I am perplexed as to why Creationists reject
the Big Bang when it actually supports their fundamental literal interpretation
of Genesis. Frankly, it seems Creationists are VERY selective as to which
Scientific revelations they accept and which they reject. If it doesn't support
their fundamental interpretation of Scripture, they reject it as
pseudoscience. Sadly the result of this superficial view of God's
inerrant Word and absolute truth in the Bible, is that they tend to
accept pseudoscience over the evidence revealed in God's "gift"
of the Scientific Method because it appears to be incompatible with their
fundamental interpretation of Scripture.
Christians often quote the following Scripture that I believe tends to
create a fear and mistrust in Science.......Isaiah 55:8-9......
8 “For my
thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your
ways my ways,” declares the Lord. 9 As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways
higher than your ways
and my thoughts
than your thoughts."
I submit God was NOT talking about His
"gift" of Science because there was no Science back in Biblical
times. I believe God was refering to His Love, Compassion, Patience,
Forgiveness, Holiness, etc. God is PERFECT...His Laws are PERFECT...and
we are Created in His Image therefore....... discovering and understanding His
PERFECT Laws that govern reality is expected and in no way violates Isaiah
55:8-9. God's "gift" of Science allows man to discern truth
from illusions especially in this time of restoration of the planet to God's
Kingdom upon the arival of His Son Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of
Lords. (ie; The pseudoscience of "manmade global warming" has ONE
purpose...to eventually destroy America's economy and thereby remove America as
the last obstacle to the fufillment of Novus Ordo Seclorum...the "secular
new world order."
Atheists reject
the Bible because they too believe it is contradictory to Scientific revelation
and therefore pure fantasy. The problem is NOT that the Bible is incompatible
with Science...it is the "fundamental, literal" interpretation that
IS incompatible with Science and logic. Sadly, because of this way too
many Scientists reject the truth and wisdom revealed in God’s PERFECT Word. So much of what Science has discovered
through the Scientific Method is verified in the Holy Bible in disease,
medicine, agriculture, Astrophysics and
even Cosmology……”In My Father’s House there are many Mansions.” (there’s a lot more to this than “rooms”or
dwelling places and it is more than obvious that the “House” is God’s
Cosmos..the CREATION!)
Modern Cosmology
is tending to a model based on quantum mechanics that the “Big Bang” was just
ONE of an infinite number of “space-time-matter inflations” which is compatible
with an infinite God that always existed and always will exist and never had a
“beginning” which is revealed in God’s Word.