fantasy, WILL change because ironically, Science has already revealed that the Creation of Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis is TRUTH of "Intelligent Design." Sadly, both Science and Religion do not realize this because neither really know the God revealed in Christ...the God who Creates THROUGH His Creation. Intelligent Design/Creationism are TRUE, Fundamental literal Bible interpretation hides this TRUTH. 

Creationists say Adam and Eve were created by "Intelligent Design."  THEY ARE CORRECT. (but for the wrong reasons..."magic" is not Intelligent Design)   Science says Adam evolved from Apes by Darwinian Natural Selection.....THEY ARE WRONG. (although the wonderful diversity of life anywhere can be explained by Darwinism....ironically, Creationists accept micro-evolution in antibiotic resistance in pathogens yet reject macro--evolution.)

Some Bible Science..........

The Creation of Eve by Intelligent Design in Genesis by "modified cloning" is an example of applying God's "Gift of Science"  to Bible interpretation.  The Bible says Adam needed a "helpmate" (indigenous females didn't "float his boat!") so God put him into a "deep sleep: and removed a "rib", covered it with "flesh and blood" and "magically" created "EVE."  God presents "her" to Adam and he exclaims..."At last...this is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone, I will call her 'WOMEN' because 'she comes from man.' "   Is this description fantasy? is a simple explanation of a complex process.    Here's the "modified cloning Science" behind it...........The marrow of the  "rib"   is one of the better sources of adult stem cells. Adult stem cells can be easily "reset" to the "embryonic state"....Induced Pluripotency.    We are rapidly learning how to "trigger" Pluripotent cells  to grow into all kinds of spare tissues and organs.  Unfortunately,  the "market" for embryonic cells from discarded human embryos is much more lucrative for business. GRRRR!  The Science of Pluripotent Stem Cells sure seems to "reveal" the simple TRUTH in the Creation of Eve in Genesis 2:21-23..... "So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs[a] and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[b] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.23 The man said,“This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”  Here's how God "did it".......He  (through His Family) took 2 Pluripotent cells (from Adam's rib that were reset)....He removed the "Y" Chromosome (DNA) from one and discarded it saving the cell. He took a second cell and removed an "X" Chromosome (DNA) and discarded the cell and inserted the "X" Chromosome into the first cell, which now has 2 "X" Chromosmes. The resulting cell  was "triggered" to begin "cleavage" and was placed into a surrogate womb (probably artificial, no doubt)  as if it were a "zygote." (technically that what it was) The modified cell continued morphogenesis and finished gestation 9 months latter ans "little" Eve was born.  Definately "flesh and bone" of Adam and therefore a TRUE Homo sapiens female.  I suspect the "deep sleep" might have been cryogenic suspension because Eve was a young women when God presented her to Adam.

The Creation of Adam by Intelligent Design by the mechanism of  Recombinant DNA using Simian stock becomes very plausible when you understand how similar the Human genome is to the Simian and that the source of "new" natural genetic  information is by DNA mutation and that 99% of them are "lethal" and less than 1 % of the non-lethals occur in germ cells which are the only ones passed on to future offspring for Natural Selection to act on, you realize there had to be a different mechanism involved than Darwinism.  Then .....when you read Genesis 1:26.... "Then God said, “Let US make mankind in OUR image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”, AND when you understand the God revealed by Christ, you can logically conclude that Adam WAS created by Intelligent Design via rDNA.  In addition, Genesis 2:7 says......"Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."  Magic, fantasy? NOPE!...pure simple "pre-Science" is made out of Earth's "dust.".....the is made of biochemical organic compounds......proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.  THEY are made up of the elements of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous and secondary supporting elements of sodium, postassium, chlorine, calcium, magnesium, iodine, iron and some oddball trace elements....... IF THAT AIN'T "DUST" I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS."    Add the "breath of life?"  How about all the biochemical pathways that is the process of "living"....the "God" discovered by Louis Pasteur that "Creates life from pre-exisiting life?"

Frankly, I believe Religious Creationists and their literal fundamental interpretation of God's Word have unwittingly helped the dark forces revealed in Ephesians 6:12.   It scares me to wonder how many people have rejected the God of Creation because of Creationists spending all their time and money on fighting Science instead of spending the time and money on sharing the God revealed in the "flesh" by Jesus Christ. Religious Christians I fear have been seduced by the "dark side" of the 1/3rd. 

I may sound "nuts" and what I say may sound like fantasy but it is sure is a lot more plausible than the Creationist's fantasy!   Both Science and the Creationists are "fools" of Psalm 14:1......Science for rejecting God and Creationists for rejecting the Science God has given us IN His IMAGE.

In the God within...David Brown...Oswego,NY


(with so many religious people believing the planet is only 6000 years old it is easy to understand why so many people have "fallen" for the myth of man made global warming.)