Friday, October 29, 2010

anti-SCIENCE = anti-GOD

10 Dangers of Theistic Evolution….180 DEGREES OUT OF PHASE WITH THE CREATOR!

Posted on October 27, 2010...... by Creation Society

The atheistic formula for evolution is:

Evolution = matter + evolutionary factors (chance and necessity + mutation + selection + isolation + death) + very long time periods.

In the theistic evolutionary view, God is added:

Theistic evolution = matter + evolutionary factors (chance and necessity + mutation + selection + isolation + death) + very long time periods + God.

In this system God is not the omnipotent Lord of all things, whose Word has to be taken seriously by all men, but He is integrated into the evolutionary philosophy. This leads to 10 dangers for Christians…

Source: I list their website because I do NOT fear them!



1) God Created by His Word.....He reveals this TRUTH in Quantum Mechanics because the LAWS of Physics are so constituted that they do NOT require God to be an external FORCE that man's mortal, sinful and feeble mind demands. (as recently discovered by Stephen Hawking) THE BLASPHEMY HERE IS THAT ALL RELIGIONS INCLUDING CHRISTIANITY AND ESPECIALLY NEW AGE ILLUSION SEPARATE GOD FROM HIS CREATION . (Jesus said God dwells in us there fore HE IS NOT EXTERNAL!)

2) He reveals His Glorious Power in the Creation of the diversity Life in the discovery of "Natural Selection" (as discovered by Charles Darwin) and Recombinant DNA.

3) He revealed Himself as COMPASSIONATE, FORGIVING and PURE LOVE in the INCARNATION as Jesus Christ....(as recorded in the Inerrant Word of God...the Holy Bible)

Why do these "Christian" groups SPEND ALL THEIR MONEY spreading more fear of Science that helps Satan create more illusion instead of spending the money on preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ....the Incarnation, Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension AND RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST TO EARTH AS KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS?

BOTH of their formulas are erroneous. The first because it assumes no God, externally or internally. The second because they ADD God at the end of their formula which REMOVES HIM from HIS CREATION! The actual formula is in the Holy Bible.....the Gospel of St. John Chapter 1.....

IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD AND THE WORD WAS GOD.........The actual word for WORD is "logos" which is better translated LAW. There fore the formula should INCLUDE GOD in the beginning as it does on St. John's Gospel.

GOD -WORD-LAW = MATTER + COSMOGENY (galactic evolution-stellar evolution, planetesimal evolution) + DIVERSITY of LIFE ( genetic variation+ mutation -evolutionary factors- NATURAL selection of variations of advantage + Scientifically proven LONG periods of time AND Recombinant DNA)

In this TRUE Theistic version of Creation the Law of Biogenesis is conserved....."ALL life comes from pre-existing life" (proved by Louis Pastuer in the latter part of the 19th Century." Since God is "THE WORD AND THE LAW" this formula reflects the ABSOLUTE omnipotence of the Creator. Because man is a mortal being in "flesh" that has "fallen" as the result of requires an absolute beginning and end to existence. Therefore man required God to be external to His Creation. The Bible says God was NOT Created...He always was and always will be just as Jesus existed before His Incarnation on the first Christmas! Atheists thought that the Big Bang Theory was the start of Creation. Because Theists do not know that God EXISTS "within" His Creation and Creates through it.....they concluded that Science's discoveries in Cosmogeny, Quantum Mechanics (StringTheory etc) Darwinism, and Recombinant DNA is illusion instead of PROOF that God is REAL This fear of Science and the illusion it creates is straight from the gates of HELL and prevents man from understanding his true NATURE......that God dwells with in us and works within us as Jesus taught. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit IS GOD the CREATOR and the Bible states that we are the temple of the Holy's about time Christians accept this TRUTH and stop working against God by trying to reject Scientific Truth and start preaching Christ and Him Crucified to restore our relationship with the Eternal God!!!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Serious question......Assuming the Biblical story that 1/3rd of the Kingdom of God ("The Intergalactic Federation of Star Nations") rebelled against the "Collective God Force" and were "cast out " of the Federation for claiming to be "gods" instead of remaining within the "Collective", a calculated risk of the Law of Free will, IS it not possible that what we perceive as evidence of reincarnation and past life regression is an illusion perpetrated by these "rebels" for the purpose of "controlling" man's destiny by creating such illusions that prevents man from knowing Cosmic Truth .....ala' the kinds of illusions manifested by the Telosians of Telos IV of Star Trek fame??? Of course this idea is based on the assumption the Bible reveals Truth.

I am a retired Biology teacher and I find the same kind of "flawed" reasoning used to disprove Darwinism and prove Creationism is very similar to the kind of "evidence" and reasoning used to suggest reincarnation is true. Ignorance of Science has created a fear of Science and this fear helps propagate illusions that keep us from discerning Truth. As a Biologist I reject reincarnation based on the fact that SPECIFIC genetic recombination in monoploid gamete formation and the SPECIFIC restoration of the diploid zygote at conception WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN IN ALL OF ETERNITY. Therefore each individual sexually reproducing organism is UNIQUE ....not a repetition of a past recombination. Ofcourse being a "realist " I admit that I define "soul" Biologically because as revealed in Quantum Physics and the development of Superstring Theory, Spiritual and Physical reality is one and the same differing only in frequency of very small vibrating Mobius String loops. I totally reject the idea that "souls" float around choosing which "baby" to incarnate in. (Although that is a very comfortible position for pro-choice folks!) When does the incarnation conception, three months, six months...when the child gets slapped on the butt by the doctor and takes "his or her's first breath?" Illusion is cruel!

For those who reject the Bible as least consider one Scripture as a possible description of reality.......

Ephesians 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

I believe the Bible is the Inerrant Word of God and FINAL Authority on man's destiny so I do not expect many to accept my rejection of reincarnation. I guess I'm just cautious because there seems to be TOO MUCH EVIDENCE of reincarnation for me to think it plausible......seems too convenient for me!

I await your reply...please forward to my e-mail "The Doubting Thomas"..David Brown

Monday, October 18, 2010

Biblical Science


That my friend is an understatement! If people were not so ignorant of Science and fear it so much they would understand that the Bible is the INERRANT WORD OF GOD and FINAL AUTHORITY ON MAN'S DESTINY! In fact, I conclude that it is IMPOSSIBLE to know God's Will in the Bible outside of the context of Scientific principles! Christians who claim Science is incompatible with the Bible have been seduced with the SAME lie Satan pulled on Adam and Eve in the Garden..."surely you will not die."

I believe the Kingdom of God will soon be restored on Earth with the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords as revealed by fulfillment of "end time" Biblical Prophecy....."raging seas, earthquakes in diverse places, wars and rumors of wars, social and ecomomic conflict, replacement theology apostasy and the biggy.....Fig Tree restoration...May 14, 1948.

However....Science has now lifted the "veil" on the mystery of God's Creation....probably the final sign of the END of this "fallen" world order. Praise God! I fear many will miss this "sign" because of the fear of Science....God's gift to man.

AND what is that revelation? Quantum Mechanics has revealed that the Creation is based on the "frequency" of tiny closed Mobius loops called "Strings" which suggests what we call the Physical realm is actually a "holographic" projection of God's THOUGHTS..His WORD and more accurately His LAW. A new book out this coming spring by the world's foremost Quantum Physicist, Stephen Hawking, reveals that the Laws of Physics are so constituted that an external force is not required for Creation to occur. The concept of God as defined by ALL religions is therefore NOT necessary for Creation. Unfortunately, most believers in God.. especially Fundamental Christianity, will attack Hawking's revelation as they did Darwins. UNFORTUNATELY, Hawking himself may not realize the significance his "Prophetic" discovery that only the LAW is necessary for Creation. Not his fault in that he like all humans do not know the TRUE God as revealed in Jesus Christ and NOW revealed mathematically in the LAW. Too bad the Gospel of John, written in Greek, translated the word "logos" as WORD in John 1:1 when the word "logos" means more than WORD and in fact is closer to meaning God's LAW! This Scientific revelation that the "Law is God" restores God to His rightful place in Creation. When Jesus told us that we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit of God...He was revealing that God dwells and works within His Creation and it;s Laws....He is NOT some external "supernatural force" which is the SAME old lie as "surely you will not die!"

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Can You Imagine

Can you imagine how many souls could be won for Jesus Christ if we spent all this anti-Darwinisn and pro-Creationism money preaching Jesus Christ and Him Crucified? The fear of Science is the beginning of illusion....The fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom. Choose God and stop helping Satan devour souls with all this anti-Science illusion!

One of the most insidious illusions put on Man by Satan is that the Holy Bible...THE INERRANT WORD OF GOD AND FINAL AUTHORITY ON HUMAN that it is in opposition to of God's great gifts to Man whom He CREATED IN HIS IMAGE! In the original Hebrew in the Book of Genesis of the Torah...Creation is described

PHYLOGENETICALLY .....reflects the "Finger of God" in the Creation process. So sad Satan has succeeded in seducing man to reject TRUTH and cause Man to stumble. PREACH Jesus CRUCIFIED or we will be held accountable for loosing our brothers and sisters because of our folly of not trusting the Lord.

Attacking Science DOES NOT WIN SOULS! From 1865 until now we had "Darwinism" to keep our minds and hearts off the Cross of Christ. Now Satan has launched a new weapon to stop us from preaching Jesus....Stephen Hawking's new book "The Grand Design" which critics claim Hawking is saying THERE IS NO GOD! "God forgive us for we know not what we do or say!" Hawking states in his book that the Laws of Physics are so constituted that God is not a requirement for Creation. What Hawking has "inadvertently " succeeded in doing is revealing the TRUE God of the Universe..the SAME ONE revealed in the FLESH as Jesus the Christ! Jesus said.."I and the Father are ONE.... when you see Me you see the Father." When you believe this I and the Father will come into you and dwell in your heart and soul and body for you are the TEMPLE of the HOLY SPIRIT of God! Satan twisted this TRUTH causing Man to separate God from His Creation in ALL religions INCLUDING Christianity! Hawking has debunked this hoax that God is separate by revealing mathematically that the Laws of Physics "Create" on their "own." Does this say therefore say THERE IS NO GOD? OH contraire mon' ami! The New Testament was originally written in Greek. In St.John's Gospel Chapter 1 verse 1..the Greek word is "logos" which has been translated as WORD in all languages. "In the Beginning was the WORD..etc.... THE ACTUAL MEANING OF "LOGOS" IS MUCH MORE THAN "WORD." It is better understood as "LAW." "In the Beginning was the "LAW" and the LAW was God....etc." Hawking has mathematically proved that God exists and our Lord Jesus Christ revealed that this GOD is LOVE and is even mindful and caring of the "sparrow that falls from the sky as well as every hair on your head...assuming your not bald!" Friend..Jesus IS "Emmanuel" God with us!

What is also sad is that Hawking himself probably is not even aware of the significance of his discovery. Why is that Christians have such a need to prove that the Bible is 100% true? Is it lack of Faith that Jesus is God and rose from the dead? The "need" to prove the the Flood in finding Noah's Ark....that the Shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Jesus. Jesus is the RISEN Lord...all this other stuff is distraction.... especially the waste of money on disproving Darwin! I taught Biology 33 years...I think I have something to share with my brothers and sisters in Christ! Let us PREACH Christ and Him CRUCIFIED! the Doubting Thomas...David Brown