Tuesday, July 15, 2014

"Do Not Let Your Heart Be Troubled"

 It seems that the "Trojan Horse fraud" and his minions of the "elite" fallen world order are destroying our nation and world, HOWEVER....they do not know Jesus Christ and they do not realize it is IMPOSSIBLE to  beat Him!   In fact....in God's time table....  the "evil world system" is already destroyed....they are all "dead men walking!"     

  The uncertainty of the condition of our world, politically, financially, spiritually, illegal immigration with children being used as pawns,  violent weather and environmental problems creates worry and fear in the hearts of all people ...... but remember...we are all victors in Christ and it is time to prepare the Church for the return of Jesus and the restoration of His Kingdom on Earth.

 I wish more Clergy would talk about the the Lord's return so people can prepare their hearts for His imminent return.  It seems very few people really understand that the Second Coming of Jesus as King of Kings and Lord of Lords is a restoration of our planet to God's Kingdom.  The Bible is clear that is has "already" happened...it is called Prophecy which WILL BE  fulfilled. I have talked with Priests about Prophecy and none of them were aware of the "Fig Tree Prophecy" of Jesus Christ and have a belief that the Second Coming of Christ is far off in the future. In fact many believe that His return is at the END OF TIME when the world is destroyed and we all go off to Heaven. If that is true, why do we Catholics say the "Glory Be" Prayer based on Isaiah 45:17 (World without end)  and the Lord's Prayer , Matthew 6:9-13 (

It is true that almost EVERY generation has thought "they" were the generation that would witness the return of Christ. Some Christians are so far off reality that they believe all the "end time" Prophecies were fulfilled in 70AD and that the Kingdom of God is already here. Well....it IS, for the individual who accepts Christ as his Savior but the "world" surely is NOT "in the Kingdom".....that doesn't happen until the return of Christ. The error made by these Christians is that Bible Prophecy states that the "end times"  does NOT start UNTIL the restoration of Jacob which is Israel.  Israel was NOT restored until May 14, 1948 AD when Israel once again became a sovereign nation.  This is the "Fig Tree Prophecy" of Christ.  Jesus was asked by His Disciples when would the Kingdom be restored to Israel?  He did say NO ONE knows when , not even He Himself..ONLY the Father knows.....HOWEVER......He did tell them to know the SIGNS when it was near. (Book of Daniel, Matthew 24 and Book of Revelation gives many SIGNS.)  AND...the big SIGN He gave that makes "our time different than ANY OTHER TIME IN HISTORY" was the "Fig Tree."   Jesus said.."When you see the Fig Tree sprout leaves, you know that summer is near." (with the fig fruit to follow.) Was Jesus giving a season  report?   Jesus spoke in "parables" and His Disciples knew exactly what He meant by the "Fig Tree"   and it wasn't about summer and figs! Throughout the Torah (Old Testament), the "Fig Tree" was the symbol of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel by God which IS THE NAME given by God for the promised nation of Israel. After Israel escaped Egypt in the Exodus and was lead to the "promised land" they disobeyed God and were conquered by the Babylonians (Persia etc..the same guys trying to destroy Israel again) and  were "scattered" throughout the world as punishment (The Diaspora) then eventually occupied by the Romans. Israel DID NOT exist at the time of Jesus.  Those who believe 70 AD was the Tribulation of Israel are in error because there was no Israel until 1948. AND..if the Kingdom of God started in 70 AD...when was Isaiah 2:2-4 and 11:6-9  fulfilled, the state of the restored Kingdom?  Obviously they have not yet been fulfilled and won't be until Jesus returns.

 The Bible says Jesus sets up His Eternal  Royal Government from His ancestor King David's Throne in Jerusalem, Israel...I am CONVINCED this is the source of ALL anti-Semitism and hatred of the Jew and Israel.  Satan knows that Jesus is King and will Reign from Jerusalem which is why the entire world wants Israel destroyed.  The world needs to understand that Israel is NOT just about Jews...it's about Jesus Christ as King.

 Sadly..there are Christians that believe Jesus returns Spiritually in an era of peace....not physically with His Transfigured Resurrected Body. If that is true, they are no different than the New Age movement that denies the Christ. AND....if they are right...how do they explain the following Scripture?.....

Acts 1:8-11

8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

9 After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.

10 They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11 “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”


 .....I hope my thoughts shared here gives a bit of hope and encouragement for the reader.

Monday, July 14, 2014


.actually.....the Bible is ABSOLUTELY true WHEN INTERPRETED SCIENTIFICALLY.   It is the religious fundamental  interpretation that turns its' message into fantasy....

 Science says all life forms are the result of Darwinian Natural Selection.  This is true for most forms of life but here on Earth, the mutation rate (the only source of new NATURAL genetic information for natural selection to act on) is not high enough for the time required for the higher forms to evolve. Add in the fact that 99% of all mutations are lethal and less than 1% of the non-lethals occur in germ cells, the only ones passed on to future generations for natural selection,  evolution of the higher forms of vertebrate classes on this planet is quite questionable in the time involved. Simply stated...there HAS to be a more efficient source of new genetic information besides natural mutation!  Science is simply WRONG that Homo sapiens were created by Natural Selection!  

Fundamental Christianity embraces "Creation Theory" and "Intelligent Design" as the source of new genetic info.  Ironically, they are RIGHT...but...for the WRONG reasons. Because most major religions including Fundamental Christianity have an "anthropomorphic" concept of God instead of the True God revealed in the flesh 2000 years ago by Yeshua Ben Joseph.... (Jesus the Christ in Greek) .....they explain Creation SUPERNATURALLY, that is, God Created the different forms of life  by "magic." Obviously they are wrong because the "supernatural is the undiscovered natura"l and these "undiscovered" Laws are God's Natural Laws  AND they are PERFECT,  therefore the "need" to break these Laws is a human need.....not a Spiritual need of God.  Ironically, Science KNOWS exactly how God was able to Create the higher forms of life WITHOUT natural gene mutation and Natural Selection but they too do not understand the God revealed in the "flesh" in the Person of Jesus Christ so they are confounded to NOT "see" God in His Natural Laws and are therefore forced to break their own Scientific Natural Selection Laws!

What does Science know but is totally unaware that it verifies the Truth of "Intelligent Design?" The answer IS.........rDNA  (RECOMBINANT DNA.) or more commonly called "genetic engineering." We have been using rDNA for over two decades in agriculture and livestock a well as in synthesizing many different kinds of medical drugs .  The reason Science cannot relate rDNA to "Intelligent Design" is because they assume there is no "anthropomorphic" God and ironically they are RIGHT. Unfortunately, because they reject God, they cannot understand the True God revealed by Christ.   There is no question God is the Creator and that He did Create man in His Image THROUGH His Creation.   In order for Science and Religion to ever be reconciled, BOTH need to realize and understand that the God revealed in the flesh as Jesus DWELLS WITHIN AND WORKS THROUGH His Creation and His PERFECT Laws AND is NOT separate from His Creation but IS HIS CREATION!
(The following Scriptures reveal this TRUTH..... Psalm 82:3-6, John 14:8-23, Galatians 3:26-28, Colossians 1:27)

 The following is just ONE example of  Scientific interpretation of Scripture  ........"THE CREATION OF EVE."   ..................

God noticed that Adam was not happy with indigenous female primates (too hairy and smelly!)  and was quite lonely. He placed Adam in to a deep sleep and removed a "rib" and covered the "rib" with flesh, blood and bone, creating "helpmate" Eve.  When Adam awoke and was presented with Eve he exclaimed...."at last flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone, I will call her women because she comes from man."

  They can interpret that Scripture fundamentally if they want but that merely shows how childish and illogical they are.  God has Created us in His Image and has given us the Gift of Science to discern Truth from fantasy...He is not a God of confusion but one of compassion and TRUTH.  (There is one observation of have noticed  that disturbs me about many Evangelical Fundamental Creationists. They seem to also embrace a "Gospel of Plenty" believing their financial success is evidence that God has endorsed their beliefs. Well, God didn't say if we follow Him we would be blessed with material greatness, power and even health.  He says the OPPOSITE...they we must bear our own Cross as Jesus did and serve each other.  The Gospel is about TRUTH, not gaining riches!

 The Scientific explanation of the Creation of Eve by God THROUGH His Children is so simple I am AMAZED the Scientific community does not "see" it clearly revealed in the Scripture............   The "rib" marrow is potentially one of the best candidates for harvesting adult stem cells in the body. These adult stem cells can be easily "reset" with with appropriate organic substrates that render the cell "pluri-potent," that is  "Induced Pluripotency"...cells that can be triggered with appropriate substrates to form any kind of tissue and organ  for medical purposes AND even be "reset" to "time zero"... as though it were essentially a "zygote"..a fertilized egg that could be placed in a surrogate indigenous female uterus and then complete gestation in 9 months producing a baby. .  It is obvious to me that since God does not need magic to do His work and that His work is through His Creation, this is exactly what was done to Adam, removing stem cells from his "rib,"  inducing pluri-potency , trigering cleavage and morphogenesis and completing gestation in a surrogate or maybe even an "artificial" womb...which most likely was the case.     Of course, God had a bit more work to do (through His Children)  with the induced pluri-potent stem cells because if the process was completed at this point, we would have had "Adam and Steve".....an identical twin "clone" of Adam and a male. (don't want to go any farther with the implications! hee hee hee)

So......before inducing cleavage in one of Adam's stem cells, God actually used TWO cells.  In one He removed the "Y" chromosome (DNA)  and discarded it and saved the cell.  He then removed an "X" chromosome (DNA)  from the second cell, and discarded the cell and then injected the "X" chromosome (DNA)  from the second cell INTO the first giving the diploid "XX" famale pair.  That cell was the one that was induced to start cleavage and that one became "Eve" after 9 months!    Yepper....."flesh, bone and blood" of Adam and most definitely "came" from Adam......a women.    I suspect the "deep sleep" phrase  actually refers to the fact that Adam was presented with Eve AFTER Eve grew to be a sexually mature women or Adam would have been a "pedophile!"    I know Creationists will tell me God did all this "supernaturally," that's because very few people KNOW the God revealed to humanity in the Person of Jesus Christ!   As I said...God is PERFECT and therefore His Laws are PERFECT,  and there is no need to violate Laws that are PERFECT. It is imperfect  man who needs and requires  to have  God break His Laws.

EVERYTHING in the Bible can be interpreted this same way, using Scientific knowledge!  Science say this is ridiculous right along with Religion.....evil wins!  It is TIME all humans re-visit the historical  Christ Person and relaize He Incarnated to free mankind from ALL RELIGIONS.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Sitchin Theory vs REALITY

  Zecharia Sitchin's Annunaki Theory............

Based on years of research in Sumerian history etc., Sitchin claims Homo sapiens were created by genetic engineering  (Recombinant DNA) of indigenous Primate species here on Earth over 400,000 years ago by the Annuaki Extraterrestrial Civilization of the planet Nibiru as a "slave" species to mine gold for use by the Annunaki. The idea that Homo sapiens were created by rDNA of Simian stock  or even upgrading Homo erectus does appear to explain the better than 95% common genome between humans and apes. (hmmm...guess we are the "Planet of the Apes!"  Nibiru supposedly is a member planet of the Sun's solar system with a highly eccentric orbit that brings them near the inner planets and Earth every 3600 years.

Although I disagree with Sitchin's explanation of Annuaki motives that we were created as their slaves and I highly doubt the Annuaki are the Nephilim of the Old Testament or that they even exist along with their planet Nibiru... ....THE IDEA that Homo sapiens were created by God THROUGH His Creation via Recombinant DNA ..... the basic theme of the book I am writing..."The Finger of God"  .....I believe is TRUTH....AND.... that the Holy Bible actually reveals this TRUTH. ie; Genesis..1:26-27...."Let US Create man in OUR Image."    Many believe this "plural" refers to the Trinity.....God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit... The Word for God here in Hebrew is "Elohim."   The problem here is "Elohim" is PLURAL and the Jews do not interpret the Messiah as God as we do in Christianity and Genesis is JEWISH....they don't even think He's been here yet! So....what's this "Elohim"  plural thing?    Is there more than one God?  Did three Gods create Adam?  NOPE!....  The resolution of the "plural problem" is found in the New Testament of the Bible.

 The Truth of God's Nature was revealed in the flesh 2000 years ago by Yeshua Ben Joseph in Hebrew....Jesus the Christ in Greek.  Jesus made it CLEAR.....He and the Father are ONE and infact....He reveals that when we repent and accept Jesus as Lord......He and the Father and Holy Spirit dwell within us and work through us.  I believe this "collective" concept of God revealed by Jesus is UNIVERSAL...therefore God exists, dwells, and works THROUGH His Creation and His PERFECT LAWS.  Accepting this premise revealed by Jesus as TRUTH, we can conclude that we  ALL are indeed Created in the IMAGE of God.  The Bible even reveals that Extraterrestrial Beings ie;... Angels .....LOOK EXACTLY LIKE US which is why we are admonished to be kind and cordial and hospitable to ALL we meet because we never know when we are entertaining an Angel of God (ET)....Hebrews 13:2     The basic error of ALL religions is separating God from His Creation!   The Heavens declare the Glory of God!  (Psalm 19:1)

This "collective" Spiritual concept of God revealed by Christ can be explained using multicellular Biological life as an analogy........a single living CELL carries on ALL the biochemical processes that "create" the living state. Living cells are the ONLY thing that can "create" other cells....Louis Pasteur's Law of Biogenesis.   Living cells interact and communicate forming a group of cells that perform a specific function like "skin" cells.....this is the TISSUE level. Different kinds of tissues can interact to perform an even higher process and come together forming the ORGAN level...ie; cardiac muscle cells form cardiac tissue that forms the heart.  Different organs can interact to form highly specialized functions called the organ system..ie; circulatory made up of blood vessels and the heart etc.    Finally...many different organ systems interact together and form a LIVING MULTICELLULAR ORGANISM.....ALL the systems....muscular, skeletal, nervous, circulatory, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, excretory etc. 


WE ARE ALL ONE IN GOD JUST AS JESUS REVEALED.  Because humans "invented" different kinds of religions because they did not understand what life was or it's purpose in existing or where we came from and where Creation came from......man did NOT understand the INCARNATION of God in Jesus Christ and as a result..they created ANOTHER religion, Christianity as it is understood by most, is really no different than any other religion.  Jesus revealed to man that God is NOT external to existence..and infact.....God ALWAYS existed and always will because Existence always was and always will be!  It's Science and Religion that requires a "beginning" to existence and unfortunately a need for the illusion of an "end."  Existence NEVER had a beginning and it will NEVER end.

IT IS SAD THAT SCIENCE, ATHEISM, NEW AGE AND RELIGIONS (Judeo-Christian an exception) reject the Bible as TRUTH because the Gift of Science has indeed verified that the Bible IS GOD'S WORD.

The following Scriptures reveal WHO WE ARE.............................THIS IS NOT ABOUT RELIGION FOLKS...... THIS IS REALITY!

    Psalm 82:3-6

3 ”Defend the weak and the fatherless;
    uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
4 Rescue the weak and the needy;
    deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
5 “The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing.
    They walk about in darkness;
    all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
6 “I said, ‘You are “gods”;
    you are all Children of the Most High”

John 14:8-23

8 Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”

9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. 11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves. 12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. 15 “If you love me, keep my commands. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[c] in you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19 Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live.
20 On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. 21 Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”

22 Then Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, “But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?”

23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. 24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.

Galatians 3:26-28

  So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Colossians 1:27

27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.