Friday, September 25, 2015

LHC and Symmetry

 LHC- Symmetry Article follow my comments...........

The "key" in understanding Existence is that  Creation was not an event but instead is an eternal process......never had a "beginning" and will never have an "end."  The resolution of the Quantum  Laws of the subatomic world will not reveal what Existence merely reveals the Laws that govern it.

The Laws of Physics (God's Laws) are PERFECT.....the suspension or violation of those Laws is non-sequitur. Man is presently is a mortal being and being so, he required a mechanism that fulfills his "need" for a "beginning" and an "end" to Existence......the creation of the of the "supernatural" fulfills that "need" but it is unfortunately an illusion that prevents man from comprehending the concept of a REAL GOD. 

  In most religions...God is thought to be "external" to Creation and is characterized as a "spirit superbeing." 2000 years ago the Incarnation of Yeshua ben Joseph (Jesus the Christ in Greek) revealed the TRUE God.  Jesus revealed that God dwells within, works through His Creation and His PERFECT Laws...therefore God is NOT external Creation...He IS CREATION......a process not an event!   The Creation described in Genesis is about the Creation of "our" existence......NOT an Eternal  Infinite Cosmos. The writers of Genesis could not comprehend a concept of an infinite Cosmos because the observable Universe is all they could see or even imagine. .

Ironically, 142 years ago French Chemist Louis Pasteur actually proved this concept of the Eternal Infinite when he discovered the Law of Biogenesis in his simple "S" shaped flask experiment......"All life MUST come from pre-existing life."   Science celebrates his contribution that disproved "spontaneous generation" once and for all.....and then .....because of a "need for a beginning" .....claim it happened at least once and they even attempt to explain how the biological polymers necessary for the "living process" to occur formed via the violation of the Laws of impossibility.  The extrapolation of the Miller-Urey experiment that spontaneously formed amino acids to include the biomolecular polymers is fantasy because these polymers made up of chains of amino acids (protein enzymes or catalytic RNA polymers made up of nucleotides) REQUIRE "enzymatic polymers" that lowers activation energy so that stable polymers can form in the first place!   It's the molecular version of.."What came first..the chicken or the egg?"   The TRUTH is NEITHER!   What we call a "chicken" formed by Darwinian Natural Selection and the "prototypes" in-between LAID EGGS!    

It's very always existed and always will and life will always change either by natural new genetic information as the result of possible positive DNA mutations  occurring in germ cells (99% are "lethal" and less than 1% occur in germ cells)  BTW) ......OR "Intelligent Design" via Recombinant DNA (rDNA)....which is how "God" Created the first Homo sapiens (Adam)  in His Image.  (I suspect  the major plant and animal phyla were Created by "Intelligent Design as well.)  

I find it ironic that Science rejects "Intelligent Design" and God's Word (Bible)  and the Religious Creationists believe in it...however...because of man's "need" for the "supernatural"...they do not KNOW the God revealed by Jesus and as a result have no clue that Science actually has discovered how God Creates using rDNA! Science has no clue either! is even more ironic that the Big Bang which religious Creationists reject actually supports their interpretation of Genesis.  Science is slowly "getting" it..the Big Bang is NOT an is just one of an infinite number of processes...."the Multiverse."
One possibility........a "black hole" is the "back side" of another "Big Bang."  BTW...Big Bang is NOT a "bang" is an inflation of space-time and matter and energy.

Some Scripture "clues" that reflect an "internal" God.......  Psalm 82:3-6, John 14:8-23, Galatians 3:26-28, Colossians 1:27, 2:9-10, 1 Corinthians:3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 1 John 4:11-16

In Christ...David Brown

 Mirror image: Fundamental symmetry in nature confirmed using CERN Large Collider
Published time: 22 Sep, 2015 14:41

A general view of the Large Hadron Collider © Pierre Albouy

The existence of a fundamental symmetry in nature has been confirmed by measuring particle mass and electric charge using the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Researchers say it will help determine which theory on the laws of the universe is most plausible.

The study, conducted by researchers at Brazil's São Paulo University (USP) and the University of Campinas, determined that there is a symmetry between the nuclei of particles and their antiparticles in terms of charge, parity, and time. The research was published in the journal Nature Physics.

The experiment was part of an investigation to detect differences between the ways in which protons and neutrons join in nuclei while their antiparticles form antinuclei.

"After the Big Bang, for every particle of matter an antiparticle was created. In particle physics, a very important question is whether all the laws of physics display a specific kind of symmetry known as CPT, and these measurements suggest that there is indeed a fundamental symmetry between nuclei and antinuclei," said Marcelo Gameiro Munhoz, a professor at USP's Physics Institute (IF), as quoted by

The measurements were made possible by ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment), a heavy-ion detector on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ring. It measured particles produced in high-energy collisions of heavy ions in the LHC. This process allows for the study of matter at extremely high temperatures and densities.

The collisions were found to produce a large number of particles and antiparticles, producing nuclei and antinuclei at nearly the same rate. Using this data, ALICE was able to make a detailed comparison of the properties of nuclei and antinuclei that were most abundantly produced.

After measuring both the curvature of particle tracks in the detector's magnetic field and the particles' time of flight, that information was then used to determine the mass-to-charge ratios for nuclei and antinuclei.

Munhoz believes the finding can help physicists determine which of the theories on the fundamental laws of the universe is most plausible.

"These laws describe the nature of all matter interactions," he said, "so it's important to know that physical interactions aren't changed by particle charge reversal, parity transformation, reflections of spatial coordinates and time inversion. The key question is whether the laws of physics remain the same under such conditions."

The existence and relationship between matter and anti-matter has long stumped scientists who believe, based on existing theories, that the Big Bang should have produced equal amounts of both, which would have resulted in the two immediately destroying each other.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Informed Faith is NOT the same thing as "blind" faith....It is obvious that most humans who believe in a God have "blind faith".....the many opposing different religions and over 500 denominations of Christianity that has caused so much misery on this planet is in my opinion proof of this, especially today with fanatical religions like radical islam. 

The idea that Christianity was once "fanatical"   is a misrepresentation of history and besides..... it has evolved to be totally non-violent today. A few "whackos"  do not represent what Christianity is.  Radical islam jihad ...on the other hand.... is NOT a few "whackos"  and the claim that alleged non-violent islam is "silent" on the issue because they fear the radicals as well I believe is illusion.  If I appear to be an be is a survival mechanism. Again..the "key" is "informed faith" vs "blind faith."

Careful analysis of the Crusades reveals that comparing it today to groups like ISIS is not only is dishonest and dangerous. More Christians are being  persecuted today.....many being slaughtered in muslim  and hindu countries...... then doing the persecution of others as .they were charged with during the Crusades .  A more accurate account of the Crusades was that they were more defensive of islamic jihad then offensive  proselytizing compared to today's radical islam who consider ALL non-muslims "infidels.".

It seems a person's "truth" is based on where he gets his information....not accurate facts.
(includes myself as well...if you think your sources are more accurate then mine...fine with me.)

In Christ......David

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
Albert Einstein Discovered
E=mc² in the Bible
In 1905, Albert Einstein first published his theories on relativity, from which eventually, he developed his formula for the atomic bomb. Though not commonly known, Albert Einstein once told a group of rabbis in New York City, that he had done a rabbinical study of םיר ohr, the Hebrew word for “light” in Genesis 1:3 and צשםיר maohr, in Genesis 1:14, and arrived at his conclusions about relativity. He noted that the two terms are not alike. The light in v.3 appears to be the Divine source, while the light in v.14 appears to be of a different order. Maohr means “from light” – thus emanating from the ohr. Rabbis believe the ohr to be the primeval light – source of the skekinah glory.
Einstein took the word for light (maohr) and by a complex series of grammatical divisions and substitutions, arrived at the words for mass צש ma, light םיר ohr, speed צשישר mahar, raised רוצ rum and squared רקנשי rebah. This led the Jewish genius to discover that E “energy” could be derived from M “mass” multiplied by  the C² “square of the constant” (the mathematical “constant” commonly assumed to be the speed of light).
Albert Einstein discovered this incredible formula from an ages-old accepted and proven rabbinical method for interpreting the depths of Hebrew as the biblical language. He not only proved that the formula works, but also that the original author of the formula placed it in the opening chapter of the Bible.
 ( from the archives of J.R. Church)


......the problem in discussing religion, atheism and God  is....... "how do we define God?"

Ironically....the God
most religions speak of atheists don't believe in and based on the
teachings of Yeshua ben Joseph...THEY ARE CORRECT. Yeshua (Jesus)
revealed the true God but mankind made ANOTHER religion out of His
revelation. Most humans have an anthropomorphic concept of
God.....some kind of "superbeing" .......that concept of God is the one
Jesus tried to refute. I guess you might say Jesus was an "atheist."
(besides being the true God Incarnate!)

Study the following
Scriptures with an open heart and mind..........they contain "hints" of
the God revealed in the "flesh."...................

Psalm 82:3-6,
John 14:8-23, Galatians 3:26-28, Colossians 1:27, 2:9-10, 1
Corinthians:3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 1 John 4:11-16

in Christ...David



How do you interpret "scientifically" biblical stories such as Adam&Eve, Noah's Ark, talking bushes and snakes, etc., etc?

My answers..................

Adam's  creation was via Recombinant DNA hybridization of Simian stock which explains the common genome between humans and apes and resolves the "time" problem related to DNA mutation rate, mutation location in germ tissue and positive viability of the mutation. No doubt there were various Hominid "prototypes."  as revealed in the fossil record.

Eve was created by modified cloning of Adam.  God took a "rib" from Adam and covered it in "flesh" and Created Eve.  When God  presented her to Adam, Adam exclaimed.."At last..this is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone..I will call her women because she comes from man."
The "rib" is a rich and easily accessible source of adult stem cells. Adult stem cells are easily "reset" to an early embryonic state.  Two cells are harvested...the "Y" chromosome of one of them is removed and discarded. The cell is saved.   An "X" chromosome is removed from the second cell and is inserted into the nucleus of the first cell. The second cell is discarded.  The resulting cell....essentially a female zygote.... is induced to begin cleavage and eventually form a blastocyst which is paced into a ":surrogate" womb. (probably in vitro)  and 9 months latter baby Eve is born.  But Eve was presented to Adam as a sexually mature women?   Yes.....Scripture says that God placed Adam into a "deep sleep" ......I doubt it was general anesthesia.  I submit Adam was placed into a form of suspended animation and was awakened 12-14 years later so Eve was grown up.  The Fundamental Christian interpretation requires acceptance of a "supernatural" process which allegedly is instantaneous. First of all....the "supernatural is the undiscovered natural." (Kreskin)  God is PERFECT..His Laws are PERFECT.....the illusion of the "supernatural" would imply that those Laws be suspended or worse violated......they are PERFECT so suspension or violation would be a non-sequitur,

About the flood and other stuff.........I'm a Biologist but there are plenty of Geologists who could share the Scientific evidence of Noah's flood I'm sure. I read recently also that Archaeologists have discovered chariot wreckage in the bottom of the Red Sea ala' the story of Moses' exodus. You decide......I could go on into the "Shroud of Turin" etc.   Bottom line.....there is TOO much evidence discovered that verifies the Truth in the Bible so therefore.... can't possibly be true.  I know from experience that the more evidence you give someone the more they reject the facts...human nature I guess...we hate to admit we might be wrong! You can claim that I am wrong and even believe you have facts to prove me wrong  but you can't even begin to diminish my Faith in Jesus Christ!

The reason atheists can not comprehend this interpretation of Genesis is because they have rejected the Bible as fantasy instead of Truth.  People of Religious Faith can not comprehend this either because they do not understand the God revealed in the "flesh" in the Incarnation of Yeshua ben Joseph 2000 years ago.  The reason is because human thought is limited by human mortality which makes the concept of Eternity impossible to grasp.  This is also the reason Scientists accept Louis Pasteur's Law of Biogenesis as proof that life was not created by "spontaneous generation" AND THEN  contradict their acceptance saying "it happened at least once."  God never had a : "beginning" therefore "life never had a beginning."

I suggest (and I pray) all the readers of the comments on this thread seriously consider the possibility that Yeshua ben Joseph is GOD Incarnate. Maybe the "faith" so many have that there is no God is illusion?  Maybe atheists "need" a better definition of God....try the following......

 God is the Spirit of.........


........that dwells within our hearts and works through us and His PERFECT Laws.

In Christ....David

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Dawkin's Science vs the Christian Faith......Maybe they're BOTH wrong?

 Creationist article on Richard Dawkins follows my comments....READ FIRST.....

Science vs Religious Faith.....strange bedfellows.    Maybe BOTH are wrong?

Most people in the Scientific community are atheists and  therefore have rejected the concept of a God and sadly.... .as a result..... they lack the Wisdom revealed in His Word...... the "Bible"..... which has greatly limited their ability to to relate Scientific discovery to human philosophic and religious thought. The result is a very static and sterile understanding of REALITY. Because of this...  Science is forced to embrace a mechanism of Creation that satisfies their observation and understanding of REALITY that does not require the concept of a "Creator." They claim that Darwinian Natural Selection as the total mechanism involved in the Creation of the wonderful diversity of life on this planet satisfies their claim that a God is not required  I suspect this dilemma is caused by the fact that man sees a "beginning and and end" to individual human life. Our mortality inherently affects our observation of reality AND our concept of God.  Incidentally....those who do believe in a Creator, especially "Creationists"  are affected in the same way as atheists and as a result may not truly understand the Message and Wisdom revealed in the Bible either!

The problem here is that man's concept of Creation has a "need" for a "beginning" to existence and for many Scientists frustration with an "end" of existence. The concept that God always existed and always will exist and that His Creation always existed and always will is not an easy idea to "wrap" your head around. 142 years ago French Chemist Louis Pasteur actually proved that "Existence" always existed by proving that "life" always existed in his simple "S" shaped flask experiment that revealed the Law of Biogenesis....."ALL Life MUST come from pre-existing life."   The Bible reveals that this is Truth although most "believers" interpret the Book of Genesis of the Bible saying that "Existence" didnlt "Exist" until God Created it!  This is obviously an "oxymoron" ...however, because of our "mortality" we do not realize this and the result is that we have separated the Eternal God from Existence which is a non-sequitur. Man "needed" to separate God from Creation and claim that Creation and Existence are different REALITIES.....this has to be the most illogical thought ever made.   It is ironic that Science celebrates the fact that Pasteur disproved "spontaneous generation" of life "once and all" and then turn around and claim that the biochemicals of life did "spontaneously" form and "accumulate" into the "first" living cell all because of our "need" for a "beginning."  
(BTW....the Miller/Urey "flask" experiment used by atheists to explain the origins of life created amino acids.....the building blocks of proteins...... BUT to claim that proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids also formed by "chance" molecular collision requires MORE faith than believing that the Bible is the Inerrant Word of God and ABSOLUTE TRUTH!  (Incidentally....spontaneous formation of the polymers of bio-molecules by random collision would require the violation of the  Laws of Thermodynamics.....another non-sequitur.)

Darwinian Natural Selection is a basic Biological process and there is no question it is observable at the "micro level"....sadly..... in the creation of antibiotic resistant pathogens by over use of antibiotics in treating infectious disease. Antibiotic drugs are strong "selection agents" and because of DNA mutation caused by natural changes in the replication process or external mutation agents like radiation and chemical that alter a pathogens survival traits ....strains of drug resistant pathogens have been "selected"  resulting  no available treatment for many infectious diseases.   Even the "Creationists" have to accept this truth.....however....."Creationists" reject Natural Selection at the "macro level and have attempted to refute Scientific evidence of evolution by embracing pseudo-science to explain their "supernatural" version of Creation of man. Ironically.....I believe Creationists are CORRECT in that man was NOT Created by Darwinian Natural Selection and in fact was Created by "Intelligent Design."  I also suspect that "Intelligent Design" was the mechanism involved in the Creation of both Animal and Plant "Phyla"  however...Natural Selection IS evident within Class, Order and Family taxon.

It is important to realize that there are also many in the Science community who DO accept the God of the Holy Bible and recognize that the Creation of Adam was by "Intelligent Design" like the people who created this website I am commenting to and "myself!"    In my opinion, there is no question that Adam. the first man, was Created in the "Image of God" from the "dust of the Earth"  by "Intelligent Design."   The confusion for both Science and Religion is caused by "believers" not understanding the God revealed in the Bible and Incarnated in the "flesh" in Yeshua ben Joseph (Jesus the Christ in Greek) and Science ignoring the possibility of a God altogether.  However.....there is a huge difference between what I believe is "Intelligent Design" and the Creationist version. 

The Creationist concept of "Intelligent Design" by necessity requires the existence of what man imagines as the "supernatural."    I believe God is PERFECT therefore His Laws are PERFECT. The "supernatural" implies that there is a suspension or violation of His my humble opinion....a non-sequitur since the Laws are already PERFECT.  I believe the "key" to understanding God's PERFECT Laws is His Word...the Holy Bible.   The cause of confusion is NOT what the Bible is the interpretation of what it reveals.  When the inspired writers of the Bible wrote the Scriptures, they did NOT know they were writing God's Word nor did they know anyone else was also writing down God's Word and furthermore.....they  had limited comprehension of God's Laws because the understanding of the Scientific Method was off in the "future."  Today Science has revealed much of God's Laws and this knowledge has "opened" up the Scriptures in a "new" revealing "light"  that resolves all alleged contradictions and what many believe is fantasy.  The claim that the Holy Spirit of God reveals the meaning of the Scriptures cannot be totally accurate because God is NOT a God of confusion and the over 500 denominations of Christianity and all the "other" conflicting world religions sure implies that the Holy Spirit of the One True God was not the "only" spirit involved in interpretation of the Scriptures. I believe the knowledge gained through Science is revealing the true message in God's WORD and will prepare the planet for the restoration to God's Eternal Cosmic Family under the Reign of Jesus Christ as King when He returns to the planet EXACTLY THE SAME WAY HE LEFT 2000 years ago.
(Acts 1:8-11)    I submit that the Scripture that says God's ways are so far above man's that we can never comprehend His Laws I believe is illusion because I am certain that this Scripture is referring to God's Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Patience, Passion, Holiness, Beauty etc...NOT Science!

Ironically.  Science has discovered the Laws and mechanism God used in the Creation of Adam but obviously they have no "clue" since they don't even believe in Him! . In order to understand this, one has to understand the God revealed in Jesus.  The following Scriptures offer some clues.....  Psalm 82:3-6, John 14:8-23, Galatians 3:26-28, Colossians 1:27, 2:9-10, 1 Corinthians:3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 1 John 4:11-16.   These Scriptures resolve the Hebrew "plural" problem in Genesis when it says..."Let Us Create Man in Our Image."  Most Christians do no understand this because they believe the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity resolves the plural..God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  The concept of Three Persons in One is a mystery but it NOT a case of separate is fact more like a case of multiple personalities..not separate persons.  The mystery is that the Trinity reveals MANIFESTATIONS of the ONE God..therefore it cannot satisfy the "plural Hebrew " problem.  How does Jesus and the Scriptures I referred to resolve the problem?  I am convinced that these Scriptures and Jesus reveals that God dwells within and works through His Creation and His PERFECT Laws which can and does resolve the plural.  It then becomes obvious that God Created Adam through His Created Children via Recombinant DNA (rDNA)  which explains the 95% common genome between Simians and Humans more accurately than Science's claim man evolved from a common Simian ancestor by Darwinian Natural Selection.   The Bible reveals we are Created in God's Image....we know that "other" Created beings look like God because we are told to be courteous, and hospitable to everyone we meet because we never know when we are in the presence of a Messenger of Aangel...BECAUSE   "they look like us" which obviously means we "look like God!."   The Bible says God Created us from the "dust" of Earth.  DNA is made up of the elements of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorous......."the "dust" of Earth therefore rDNA qualifies as the Biblical "dust."

In conclusion...when the Bible is interpreted through the knowledge God's "gift of Science" ..not only do we begin to understand the True Nature of the God of the Cosmos and that He appeared in the "flesh"  as Jesus and His Sacrifice on the Roman Cross restores "fallen" man to God's Kingdom...WE ALSO realize that this God dwells in our hearts.   God does NOT reject is ourselves that rejects Him because we desire to be "our own gods."  This is the source of all evil.....when we accept the God "in our hearts"..evil is destroyed.   One of the arguments I get from folks who don't believe in the God of the Bible is that the Bible is full of contradictions, therefore it must be fantasy.   When Scripture is interpreted Scientifically all confusion and alleged contradictions disappear!   Sadly.....many people still reject this truth because they do not want t give up being their own god.

In Christ..David Brown


IMPORTANT....For those who insist man evolved from apes......The ONLY natural source of new genetic information  that may give an organism some phenotypic survival trait in a changing environment of selection agents is by DNA mutation. The problem is that 99% of mutations that cause genetic change in the replication process or by external agents like radiation and chemical are "lethal" and less than 1 % of any non-lethal mutations occur in germ tissue that form the sex cells necessary to create offspring and pass these possible new survival traits onto future offspring for Natural selection to act on. The Law of Uniformentarianism  implies that the mutations rates through out time have remained relatively constant. Based on this fact.... the evolution of Homo sapiens by Natural Selection from a common Simian ancestor is simply impossible because there was no where near enough "time" to do so.

Therefore....the ONLY logical explanation then for the appearance of Homo sapiens on Earth is Recombinant DNA.  BTW..I suspect man's genome has been constantly "tweaked" throughout history and frankly..I don't think it has ended yet either!

In Christ..David

Dawkins’s Contributions as a Scientist Are Already Past Their Sell-By Date, Says Nature Reviewer

Posted on September 12, 2015

In the journal Nature, Nathaniel Comfort delivers a softly devastating review of Richard Dawkins’s memoir, part two, Brief Candle in the Dark: My Life in Science. Or let me rephrase that — it’s a devastating review of Dawkins himself as a scientist, including his enchantment with computer simulations. The problem with computers is that they’re only as effective as the assumptions you bring to them. Garbage in, garbage out:

    Much of Dawkins’s research has been in silico, writing programs for evolutionary simulations. In his simulations, life is utterly determined by genes, which specify developmental rules and fixed traits such as colour. The more lifelike his digital animals (“biomorphs”) become, the more persuaded he is that real genes work in roughly the same way. Dawkins’s critics accuse him of genetic determinism. This synopsis of his work shows that his life virtually depends on it.

    A curious stasis underlies Dawkins’s thought. His biomorphs are grounded in 1970s assumptions. Back then, with rare exceptions, each gene specified a protein and each protein was specified by a gene. The genome was a linear text — a parts list or computer program for making an organism –insulated from the environment, with the coding regions interspersed with “junk”.

    Today’s genome is much more than a script: it is a dynamic, three-dimensional structure, highly responsive to its environment and almost fractally modular. Genes may be fragmentary, with far-flung chunks of DNA sequence mixed and matched in bewildering combinatorial arrays. A universe of regulatory and modulatory elements hides in the erstwhile junk. Genes cooperate, evolving together as units to produce traits. Many researchers continue to find selfish DNA a productive idea, but taking the longer view, the selfish gene per se is looking increasingly like a twentieth-century construct.

    Dawkins’s synopsis shows that he has not adapted to this view. He nods at cooperation among genes, but assimilates it as a kind of selfishness. The microbiome and the 3D genome go unnoticed. Epigenetics is an “interesting, if rather rare, phenomenon” enjoying its “fifteen minutes of pop science voguery”, which it has been doing since at least 2009, when Dawkins made the same claim in The Greatest Show on Earth (Transworld). Dawkins adheres to a deterministic language of “genes for” traits. As I and other historians have shown, such hereditarianism plays into the hands of the self-styled race realists (N. Comfort Nature 513, 306-307; 2014).

Note the reference to “erstwhile” junk DNA, the acknowledgement by Comfort that epigenetics and its impact on evolutionary thinking are no flash in the pan, and the recognition that gene determinism plays into the hands of racialists — and, one might add, genuine racists. Also see biologist Ann Gauger’s comments here this morning on the design implications of “dynamic genomes.”

Comfort, a science historian at Johns Hopkins, isn’t impressed by Dawkins’s atheist evangelizing, but he passes over that briefly. At Why Evolution Is True, Jerry Coyne complains that Comfort doesn’t try to argue against Dawkins on the God question. But he doesn’t need to. The aggressive atheist stance shared by Dawkins and Coyne is supposed to be an inference from the science. If the science is already outdated, “curiously static” while science passes it by in the scientist’s own lifetime, what more is there to say?

Continue Reading on

Everyone agrees that Dawkins is a terrific writer -- his "greatest gift has been as a lyricist," says Comfort. In that respect, we in the intelligent design community could profit by taking notes from him.

But a scientist whose legacy amounts to little more than his sparkling prose style is not going to go down in the history books, at least not prominently. Nor should anyone be concerned that his acid musings on faith will have much impact in the long run.

Image credit: David Shankbone (Own work) [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Common


Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Parthenogenetic Jesus?

 The Creationist article that follows my comments is correct about the fact  that Jesus could not have been the result of "parthenogenesis" or "virgin birth".......(formation of a haploid blastocyst and gestation without fusion of gametes...common in several plant and animal species)........ BECAUSE Jesus would have been a female because the female ovum (of His Mother Mary and all females)  does not contain the male "Y" chromosome.  So....was it "magic" or "supernatural" or is there a better and more truthful explanation based on God's Laws?  Sadly....Science won't ever "get it" either because they reject any concept of a God and the Wisdom revealed in His Word..the Holy  Bible.

 Creationist article follows my comments......


Yes..true....Jesus was not a "haploid!" (a result of parthenogenesis) He has 23 pairs of chromosomes just like all of us....23 maternal chromosomes from His Blessed Mother Mary and 23 paternal chromosomes from God........obviously by artificial insemination because Mary was a virgin and the paternal chromosomes of Jesus were NOT from her husband Joseph. God is PERFECT therefore His Laws are PERFECT which means the "supernatural" explanation of His actions is illusion. The Bible states that we are Created in the Image of ABSOLUTE Truth. is impossible to understand this unless you understand the God revealed in the flesh 2000 years ago in the Incarnation of Yeshua ben Joseph..Jesus the Christ. Because very few understand the God Jesus revealed....most people are forced to explain God's work as either a suspension or violation of His PERFECT obvious non-sequitur. The obvious conclusion is that the 23 paternal chromosomes of Jesus are "Divine",,...NOT from this planet!

Who IS the God revealed by are some "hints"...... Psalm 82:3-6, John 14:8-23, Galatians 3:26-28, Colossians 1:27, 2:9-10, 1 Corinthians:3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 1 John 4:11-16...... long as Christian Theologians insist on a God that uses alleged "supernatural" powers (illusions)  ..they will never understand the true "miracle" of the Incarnation of God in Jesus Christ that restores mankind to the Family of God.


Jesus Was Not a Product of Parthenogenesis

Posted on August 30, 2015 in Bible and Theology, Cell Biology, Dumb Ideas, Genetics, Human Body, Intelligent Design, Philosophy of Science, Politics and Ethics

Secular scientists are free to disbelieve in the Virgin Birth, but should at least try to understand what they are denying.

Current Biology published a blooper. In a Dispatch on the subject of Parthenogenesis (asexual reproduction by unfertilized eggs), Casper J. van der Kooi and Tanja Schwander from the University of Lausanne did fine discussing fish, moths and reptiles. But they really should have stayed out of theology and Biblical interpretation. Here’s the opening:

The phenomenon of virgin birth has long fascinated scientists and laymen alike. The first account of parthenogenesis in the literature is the prophecy of Jesus Christ’s birth in Isaiah 7:14: “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel”. This reference to parthenogenesis is unusual in two ways: first, it is the only account of ‘natural parthenogenesis’ in a mammal. Mammals are believed to be completely unable to reproduce via parthenogenesis because of a number of developmental and genetic constraints. Second, while the “Blessed Virgin Mary” might have been able to conceive a daughter via parthenogenesis, the conception of a son is highly unlikely. As male sex in humans is determined by genes on the Y chromosome, Mary, as a woman, could not have transmitted any Y chromosomes to her offspring.

This is a set-up for a put-down. van der Kooi and Schwander clearly misrepresent the nature of Christ’s birth. Luke 1:31–35 states clearly that Mary’s human egg was miraculously completed by God the Holy Spirit:

He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”  And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God.”

This is important for Jesus Christ to be known as the God-man—fully God yet fully man. Parthenogenesis, involving an incomplete complement of DNA, would deny Christ’s sonship from the Father. Clearly this was a one-time, unique miracle, but why should that be surprising? If God invented sex, He surely knows how to create the appropriate DNA for His redemptive purposes.  And Luke, a doctor and careful researcher, certainly knew the miraculous nature of virgin birth for a human being.

Luke went out of his way to describe how unique and special Mary’s child would be, probably having gotten his account from Mary herself. Otherwise, why wouldn’t he simply say Jesus was the son of Joseph and Mary? He was aware of the rumors of those who couldn’t accept His supernatural birth (including Pharisees who slandered Him as being illegitimate), so in his genealogy, Luke wrote, “Jesus, when he began his ministry, was about thirty years of age, being the son (as was supposed) of Joseph.…” (Luke 3:23). Legally, Jesus was a son in Joseph’s household, but Luke had explained in detail what had happened with the angel’s visit.

So it wasn’t parthenogenesis. This mistake undermines their whole argument. But then, the biologists make another mistake at the end of their article:

So, could accidental parthenogenesis in humans ever give rise to a new parthenogenetic lineage? Probably not, as the developmental and genetic constraints in humans and other mammals would most likely prevent the emergence of adaptive parthenogenesis in natural populations. As it turns out, even the most famous speculation about parthenogenesis, Jesus Christ’s birth, owes its existence not to a miracle but to a human error during the translation of Isaiah 7:14 from Hebrew to Greek: The Hebrew word almah can refer to a young woman of marriageable age, whether married or not. The ‘young woman’ became a ‘virgin’ in the gospel according to Matthew, where almah was translated as the Greek parthenos.

Here, van der Kooi and Schwander err in their Biblical interpretation. For one, just because almah “can” refer to a woman of marriageable age, it doesn’t mean it does; the context has to be understood. Even if Isaiah’s prophecy had a short-term fulfillment before its ultimate fulfillment, the prophesy of a married woman having a baby would hardly be a “sign”—that happens every day. Even naming it “Immanuel” would not be surprising. A sign had to point to something special and unique. Second, they ignore the Luke passages quoted above. Third, they ignore other passages that refer to Christ’s unique sonship, such as Galatians 4:4–5:

But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus is referred to as the Son of God as well as Son of Man. As the God-man, Jesus was uniquely in a position to be the great High Priest of salvation by offering Himself as the sacrifice for sin. If He was a product of parthenogenesis, or a normal son of human parents, He would not be able to fulfill that role. Only because Jesus was God incarnate was He able to suffer for the sins of all humanity. This is why the Virgin Birth is central to Christianity, and why Isaiah, Matthew and Luke make it explicit, and many other Bible verses make it implicit.

If secular biologists demand theologians stay out of science, then they should keep their materialist hands out of theology and exegesis.

Do you see the hiss of worldview between their words? Scientism, materialism, and anti-Christianity are clearly apparent.  If these biologists want to be ethical scientists, let them face peer review. Let them present their paper to the Evangelical Theological Society or some appropriate venue where scholars who understand these matters can set them straight on their facts before they embarrass themselves in print.

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