"Help Is On The Way!"
Interesting....co-incidence is my favorite topic! Pax... Doubting Thomas
Welcome to all "The Doubting Thomases" out there from one of the "biggest." This is a site about a Journey in Scientific Spirituality. It is NOT about Scientology, New Age or "traditional" contemporary Christianity, or any "other" worldly religion. It is a personal Journey that is shared with anyone who has a basic desire to "think out side of the box." All posts in response to my ideas are most welcome as growth occurs for both parties ONLY when there are differences in opinions.
Interesting....co-incidence is my favorite topic! Pax... Doubting Thomas
We know that Bible Prophecy says that "knowledge will abound" during the "end times", just before the Physical-Spiritual return of the Christ. (Transition of the 4th World to the 5th) I believe we ARE the generation that is experiencing this Prophecy and not ONLY Prophecy BUT Scientific Predictions made over 100 years ago when Scientists predicted God will come down and announce..."Gentlemen, it's closing time!" ....................
I recently received the following from my old friend "Cookie." (clink link in title) He and I have been tossin' around "String Theory" for quite some time and to be perfectly honest, I have been driving him nuts! (sorry, Cookie!) I have tried my "darnedest" to explain String Theory to him but he, being an old retired homicide detective, put "one up on me" with the BEST discription of String Theory I have ever seen! (he said he doesn't take credit for the words here nor the person he got it from, but......He is the one who saw String Theory in these words and sure has taught me a thing or two! These wirds Cookie sent me is EXACTLY what I have been trying to say about my concept of "Scientific Spirituality." THANKS COOKIE...YOU FIGURED ME OUT!!! hee hee hee
Got the following from a very dear friend. I believe this "SAYS IT ALL!"