Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I don’t normally post political issues unless they are directly related to Biblical Prophecy. Well…TODAY is a sad day for America as a result of yesterday’s Supreme Court decision and I am afraid it IS related to Biblical Prophecy.
America’s democracy has always been dependant on a system of “checks and balances” to specifically prevent any one group in government to take over another. I fear this has already happened to our government. The first to be “taken over” was our judiciary as evidenced by all the recent “legislating FROM THE BENCH.” The next “phase” seems to be coming from the executive branch, specifically the “Rumsfeld plan” to “privatize” government under the guise of increasing efficiency and saving money. The TSA, the newest agency to be created, as a result of 9/11, was the “unofficial testing” ground for this plan. Well…. the TSA is certainly not “private” but the “test” was to make TSA exempt from collective bargaining (even for working conditions) and denying WHISTLE BLOWING protection for its’ Federal employees. The American Federation of Government Employees fought hard and “won” several cases against abuse in TSA that resulted in limited whistle blowing protection. HOWEVER, THAT ALL ENDED YESTERDAY! In the name of national security we have Executive violation of our FISA laws, offensive military philosophy and NOW, TOTAL loss of our critical “checks and balances” in the Federal Government.
The Supreme Court has attacked the “final” stronghold of American “checks and balances”, the rank and file Federal employees who were our first line of defense in management corruption, foreign interest infiltration (enemies) and incompetence. We will now be “at the mercy” of agency management who will have to “answer” to NO ONE! A government of “checks and balances” has unfortunately been replaced by one of “trust us…. we know what’s best for you and our country.” Ben Franklin must be “rolling over” in his grave!
The third paragraph below is a “red flag” that ALL American’s should take heed to. The last sentence in the second paragraph is VERY scary…stating that when we are working we are not American citizens and therefore not protected by First Amendment rights.

Supreme Court rules against whistleblowersBy UPI StaffUnited Press InternationalMay 31, 2006
WASHINGTON (UPI) -- A divided Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that government whistleblowers have no First Amendment protection for comments involving their jobs.
The justices ruled 5-4 against Richard Ceballos, a supervisor in the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office, who claimed that he had been subject to retaliation for a memo that said a police affidavit for a search warrant contained misrepresentations. The court, overruling an appellate decision, found that public employees making statements in the course of official duties "are not speaking as citizens for First Amendment purposes."
"Without a significant degree of control over its employees' words and actions, a government employer would have little chance to provide public services efficiently," the court said in a summary of the decision.
The National Whistleblower Center said that the ruling deprives whistleblowers of almost all protection.
"The ruling is a victory for every crooked politician in the United States," said Stephen Kohn, the center's director.


The ultimate purpose for what we see, as “globalization” is the preparation of “Novus Ordo Seclorum”, The New World Order of One World Government. In fact, this Latin proclamation has been on the back of our one-dollar bill since 1932! The last obstacle to this transformation is democracy and America is the “cornerstone” of all democracies and it is obvious that American Democracy as we know it must be altered for this transition to occur. The only way for this to be possible is to eliminate the basic protection mechanism of American Democracy…”checks and balances.” The elimination of whistle blowing rights for Federal employees will be the single most powerful step to this end. ALL of this is prophesied in the Book of Revelation. The rise of the One World Leader would not be possible with American Democracy in the way. The next phase I’m sure will be a “National ID” program with possibly a “digital ID chip” implanted into our bodies. Digital Angel of Palm Beach, Fla. is presently manufacturing such chips. THIS IS ALSO PROPHESIED IN REVELATION.

May 30, 2006 will mark the “beginning of the end”…

I suppose I should rejoice in seeing the Will of Our Creator fulfilled but as a Federal employee who is presently in an appeal for a discrimination lawsuit based on retaliation for whistle blowing, I am selfishly frustrated that I will not succeed in my appeal as a result of this Supreme Court decision. However, I shall pray that His Will be done…. not mine.

Pax…Doubting Thomas

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


The “secret” to prayer maybe not what we think it is. People of faith use prayer for worship and when the going gets tough but rarely utilize it for simple things in general everyday life. People who are “too busy” for God come running to Him when things really come “unglued.” As they say…”There are no atheists in a foxhole.” The Truth about God and reality and prayer is terribly misunderstood and I’m sure our Creator weeps.

The following is from Bill Keller of who “hits the nail on the head”…

EXCERPT FROM LIVEPRAYER DAILY DEVOTIONAL WEDNESDAY MAY 31, 2006(Matthew 10:30, Galatians 2:20, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Ephesians 3:16, John15:5)

”Praying even about the little things. I want to share with you today alesson I learned many years ago that literally transformed my daily life.It became the difference between me going through the day in my strength,feeling like there was a baby grand piano on my back, and going through theday in the Lord's strength, effortlessly and free regardless of what thecircumstances or problems that day brought. We have no problem praying toGod about the "big things" in our life, but what about the "little things?"”It is critical to never forget that prayer is an act of dependence upon God.We pray because we are dependent upon God for the answer. We pray becausewe face things in our life that are totally out of our control and God isthe only answer. Let me make an important point here that will help yougrasp the lesson today about praying for even the little things in yourlife. It is a false sense of security we have that we are in control ofANYTHING in our life. That is a lie from the depths of hell itself. We mayTHINK we are in control of certain things, when in reality we are not.””It is rebellion to live your life or even try to live your life apart fromGod. When you confess Christ as your Savior you are surrendering your lifeto Him. Completely. 100%. The Bible clearly says that it is no longer ourlife, that it ALL belongs to Him. The problem is we never really get tothat place of 100% surrender. We might get to 50%, or maybe 75%, or even95%, but we never really give it ALL to Him. There are certain parts of ourlife we hold on to, not willing to give Christ everything.””What we end up holding onto are those sins that have become deeply rooted inour life as well as the parts of our life we think we are in control of. Wehave talked often in the past about dealing with those "secret sins," thosedeep-rooted bondages that we have learned how to live with. As we mature inour faith, the Holy Spirit brings us under conviction and we slowly getvictory over and eliminate those bondages and strongholds, allowing theSpirit to clean up those areas of our life that are not pleasing to theLord. However, we still hold onto the things in our life we think we havesome control over.””What I am talking about are those day-to-day issues that we face that maynot seem life changing, and in the big scheme of things are pretty trivial.Getting a parking place. A problem at the bank with your account. Your carneeds to be serviced. An issue on your job or at school. You find ants inyour house. They can't find two of your shirts at the dry cleaners. I amtalking about literally thousands and thousands of daily issues that ariseas you are simply living your life. These are the "little things" that wenever pray about and try to handle on our own.””Don't you know how much God cares about you and loves you? The Bible saysthat He cares about you and loves you so much He even knows the number ofhairs on your head. If God cares enough to number the hairs on your head,why would you think He doesn't care if your keys are lost or your sprinklersystem is not working? Let me assure you, HE DOES! I'm going to sharesomething with you that will literally transform your life and yourrelationship with God. START PRAYING ABOUT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN YOURLIFE, EVEN THE LITTLE THINGS!””Years ago, I realized that I was living my daily life not really dependingon God but myself. I began to pray about everything, no matter howinsignificant it seemed. I would pray as I was looking for a parking spot.That didn't mean a spot up front magically became available, but it did meanI got the exact spot God wanted me to be in. I would pray when I woulddecide what phone to buy. It didn't mean they gave me the phone for free,but I ended up with the exact phone God wanted me to have. I would praywhen I took my car to be serviced. It didn't mean that there weren't thingsthat needed to be repaired, but God made sure what needed to be fixed was,and it was in good working order””The point I want you to grasp is that thinking we are in control of anythingis a myth. However, God IS in control of everything at all times. He hasgiven us the ability to communicate with Him at any time about anything. Weare fools when we don't take full advantage of that opportunity. Trust me,there is nothing you can do better than God! Let me repeat that so youdon't miss it. There is NOTHING you can do better than God. You are onlymaking your life more difficult when you live any part of your life apartfrom God. You are carrying unnecessary burdens when you don't takeeverything, even the little things to the Lord in prayer”.

“I love you and care about you so much. God loves you and cares about youeven more. He loves you and cares about EVERYTHING in your life, even thelittle things. Have you ever went to your mom and dad with a problem andthey told you, "Don't bother me, I don't have time right now, figure it outyourself." God will never do that. The Bible doesn't say, "call upon theLord with the big problems in life but handle the little things yourself."The Bible tells us to bring ALL of our petitions to the Lord. That meansnot just the big things in our life, but the little things as well.””We are actually in rebellion to God when we are trying to deal with anythingin our lives apart from Him. John 15:5 tells us that without Him, we can doNOTHING! It doesn't say we can do the little things, it says NOTHING.When we pray about those little things we face each day in our life, we arenot only being obedient, we are not only acknowledging our dependence uponthe Lord, we are taking the pressure off our ourselves. We may get itright, we may make the right decision, but we know GOD WILL 100% of thetime. We are being foolish not to call upon the name of the Lord and letHis Spirit guide us in everything we do in life.””I will be praying for you today. Praying that you will start to consciouslymake an effort to pray throughout the day as you are faced with decisions,with problems, with choices to make. Simply take a moment and ask God toshow you the way, help you through whatever the problem may be, guide you inyour decisions. After a while, it will become second nature, instinctive,to pray about everything in your life throughout the day. You will beamazed at how it will transform your daily life. Not only will you beliving in the freedom of His strength, but you will start to live with greatconfidence because when God is guiding you and directing your steps, LIFEWORKS! Keep praying about the big things in your life, but now, start evenpraying about the little things.”


What Bill is talking about here is that God does care for us because He is pure Love and Love is the “FORCE” that Creates. As he says, we do not control ANYTHING and everything that happens is not “chance” or random but is God’s will. There are no co-incidence only co-existing events. Chaos Theory,…Butterfly Affect, …cause and effect,…”karma”, “what goes around comes around”, “we reap what we sow” (Galatians 6:7)


Love is usually associated with an emotion. BUT…what is this beautiful emotion really doing? We know It Creates…but why? How?
Quantum Physics has recently stumbled upon the very “fabric” of Reality…The String Theory and its’ subdivisions (Super Strings, Brane Bubble etc.) Many Scientists are now calling it “The Theory of EVERYTHING!” If these “tiny little loops” we call strings are the true “fabric” of all matter, energy, space-time and the “other” 7 dimensions of Existence, then what we are saying is that the ONLY “thing” that really Exists are these Strings for EVERYTHING that does Exist are merely different frequencies and vibrational patterns of these Strings. As I have said in my other posts, I believe these Strings are God’s Thoughts…His Word. The Bible sure supports this notion….John 1: 1,

“In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

If I am correct about this, these Strings ARE GOD! God is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient…exactly the property of Strings! Pretty “cold” impersonal view of God eh? Jesus hanging on the Cross at Calvary sure doesn’t seem impersonal to me….seems awful PASSIONIONATE to me…the ESSENCE OF PURE LOVE.

So…why is prayer answered? Obviously LOVE. How does it work…..If we are all attached by Strings (we are them) then are prayer IS A COMMUNICATION through them. We are connected to God forever and have always been connected. A simple analogy would be an iron rod with point “A” on one end and point “B” on the other. When we pull on point “A”, point “B” moves “at exactly the same time”, there is no TIME involved. This is a characteristic of Quantum Entanglement. Same with prayer…our prayers are answered AS WE PRAY! We may not “like” the answer we get from the prayer but we can be 100% sure it is correct because it is “Resonant” and is God’s will. (There is an old saying….”Be careful what you pray for…you may just get it!”) When we are praying, we are “connecting” to our dependence on God for Existence. When we are connected to God this way, our resonant frequency is ONE with God and we are in balance with the whole Universe. We are without EGO at this point.

This is the “Scientific Nature” of Love…RESONANCE…HARMONY…..CONSTRUCTIVE FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE. As subatomic particles are United through Quantum Entanglement….so does prayer unite our Spirit with God’s (Remember…it is impossible to raise ourselves to this higher dimensional level of being without EGO and sin. The ONLY “path” to this level of “enlightenment” is through The Christ of Creation.
John 14:6…”I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” )

Even on a larger scale we see this in the living physical process in sexual attraction. Sexual attraction is “force” generated by Love that attempts to bring DNA together in “union” which results in a Creative process….we make a beautiful baby! God sharing His Love and Creative power with us! Jesus was constantly referring to His Kingdom like a Bride and Bridegroom! CREATIVE LOVE. (Incidentally…this is why the Bible tells us that marriage is between one man and one women because of the Creative potential involved and the family that results.)

If what I say about Strings is True……we are NUTS not to be in constant connection to God through prayer…24/7. Problem is…to live this way, in surrender to the “Fabric of the Cosmos”..God…we sure will live a victorious life but we may also experience “powers” that are down right “spooky”. Being a child of God sure can be scary…..can you imagine “walking” through a wall?….WEIRD STUFF! If we start calling God by His Holy Name….YHWH…we better expect weird stuff to start happening because He really appreciates His Creation having that kind of personal relationship.

Don’t “doubt” God….Peter and many others did ..Thomas did as well and was given a special Gift… “touch” the Precious Wounds of The Crucified God-Man. AWESOME POWER! Personally, for me, String Theory is equivalent to “touching” Him…..for I am a Doubting Thomas too. I thank Him and Love Him.

Pax….Doubting Thomas

Monday, May 29, 2006


The following post is a response to an e-mail I received from a friend on articles from the following sites…. The articles referred to ancient legends of levitation and anti-gravity craft and how acoustic energy might have been involved.

I responded that new discoveries in String Theory such as Quantum Entanglement etc. could possibly lend credence to these ancient legends.

As I mentioned many times before, I suspect that the "tiny string loops" of String Theory are actually GOD's THOUGHTS. It is His Thoughts and Word manifested as Strings that Create and essentially we ARE His DREAM! Well...the audio energy of the trumpets was not necessarily the force that caused the levitation but were merely instruments that allowed the players to "focus" their "thought energy" into levitating the stone. The musical vibrations may have acted as a sort of amplifier of the thought energy that manipulates String frequency according to our will. It is still also possible that the sound energy involved is simple resonance but then again, that’s what String Theory is all about! I honestly believe the Christ tried to teach this stuff! As Jesus taught us...We are IN God and He is in US! Religion caused man to lose site of TRUTH and "covered" it in a man made concept of SIN. By inventing SIN, it blinded us to the TRUE problem...EGO! The "miracles" of Jesus are possibly ONLY after a person conquers EGO for in reality...EGO=SIN. When we achieve pure humility, love, compassion, honor, integrity.....WE WILL BE ABLE TO WALK THROUGH WALLS, FLY LIKE SUPERMAN, MOVE MOUNTAINS (levitation) ETC. Jesus said we will do more than He! “ does one conquer EGO? It is so simple we screw it up! The TRUTH is WE CAN’T.” It is IMPOSSIBLE for mortal man to EVER conquer EGO. This is why The Creator Source God YHWH INCARNATED.... to FREE us from our EGO's. This is the SECRET to John 14:6..."I am the Way, the Truth and the Life...NO ONE comes to the Father (GOD) except through me. Everyone thinks this means to become a Christian. Nope...Christianity is a religion...JESUS is GOD our Creator... every person must decide for themselves whether to accept this as TRUTH or reject it for that is the Essence of the Law of Free Will.

Well…if I am correct about String Theory and we will eventually “master” the technology to alter frequency and therefore alter matter and energy AND time-space itself, WE ALL HAVE THE GIFT OF BEING SUPERMAN! Well…I still can't fly or walk through walls or move objects with my mind and I thank God everyday that I can't BECAUSE I AM SCARED OUT OF MY GORD OF THIS STUFF! Too much power for an EGO maniac like me! Someday.....when the Boss says I'm ready.....He'll help me do what I already know I can do! Jesus is NOT a liar...He said we can do this psychic stuff! Quantum Entanglement is enough to handle right now and you know what Einstein said about that..." a force all too SPOOKY!"

By the way...Have you read Col. Philip Corso's "The Day After Roswell?" I'm half way through it now. My first impression is that he wrote a book about SV's for sure but I suspect it is disinformation. He seems a bit "arrogant" for me to believe him because he blows the "Sagan Postulate" out of the water. Why should I not be "cautious" of Corso...he was an Army Colonel.....there are 5 kinds of people you should NEVER trust....1) Military top brass 2) politicians 3) lawyers 4) used car salesman and 5) ego driven clergy of any religion!
I had lunch with Carl Sagan and believe me...he was "light years" from being arrogant! I'm sorry...I buy the Sagan Postulate 100% for that is scientifically logical and Science is NOT "fear" based....almost EVERYTHING else invented by man is except music and art!
Sagan Postulate....A society whose technology is more advanced than its' sociology will annihilate itself. ( ie; Atlantis) SV's visiting us in time-space vehicles would not be here according to Sagan. "Fallen Angels" did NOT come here on their own... They were "sentenced" and "imprisoned" here. Their "self annihilation" is eminent following transition from this 4th World to the 5th World of Christ's Paradise come to Earth.

So...who do I trust?.... The late Col. Corso, who was a "military top monkey" or the late Carl Sagan, who was a meek Astro/Physics Professor from Cornell University (about 70 miles from me) I have read Carl's books and I have met him...I don't know Corso except in his one book. ( I'm not sure, but I think Dr. Boylan considers Corso to be a person of "disinformation." He doesn't think much of Carl either, I think. Not sure. I strongly believe Sagan is correct.


Another thing about the trumpet thingy The concept of acoustic sound and its' affect on matter makes sense. Sound is vibrational energy and Strings are vibrating tiny loops of very specific frequency so there is direct connection for sure. AND....The Trumpet players probably thought Joshua was nuts when he had them line up along a plane parallel to the Walls of Jericho and "blow" there Trumpets...."AND THOSE WALLS CAME A TUMBLIN' ON DOWN."

(Uggh ...My Riley doggy/ Bassett Hound got through the fence last night and took off. We finally got him at 3:30am. Had to be up at 6am to play "taps" at 15 cemeteries. I am tired. And have an Exedrin headache number 47!..Gonna go to bed!)

PS;Whitley Strieber was on Coast to Coast AM last night. Very interesting. Seems there are some "not so friendly" SV's...I am convinced these are the ones who "fell" with their boss...Lucifer. I am convinced they are the Biblical Demons and the good guys (our friends) are the Biblical Angels. I don't take the Bible as a religious writing. I think it is VERY Scientific! These "fallen" ones can't go into the 2nd Heaven.... approximately 250 miles into space. Astronaut Affect is pretty convincing evidence of this. Wouldn't be surprised the "good SV's" keep an eye on them! I think the good SV's are examples of the Sagan Postulate. Otherwise they wouldn’t be here! Fermi (first sustained fission chain reaction) formulated a hypothesis called the Fermi Postulate…There are no SV’s….otherwise we would see them! Rather arrogant view thinking we are so intelligent that the SV’s would not be able to remain undetected. Maybe THEY decide when to be seen or not!

Pax……Doubting Thomas

Sunday, May 28, 2006


I received an interesting e-mail from a very dear friend of mine that I responded to and want to share. I think it is VERY important for all to read.

My friend's comments.....

"Sorry! I forgot something important from my email about the Zeta visit this morning.
When he was showing me that place in Orion's Belt and I saw that energy signature stuff, I asked Zeta what they did to eat or take in energy. I had heard some bad lies about these kind guys and was like wanting to go right to the source since he was there and find out!

He showed me some energy patterns that were very short - about 1 foot tall and bushy - and I knew somehow they were plants. They had some cool energy vein structures in them.
I thought "Vegetarian?" and Zeta did not answer so I asked if they were like plants and he said "Yes." and I asked if they pulled them up and ate them and he was almost appalled like with his energy response to me and said "NO!" and so I asked what they did to get energy from them and he showed me where they had some containers and the "Plants" ? could be tapped into and they would release the energy into the containers then Zeta could drink the energy or save it !!! I was like " W O W !!! " and then the Zeta would let the plant rest until it was ready to give more energy again."

WOW is putting it mildly!...(This Zeta characteristic seems to have a lot in common with the "Celestine Prophecy" in understanding "energy" interaction between all life entities.) As a Biologist, I never could figure out why people say eating a plant is ok but eating an animal is not. (human arrogance and ignorance) Plants are "perfect" life forms just like all animals but they are autotrophic...they carry on photosynthesis and therefore make their own food nutrition. Just because their communications system is based on chemical stimuli and response instead of "electrochemical" nervous response found in animal life DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE MORE APPROPRIATE FOR EATING because of our "arrogant" and "ignorant" view of "feelings." Plants DO HAVE FEELINGS TO....maybe not like us but they have a "right" to life as much as ANY living organism..PERIOD!
Animals are heterotrophic and must obtain energy and materials from eating another life form. If you look at Scripture, you will see that Creation of this ecosystem on planet Earth was "not al;ways" this way. Because of Man's EGO (SIN) our ecosystem "fell" from this "perfect" energy state level, including all life on the planet leaving animal life requiring a heterothrophic nutrition system. I eat BOTH because I am a Homo sapiens which is omnivorous. Why are we to eat BOTH? We evolved this way and we require amino acids from both plant and animal life, BECAUSE OF OUR FALL IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN, in order to synthesize the required proteins to maintain Homeostasis. (ability to maintain the living process) People who are "obligate herbivores" (vegetarian) lack these amino acids which are found ONLY in ANIMAL life and as a result they place unnecessary stress against their Homeostatic system resulting in disease. This is in opposition to God for sure. Heterotrohic nutrition is very inefficient in terms of energy as well. We get roughly 10% of the original "energy" locked up in photosynthesis. Energy transformations BEFORE the "fall" in the Garden were MUCH MORE efficient than even autotrophic nutrition as in chlorophyll bearing plants. Personally....I suspect that the nutrition system of the Zeta are "proof" of this and maybe even proof that SV's are the Angelic Beings of the Holy Bible.

Your information that the Zeta obtain "energy" and materials from plants WITHOUT EATING THEM and harming them is evidence that we have indeed "fallen from Grace!" Col. Corso states in his book "The Day After Roswell", that the Zeta did not have a digestive, excretory or excretion system. Your "chat" with Zeta last night verifies this! THEY DON"T NEED THESE SYSTEMS of the "FALLEN STATE" THAT ALL LIFE ON THIS PLANET HAS INHERITED! (no need to go to the "bathroom" for the nutrition system is a pure energy system. YAHOOOOOO!!!.....BUT.... SHUCKS...I enjoy EATING! hee hee hee, YAHOOOOOO anyway!) (NOTE: Corso is not the positive force one would expect towards SV's...he was "military top brass monkey" so his disinformation that SV's are "evil" and want to "serve" us in some exotic galactic restaurant as the main entree is illogical and certainly contradicts the Sagan Postulate....."Civilizations whose technology evolves faster than its' sociology will annihilate themselves before interfering with other civilizations." ( Already happened to us at least once before with "Atlantis.) According to the Sagan would be impossible for SV's that are visiting Earth to be "evil." Personally, I trust a Scientist ANY day over a Commissioned Military Top Monkey! (Note: I don't place Warrant Officers, Chief Petty Officers, Senior Master Sergeants or Sergeant Majors into this elitist category....they are the ones who really have tried to bring peace to Earth in spite of Military and political leaders "playing" war games like children!) EGO, arrogance, prejudice and ignorance breed FEAR which is the opposite of LOVE and results in evil behavior including war. Defensive war is an entirely different action and is justified and moral up until the "current invention" of the "preemptive war" which is the epitome of arrogance and ignorance and is totally "Machiavellian." EXITUS ACTA PROBAT (the ends justify the means) is a lie straight from the pits of hell. "The Ends are justified ONLY by Just and Moral means otherwise the Ends become Amoral, NO MATTER HOW NOBLE" and we fail the "test" of the Sagan Postulate. As FDR said..."We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Too bad people don't heed his admonition. Personally, I fear my fellow man much more than weird looking SV's. (I'm pretty weird looking myself and I probably have scared my share of SV's! hee hee hee)

The free energy systems in Living Entities incorporating "Symbiotic Energy Transformation Nutrition Systems", as in the Zeta, instead of Heterotrophic and Autotrophic Nutrition Systems that we have on our "fallen" 4th World Earth, are NOT the only free energy systems of the Universe. It is obvious that energy is required to operate in a 4 dimensional physical Universe where time-space is the basic element of physical reality. Our energy systems all require transformation elements that reduce efficiency and produce undesirable by products that poison our environment. It was very apparent that the Roswell craft sure caused a paradox for our scientists. IT HAD NO FUEL SOURCE! No gas tank! Holy Mackeral....what the heck is goin' on? Well.....with the dawn of the String Theory and its' "all too spooky" Quantum Entanglement (thank you Einstein) we have a phenomena called "Zero Point Energy." Totally "free", totally non-polluting! AND IT PUTS THE OIL COMPANIES OUTA BUSINESS. (By the way...same goes for Medicine....curing disease is a dangerous thing...puts the Medical-Pharmacological complex outta business too! Peace is very dangerous as well...puts the Military-Industrial complex outta business as well. What Utopia? Paradise? That's what Christ tried to tell us!) Yahooooo.....$ 0.00 per kind of price! Man...have we been gittin' ripped off by the 4th World EGOTISTICAL ELITE or what? Well...we are "mad as hell" and we ain't takin; it anymore! Note: When you go to the polls this against ALL incumbents (even if it's your relative!) and AGAINST ALL LAWYERS!'s the wants to get back to our original state of GRACE. Because we have inherited the defective DNA from the "fall in the Garden", IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for man to achieve transition, awakening, enlightenment, salvation and restitution of Grace (restitution of a "free energy" state) on our "own" achievement. Well....vegetarianism, religion (all of them, including Christianity) and cults are NOT THE ANSWER! It won't work Biologically or Spiritually. (Remember.....Biological and Spiritual processes differ ONLY in "frequency" and dimensions in String Theory
These paths of "enlightenment" are ALL EGO driven attempts at "the easy way out!" Before Creation itself... a "way out" of this dilemma or paradox was "in place" that would permit a Creation under the Law of Free Will. Creation itself would resolve the inevitable "problem" that was the consequence of Free Will. This "Thought" or Word" that Creates (YHWH GOD..SOURCE...CREATOR) would INCARNATE at this lower energy level "fallen state" and lead us back to the original state of Grace of Creation before the fall occurred. He would Himself be a "Star Gate" to higher energy levels (dimensions...there are 11 of them!) . He accomplished this in the Manifestation of Jesus The Christ of Creation. He did this by conquering the affect of EGO on the energy levels. It was a literal "rescue operation" knowing we could not achieve the correct energy transformation on our own to make it to transition, although so many are chasing after all the pseudo mechanisms that all appear to work but ultimately fail because they are the WRONG frequency. . God, in His infinite Wisdom, used "nutrition" as an instrument of this transition.

Let me explain........

Not sure if this is an ol' Chinese Proverb or is actually from the Book of Proverbs of the Bible....."You ARE what you eat." When we eat plant or animal material, our digestive system along with the circulatory system prepares the material for energy utilization and assimilation into material for ourselves. Energy release by oxidative pathways and assimilation by taking the plant or animals biomolecules apart into their building blocks and making more of our own molecules. ie; The "eaten" plant or animal protein (enzymes), fats (lipids), nucleic acids (DNA, RNA,) and carbohydrates (polysaccharides) digested into amino acids, fatty acids, nucleotides, and simple sugars (monosaccharides) and then re-assembled into our proteins, fats, DNA-RNA and carbohydrates for our growth and repair and energy release. The "eaten" plant or animal BECOMES us. Now....we know we have a problem that was the logical result of free will....we (Adam and Eve and ALL decedents) chose to rebel against Creation and we fell from Grace...the higher order of existence. We want back desperately and Creation wants us back DESPARATELY. As I said....our EGO demands that we struggle to achieve this end but it is physically and spiritually IMPOSSIBLE. Creation itself enters into time-space....the INCARNATION of the Creator as Jesus and tells us that "unless we are "born again" in spirit by "eating" the body and blood of His Incarnated Being, The Christ....we cannot succeed in rising to the higher vibrational levels that Creation was originally at prior to the fall." Now this sure sounds like "cannibalism" to me. Well, it would be for Christ as well! is NOT the actual Biological Flesh and Blood of Jesus that He is talking about here. He is talking about the necessary "frequencies" that MUST be achieved to evolve. When a Catholic Priest (I suspect anyone might be able to do this in that we are ALL God's children) "consecrates" the Bread and Wine (NOT GRAPE JUICE) it is TRANSUBSTANTIATED into His Body and Blood in EQUIVALENT String Frequency....the frequencies necessary for transition that everyone in searching in the wrong places for. Therefore....when we EAT His Body and Blood in the form of consecrated Bread and is STILL biologically Bread and Wine BUT it is no longer just Bread and Wine in resonant frequency of the "tiny little string loops"....IT IS THE FREQUENCY OF HIS PRECIOUS BODY AND SHED BLOOD and we proclaim His Vicarious Death on the Cross for our EGOS (sins...the non-resonant frequencies that prevent us from evolving to higher dimensional states) until He returns. We are commanded to eat His Body and Blood because "we become what we eat". Is God awesome or what?!!! If we eat His Body and Blood in an ego state...the frequency is once again the same as just real bread and wine. This is the Lord's Supper given to us the night before He was Crucified as the ONLY GIFT that will allow us to "cross over" to the higher Spiritual dimensions. Maybe re-incarnation continues until each person finally gets it right. Don't really know for sure in that the Bible does not really address this issue that clearly. But, it is definitely all about EGO...that you can take to the bank and the ONLY way around it is His "nutritional plan" of eating His Body and Blood (Ave Verum Corpus) to raise our frequencies. (another simple terms...He died for us...He rescued us for He is our Creator that brings us "HOME" John 14:6 is not just a good is ONLY WAY that raises frequency. There are many many counterfeit ways.....Spiritualism, Scientology, Christian Scientist, Mormonism, Jehovah Witness, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Baha'I', Hare Krishna, Mormonism, Zoroastrianism, Confucianism, all ancient culture religions (Indian) and unfortunately....most Christian groups. Notice I didn't include Judaism. Good reason too. DON"T mess with the Jews! The Fig Tree Prophecy is way too powerful to mess with. Remember....the Jesus, whose Body and Blood we are to consume, is NOT A CHRISTIAN! He was a Faithful Jew!

John 14:6 "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, NO ONE comes to the Father except THROUGH Me."

This Scripture is NOT about Christianity or is about the restitution of String Frequencies for Transition to the 5th World God's Paradise on Earth....the way it was in the "beginning" before the natural consequence of Free Will in the Garden of Eden in Southern Iraq..

We do NOTHING but accept God's free Gift of Love. When we do.....we eat Jesus and become Him....the real Heterotroph Hypothesis. Eat "twinkies" ya get physically sick. Eat "spinach" ya get physically better (ask Popeye!) Eat "religion" (any of them) ya get Spiritually sick. Eat the Precious Body and Blood of Christ and you get Spiritually better! ......SIMPLE. Doubting Thomas placed his fingers into Christ's Wounds and he KNEW! God has given us the Gift of Science and through it we have discovered His REALITY.... Quantum Entanglement and String Theory....the "equivalent" of putting our fingers into Jesus' Wounds.


"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, you have no life in you; he who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day."-- John 6:53, 54


God Bless....David...The Doubting Thomas

PS...Remember..Prayer works for we are connected to God by Strings!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


"ILLUSION" is the Offspring of Anti-Science

This is my friends’ comment….

“My question is that if God did incarnate completely on earth...How does he keep a secret from himself? Clearly, Mark 13:32 states that the Son does not even know the hour. The one thing that has always troubled me is how does Jesus / God keep this secret from himself?”

This is my response that I would like to share with all who read my posts…

Now, on Mark 13:32-37, I do know that Scripture well and I have quoted it many times. BUT I never really thought about what it implied. YOU DO HAVE AN EXCELLENT POINT! No matter how I try to give an explanation. it will not suffice for sure! I am not a Theologian or Clergy and I do not claim to be a Biblical expert. I will give a humble attempt!

Can't say Mark was wrong because that would bring all Scripture into question for we believe Scripture to be "Inspired" by God. Saying Jesus does not know the time implies "Polytheism", a 3 God system with ONE Superior to the others. This contradicts the concept of God as well for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are ONE and all EQUAL. Quoting Isaiah 55:8-9 is a "cop out" for sure and leaving it a "mystery" contradicts 1Corinthians 2:10. Are we stuck with a paradox? Maybe. I don't know.... (Scientifically I can not buy into..."some things we are not suppose to know" is simply illogical to me.).... BUT, String Theory may hold a clue for us...

String Theory and its’ subdivisions (membrane etc.) is a mathematical representation of "reality." Many Quantum Physicists believe that we finally have "Unification" of the 4 forces in this theory. One of the characteristics of it is that "reality" is composed of 11 dimensions and Existence is manifested throughout these dimensions. We believe that the difference between one dimension and the next is "frequency." Another characteristic is that time and space is really ONE dimension and this implies that the past, present and future all exist in the NOW. This is a scientific attempt to the quantification of ETERNITY. In this frame of reference, the future has already happened and co-exists with the past and present Science fiction writers call this the "time continuum." Time travel forward and backward is very feasible in String Theory. According to what some say of A String Theory.... TIME has no beginning and no end. Jesus in fact is called the Alpha and Omega of the end. JUST NOW.

We say the Big Bang took place some 25 billion years ago but String Theory is causing man to re-visit this and say that what we perceive as Big Bang evidence is really images of what physicists are now calling "bubbles" in the fabric of space-time "popping" in from the other 7 dimensions. (Whatever that means...I am not a mathematician!) what's with all this "double talk?" How does this relate to Mark 13? Hmmmm...I don't KNOW!!!... BUT... how about this... God as Son does not know in the present but He will obviously know in the future. God the Father knows NOW because He is past, present and future. If Jesus is God...He knows the time in the future, which is also NOW. So...the "secret" is He knows NOW as future and knows NOW as present when He doesn't know the time. Ah...forget it! This is illogical... like asking the question, ”Can God create a rock He cannot lift?" I'd rather try sitting in the "corner" of a "round" room! Uggggh! I have a splitting headache! ..Thanks a bunch! hee hee hee One thing is for sure....I won't buy into "I'm not suppose to know"...I won't yell "uncle" yet, either!!!

About your comment, "I don't think we are supposed to figure it all out." IS NOT about SUPPOSED to do anything. The concept of "taboo" for knowledge I believe is opposed to God. We are Created in the Image of God, we are His children and we have the Gift from Him to unlock all of His mysteries and I honestly believe that accepting Him in the manifestation of Jesus allows us to utilize His Gift of the Scientific Method that will reveal His mysteries as 1Corinthians 2:10 says…” But to us, God revealed them through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.”

...OH "George" I think you've got it.... this statement of yours is PROFOUND...
"Perhaps it was that God was in the "now" when incarnated as Jesus and thus being in the now...could not speak of the future etc. However, he knows now since he is not on our plane of existence and is all things. Past, Present, Future.”WOW...that is great, thank you!AND the comment on oblivion...if that were true...we'd be there already and since we are aware of Existence NOW...and NOW is the entire "time continuum" oblivion is IMPOSSIBLE! I think? (therefore I am?)

About your statement of being a hypocrite…no, you are light years from being a hypocrite. You are created in God's Wonderful Image and that is why you (and I) search. He who generalizes generally lies! hee hee hee. (In reference to his statement that you (and I) try to make the Spiritual too complicated. Those who try to simplify life are missing out on the Majesty of Life.... and that is quite a Gift! The only people I "envy" on Earth are Mathematicians for they talk to God in His Native Language! (Although unfortunately many don't realize they are and therefore miss out on the JOY of knowing they are!)Thank you for the compliment...take care. God Bless ...Pax……Doubting Thomas


"Don't throw the Baby out in the Bathwater!" post…….

Holy Cow…WOW again!
Yes.....God is ONE. He is ALL. He is EVERYTHING...He always existed and always will. Get this. In String and time cannot exist without the other. They are complimentary and past, present, and future are ONE called the NOW. This means that space-time is also specific String Frequencies. This is how Quantum Entanglement works and why PRAYER works! An analogy of the fabric of Space-time (which is the "essence" of Creator) would be like a steel rod. The rod is made of atoms of iron all connected together in metallic bonds. If you displace the atoms on one end of the rod, the time for the atoms at the other end to be affected by this movement is NOW. Immediate. Instantaneous! This is the "Fabric of The Cosmos"...all 11 dimensions interconnected by Strings, the Strings being analogous to the individual atoms in the rod! (God's Word. His Thoughts connect the entire Universe into ONE because Existence is His Dream and God is the ONLY thing that actually exists. He is STRINGS bounded by two basic laws…”the Law of Free Will and Love.” God wills us into Existence and God in the form of Jesus said we can do the same thing. If we have the Faith of a "mustard seed" we can remove the mountain to the sea! That's psychic power He's talkin' about...we can do even more than Jesus! Scares the hell out of me! hee hee hee That's proof of how much God loves us and to think He willingly accepted to die in our place on a Cross for our EGO (sin) so we can experience the "miracle of life" is pure PASSION. WOW. Magnificent! Notice how Jesus appeared to the Disciples after His Resurrection NOT as a ghost or pure Spirit but He actually showed them His wounds telling them a ghost wound not have wounds and he ate a fish and drank wine in front of them. Man. they were terrified....He "walked" through the freakin' wall!!! Piece of cake if you can cantrol String frequencies! too can make great wine out of water! AND you can make water into gasoline so you can tell Exxon and the others AND the Arabs to fill their swimming pools with oil and swim in it! AND pound desert sand while they're at it! $3 a gallon for gas? How about $0...or if your on a water meter...pennies! Buster....all this is possible in Christ.....He knows it would scare the crap out of us if we actually did these things. Boy, is He ever patient with us! Ever try moving a paper clip with your mind? I have.... begged God to not let it happen!!! hee hee hee...You familiar with the Celestine Prophecy? It’s a novel based on a legends from Peru about a 3,000-year-old manuscript that talks about this stuff! ...we are Sons and Daughters of the Great God Creator YHWH....He is our loving Father and we are invincible in His Name! Warning...if you start using God's Beautiful Holy Name.... very careful...weird "good" stuff starts to happen. The reason is simple. God loves us so much and we show Him our love when we call Him by His Majestic Name YHWH! Remember....we don't clean ourselves up to come to Him...HE CLEANS US UP and comes into us. He will NEVER violate His Law of Free Will because the essence of pure Love is binded in that Law. We are saved to do good not do good to get saved!
Got a headache. see ya later, God Bless...Doubting Thomas (David)

PS .Didn't know that the Bible Code was called now! I have the book...but haven’t read it yet. I have a basic idea what it is. Weird eh? Did you know that the DaVinci code is in the Bible code as a HOAX! cool eh? The basis for the DaVinci code is this secret Priory of Scion. Problem for the believers in this crap is the Priory is a hoax written in 1956 by some French guy that had just gotten out of prison! He admitted he wrote it! The Vatican announced today that Catholics should boycott the movie. By the way. I am Catholic and I remain in it because I like the morality of it, Transubstantiation of bread and wine and the Church is not anti-science like Fundamentals and they "unofficially" recognize we have Star Nation Family! (see Msgr Corrado Balducci and Br. Guy Consolmagno...Google them) Yes...we do have SV family.....haven’t had a Close Encounter of the 3rd kind yet but have met them in dream state. They are VERY compassionate and Spiritual. No,..I am NOT nuts. The Bible teaches this so why do we think it’s nuts? The movie that NEEDS to be made is about Col. Philip Corso’s “The Day After Roswell!”
Dan Brown (author of DaVinci code) is not necessarily anti-Christian...he just knows that anti-Christian stuff makes BIG BUCKS! $$$
Pax….Doubting Thomas



Isn’t funny how man perceives God and is worried about offending Him?
I personally find it rather arrogant to think we CAN offend Him. If there be an offense against is found in the way we treat each other. This is the realm of the "heart" and that is the one area in which God is most concerned about. I may be wrong but God is NOT a NAME for the is word to refer to the Creator. God =Creator. Most religions refer to the Supreme Creator as God. (Not sure if Allah means God in the Islam religion or if it is his name.) As far as I know God does have a Personal Name and it is referred to as the Tetrametagon, "YHWH" which is transcribed as "Yahweh." A rough translation of this transcription is "IAM". One thing I suspect is that God, being a "Being" of Love and Justice, desires to have a very intimate relation with His Creation and therefore rejoices when He is called by His Name by His Creation. Laws of how to worship Him, what to call Him and when and where to do this actually separate us from Him instead of making us ONE with Him. Scripture says we are to Worship Him in Spirit and Truth and I suspect that has more to do with our hearts than Laws because every religion has their own Laws each claiming to be God's will. Thank God, GOD is God! An example of this is the 10 Commandments. "Thou Shall Not Kill" means to not take another persons life PERIOD! Jesus, however, said that if you "hate" your brother it is the same as killing him. Same with "Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery"...Jesus said just "thinking about" it is doing it! UUGH! No, the 10 Laws are not Laws that we are commanded to follow for salvation...they are Laws to teach us that we are all sinners and cannot keep the Law and that we therefore need the Vicarious Death of Jesus on the Cross. A classic example of "legalism" gone astray is the argument over the Sabbath. What I find hypocritical is there are some Christians who believe that the Israel of today's Jews is null and void but the 10 Commandments and the Sabbath are still in effect! You don't have to be a "Rocket Scientist" to see why there are over 200 denominations of Christianity! We are under the Law of Grace...Free Will to choose to Love God with all our hearts and our fellow man as our selves.... the essence of all the Laws and the Prophets are "Unified" in this Law of Grace. Amen! (Sermon over) Pax...Doubting Thomas


I received a response from the ministry of Bill Keller of… He really didn’t answer my questions very well and I really didn’t expect him to so I will ask the questions to anyone out there who would like to reply about these things. My response to him follows…

Thank you for your response to my questions and I cannot agree with you more that we must be bringing Christ to people NOW. However...people are asking these questions about the so-called “end times” and there is so much confusion and they want answers. I already know that Christ comes in the "twinkling of an eye" and that ONLY the Father YHWH knows the exact time. I believe the "harvest" is ready and we must "make hay while the Sun shines".... Let’s take advantage of the "times" and give people an idea of what is happening. People don't know they are in sin (ego/rebellion) and need the “rescue” of The Christ BUT they are sensitive to what's happening. Everyone tells us that all we need to do is be a “good” person for that is what has been taught to us and it sure seems reasonable BUT is certainly contrary to God’s plan. The people who call you on your TV show are mostly "down and out" and on their "last straw"...they came to you and you give them Jesus AMEN! BUT what about those who are having it pretty good and are just curious? Shouldn't we love them too and bring them to the same Christ that you are bringing the “hurting” to by taking advantage of their interest in the "end times". Historically speaking, the great revivals occurred when people were wondering if the world was going to end. Lets USE this opportunity! Scripture teaches us to pursue TRUTH always....

1 Corinthians 2:10 says..."But to us, God revealed them through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches ALL things, yes, the DEEP things of God.”....

Many will quote the following to convince us we are NOT to search God's mysteries....

Isaiah 55:8-9 says...
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

I personally believe this Scripture of YHWH God is referring to our "Hearts" and our "Morality", ..NOT the Laws of the Universe. There is no Commandment that says, ”Thou Shall Not Seek Knowledge!" As a Biologist and a Believer in Christ...I believe that the Scientific Method is a "Gift" of God for us to use in His Image and I know our Creator "operates" within and through His Creation and Laws. An example of this is found in the old story of the "Rescue”...

"This is the story of the guy stranded with his family in a hurricane. The Police come to tell him to evacuate immediately. He tells them, "no problem",..God will provide for our safety. The floodwaters rise and this time come the Fire Dept. comes in a boat to rescue them. Again...."God will provide." He finally ends up on top of his roof and a Coast Guard Helicopter drops down a rescue basket for him and his family. to hand it to this guy.... God will save us! Well... he and his family are swept away in the storm. He arrives at the "Pearly Gates" and immediately files a complaint,”Why didn’t you save my family and me?" My Child, I sent you the Police, the Fire Dept and finally the Coast Guard and you refused my LOVE, what did you expect me to do?"

Even though you didn't answer my questions...I have one more……….

Is 666 a tattoo of those numerals on the hand or forehead or is it a "Digital Angel Chip" implant? If it is a "chip”...does it have something to do with "hexadecimal codes"? Is it an actual 666 “tattoo” as some groups teach? I personally cast my vote to the “Digital Angel” because I doubt a simple “tattoo” would stop everyone from doing business.

Shouldn’t we be helping people who aren’t hurting yet? Seems we wait for them to “crash” before we help them. My website is geared for those who aren’t hurting yet…Pax…Doubting Thomas

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Just finished reading Larry Wilson’s “Warning! Revelation is About to Be Fulfilled.” (

I found his book to be very interesting! His view of the Tribulation of the Book of Revelation seems very steeped in Science. We do disagree on the Rapture in that he says that there will be “no evacuation” but most of what he says sure seems interesting.

I believe that without people disagreeing on what they believe is TRUE, neither will "grow" and TRUTH may very well be illusion for both. "Come, let us reason together." His explanation of an asteroid collision signaling tribulation seems plausible. He obviously accepts the premise that God operates THROUGH and IN His Creation and His Laws as I do. One thing we did agree on was the eminent return of our Glorious Lord Jesus to Earth....."The ultimate Good News!"

Now, whether there is an "evacuation" of believers before the rule of Ante-Christ or not is where, unfortunately, many Christians are divided. I do worry that a lot of this division is caused by the very "old" problem of "ANTI-SEMITISM." I suspect that it is very closely tied in with Jesus' parable of the "Fig Tree." I know what I believe about it and after much study I am convinced that it is the pivotal point in Earth’s history. I am very interested in “other” interpretations but passing it off, that the New Covenant nullified all of God's previous covenants, does not explain the parable or symbolic meaning of the “Fig Tree Prophecy.”

Check out the following sites... Important for all Christians to consider.

Since Wilson’s book indicates the we both agree that God operates through His Creation....I was curious as to what his views were on Star Visitors. I have many Fundamentalist friends who consider all this UFO stuff evil and I wanted to know what he thinks. I also wanted to know his views on the.... "The Astronaut Affect" and "Quantum Entanglement?' (So far no answer)

As a retired Biology teacher (35) years)......and a person who believes that Jesus is God Incarnate and that He died for my sins (ego) so I may exist forever....I do look at the Bible as an anthology of God's Truth that has NO errors...notta... NONE! In the Hebrew...the order of Creation in Genesis is "Phylogenetic" and supports the "Heterotroph Hypothesis. I was shown that by an Orthodox Jewish Biology Teacher from Brooklyn Technical High School in 1969. That started my "Journey" of Scientific Spirituality as I like to call it and has brought me to the present belief that the "supernatural" is the "undiscovered natural" as the Great Kreskin stated.
For me.... the God given Scientific "Gift" of the String Theory has become my "Doubting Thomas" experience and is what convinced me the Bible is 100% TRUE and that Jesus DID actually "rise from the dead" and is who He said He was and is YHWH GOD INCARNATE. (and I further suspect that Star Visitors are the "Angels of the Bible."

As far as "end time" events....Wilson’s “giant asteroid” theory seems much more plausible than the manmade nuclear conflagration that many Christian Eschatologists are claiming for the Book of Revelation. I always thought that approach was very arrogant thinking that we have the EGO to think we are "greater" than God and we have the ability to actually blow ourselves up! Wilson’s “asteroid model”... “fits" in with my Scientific Spirituality much better than a "nuclear destruction."

I sent an e-mail to Wilson asking him the following question… AND I said I was very serious... NOT nuts.... "Why is there a concept of an "evacuation" in most world religions and cultures, especially Native North and South American? I have a recurring dream where I see tons of "mother ships" in the sky. Is this the Host of God coming to deliver justice or possibly the "evacuation armada" (Rapture) ala' "Beam me up Scotty?" I am aware of God's warning in Ephesians 6:12. Is this illusion?

( I waited patiently for his explanation of the "Fig Tree" and “evacuation.” ...

I have not received an answer from him and suspect I won’t)

PS; If the Body of Christ is present during the coming eminent Tribulation...Jesus will see us through it as He promised. Scripture says we are "taken" out of it...either by being witness to it and part of it but coming through it safely,..(Generation that will not taste death) or, by an actual evacuation from it. Either way, the net result is the same only "surviving through it " is a little more "scary " than "beamed out" but for those who love, trust and obey the Lord, we will prevail! YAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! AMEN!!! NOTE: even if a Christian is killed at the hands of "nature" or "evil, cabalistic, New World Order men in this Tribulation, we are "instantly” with Christ.... so.... net result is the same. As a Star Trek fan...I kinda like the idea of "Beam me up Scotty" a whole lot better!
...The important thing we need to focus on is FAITH in the shed Blood of Christ Crucified for Forgiveness of sins to give us the Gift of Salvation and Eternal Life. Hw was raised from the Dead and WILL RETURN "SOON". THE REST OF THIS STUFF IS just interesting to discuss. What do you think?

Monday, May 22, 2006



We were discussing man trying to understand God and wondered whether we should even attempt to understand Him in light of the Scripture that says, …”For My thought are not your thoughts, neither are My ways your ways.” (Isaiah 55:8-9) My personal thought is that we are created in God’s Image and therefore we SHOULD try to understand even though we will never know all. I base this on the following Scripture… 1 Corinthians 2:10 says..."But to us, God revealed them through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches ALL things, yes, the DEEP things of God.”.... (emphasis mine)

My friend shared the following Scripture suggesting maybe we should NOT seek the “higher” things of God………

Isaiah 6:10 ”Make the heart of this people calloused; make their ears dull and close their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed."

My posted comments follow……

Anyway, Isaiah 6:10 makes me suspect that Isaiah was definitely a “Scientist” at heart! It is especially obvious in the Hebrew Septuagint…he refers to the “heart” a lot…the “seat” of our EGO, sin, bias, prejudice etc. The Scientific Method…a true “Gift” from God given “in His Image”, if practiced CORRECTLY, is devoid of EGO, sin, bias and prejudice. This type of “Science” leads to Truth, NOT illusion and I honestly believe this is what Isaiah was referring to in “Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed." Sure sounds like “unbiased Science” to me! The Fundamental Christian groups I think are more about the “power” to “control” people than lead people to Truth. If I am wrong about that then they are the ones whose “hearts have become calloused” as Isaiah states. Either way I suspect they are NOT of God.

John 12:40-41 sounds like what God did to Pharaoh. God knows our hearts and He lets us choose to harden our hearts. (Law of Free Will) This refers to a person’s morality as well as his EGO. When a person is “born again” into the Christ “conscience” (possible only in accepting Christ’s Vicarious Death and Resurrection) they will be able to “turn …and I would heal them."

'The man who walks in the dark does not know where he is going. Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light." (John 12:35) This I believe refers to EGO driven Science as well as those Fundamentalists who reject education, knowledge and tell us to “trust” our hearts only. Ugggh…. this is exactly what people who want to control other people want you to believe! I agree with you Buster! “Trust no one!”

For me the Scientific Method is one of God’s grandest “Gifts” to humanity and so many “trash” it today that I GROAN! Psalm 115, “Not To Us O Lord Not To Us But To Your Name Give Glory”…. says it all and my daily prayer for myself is Psalm 139:23-24…. “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try9 me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

Personally…I think Fundamental Christianity is a lot like Fundamental Islam….”fear” driven for the purpose of “enslavement.” Jesus came to “Set the Captives FREE! “That’s us! Jesus spoke in “parables” and the Fundamentals accept that they are not necessarily to be “taken” latterly. If God Himself in the Incarnation of Christ spoke in this format…why do they INSIST God spoke literally in the past? I suspect this anti-evolution; anti-time issue of the 6 literal days has caused more humans to lose their relationship with God and His Christ more than any other single issue!
(the following Scripture is very revealing)
2 Peter 3:8… “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”
Pax….Doubting Thomas

Saturday, May 20, 2006


NOTE: THIS POST IS A RESPONSE COMMENT made by me on my May 16th post on “Creationism vs Science” to a friend’s comment that was originally suppose to be on a post that was deleted because of duplication…………….I wanted to share some of my thoughts with all visitors from that post and comments.


That's why YHWH Creator decided to Incarnate in the first straighten this mess out! What did we do? We made a "bigger" mess called Christianity! Christ came to "do away" with religion, once and for all. (BTW.... Christ is NOT a Christian! He is GOD! He was also a Jew! Big difference!)

"He came to set the captives FREE."

An example of legalistic fear is in avoiding saying God’s Name. The “Commandment” says not to use it in “vain.” ie; wasteful. Besides…. “GOD” is NOT The Creator's Name...His Beautiful Name is YHWH. He loves being called by His Name just like we do. He is NOT a "legalist" or a Philadelphia lawyer or politician...Thank GOD!)

I don't "fear" God the way people tell us we should "fear" Him. "Fear" is NOT the correct translation in the first place. It is more of forgetting to LOVE Him...that is the only "fear" we should have, not because of the consequences of His wrath BUT because when we forget to LOVE Him with all our Heart we re-Crucify Him all over again. As FDR said..."We have nothing to "fear" but "FEAR" itself and I believe that applies to our relationship with our Creator as well. Therefore we should "fear" ONLY loosing our LOVE for Him. When we LOVE our God, we obey His Commandments NOT because of "fear" but because when we don't, we loose our Love for Him and broken Commandments “hurt” us but “hurt” Him even more.

You know how we get lots of forwarded e-mail on prayers etc. that require you to send it immediately to your buddy list or your "car will turn into a pumpkin" or whatever? Or that if you do forward it, God will "like" you a real lot and give you a "new car" or a "gazillion bucks?" Anyway.... really lays the ol' guilt trip on you, right? Well...some of the stuff is good and I forwarded one recently BUT I added the following "preamble" to it and this you can take to the "bank!"


Your statement.... "but the Jesus I believe in ….. in my opinion…. would not want someone to believe just because they were scared of being wrong or cast into hellfire etc... which I do not believe in, I believe hell would be eternity outside the presence of G-d... I can't think of anything worse."

THAT, my friend is HELL.... it is not fire and brimstone. it IS separation from our LOVING Creator AND our LOVING of our Creator. THIS IS WORSE THAN HELL...."fire and brimstone would be a "piece a cake" compared to separation. Much easier to deal with! We do this to "separation" ourselves. He doesn't do it to us. In fact...every time we choose not to LOVE Him we cause suffering for ourselves AND Him...only it is much worse for Him! (NOTE...all this has to do with "String Resonance", but I'll cover that later! hee hee hee)

Yes...we all are "eternal"...this is a basic aspect of String Theory for sure but I agree with you that we "create" our own hell for sure and it really causes much suffering for our Creator.

You are so correct about matter and energy eternally existing and therefore we do as well. They exist in 11 Quantum Dimensions and CHANGE in frequency of the Strings and the resulting change in dimension is the ONLY REALITY that exists. THIS IS THE ESSENCE OF REALITY AND EXISTENCE...THIS IS GOD! YAHOOOOO!!!

(Believe me, you are NOT off track on my post or my ideas...YOU ACTUALLY understand what I am trying to share!)

Not only are we ourselves a manifestation of the Strings.... Jesus taught us that we can "control" them and do "more than He Himself did." Biblically stated...when we accept Christ's actions on this planet, He gives us "power" to become the Sons of God (John 1:12) and the ability to obey Him and do good works and all kinds of "supernatural phenomena which are nothing but scientifically undiscovered "natural" phenomena." (thanks to the Great Kreskin for that thought) (John 14:12-13) The Bible says that God is "Spirit" and that we should realize we too are "Spirit." AND what is "Spirit?" I believe that Science has been given a "Gift" in discovering the "Spirit of God" in the mathematics of String Theory. Stephen Hawking (Theoretical Physicist and author of "A Brief History of Time") said he speaks to GOD every day in God's own "language"...Mathematics. I suspect he is right. Sounds impersonal eh? OK....the Christ "hanging" on the Cross at Calvary between "Heaven and Earth" like the "brass serpents" held up on a staff by Moses is "impersonal?" I DON'T THINK SO! As the Israelites were "healed" by gazing upon the "serpents" , so to are we "Spiritually" healed upon gazing at the Crucified Christ on the Cross. Man....what more can God do to show how much He loves His Creation and us? (gotta LOVE that String Resonance! hee hee hee) (Interesting that Medicine chose the "coiled serpents" as the symbol of healing!)

The Bible's reference to "soul and spirit" is a simplified transcription of String manifestation for our existence is in God and His existence in us which is the "essence" of REALITY. "It's all done with Strings which is GOD."

So what's this String Resonance stuff? Simple.....when we are "right" with God (accept His terms...John 14:6) our "frequencies are in resonance" with His. When we rebel against Him...we are "out of resonance" which causes a disturbance in the "FORCE" ala' Star Wars! When we accept God's Way....resonance is restored which the Bible refers to as "forgiveness of sin" for that is exactly what it is! We come to Jesus because He "forgives us" which gives us the ability to "forgive ourselves."

OK.... quick review of "resonance." When vibrational phenomena like "Strings" are in "resonance", their vibrational patterns are in phase and the result is "constructive interference." When they are out of "resonance" they are NOT in phase and the result is "destructive interference." A practical example of this is when we have resonance on radio frequency energy on an antenna we get radiation of radio waves. When an antenna is out of resonance, there is no radiation, no radio waves are created and instead energy is lost in creating heat. Spiritual phenomena can be explained in a similar way. (Physics lesson over!)

Some say that Ephesians 6:12 is “fear based.”...I believe Ephesians 6:12 is light years away from being "fear" based. It is a statement of reality of the consequences of the Law of Free Will describing those who choose to rebel against YHWH Creator. The purpose of the Scripture is not meant to instill "fear" but to make us aware that many beings, humans and some Star Nations are in rebellion against God. Ephesians 6:12 is fact...not "fear tactic" or fiction and one does not need to be a "rocket scientist" to realize this.

I Corinthians 8: 5-6 certainly says it all. I agree absolutely! BUT there is ONE Creator. One God PERIOD...He IS Abba "Father", ..YHWH by Name and Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ and Holy Spirit. Christianity calls this the "Trinity"...3 Persons in ONE like "3 in 1 Oil" I guess. BUT that is NOT what the Bible says. The Bible...both Old and New Testament is MONTHEISTIC. How can Jesus be God? How can the Holy Spirit be God, How can God be God? How can ONE be "lesser" than the ONE? Jesus is NOT "lesser" nor is the HOLY SPIRIT. THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME! Like EVERYTHING in the Universe differs ONLY in String is the same with YHWH, Jesus and Holy Ghost.

The problem is that our physical nature while in the flesh is a different dimension and set of frequencies than when we are in the "Spirit" and therefore we cannot comprehend the Nature of God while in the flesh. This is why Jesus said to Thomas Didymus, .."You believe because you have seen but BLESSED are those who believe yet have not seen." THE ONLY POSSIBLE WAY FOR US TO COME CLOSE, EVEN IN THE SAME "BALLPARK", TO COMPREHENDING GOD IS IN THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD AND MATHEMATICS. Math ALWAYS leads to TRUTH and math is the basic tool of the Scientific Method. It is our "bias" that causes error and illusion...NOT Science and Math. I personally believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and supports the Scientific Method 100% and vice versa. When Jesus was born into flesh 2,000 years ago.... His dimensional nature and frequency was such that He "did not" consider Himself equal or above God (Mark 10:17 and Philippians 2:5-11) Another words, ..He WAS God but at a different frequency. (Remember, you asked me before how come Jesus doesn't know when He is suppose to return, only YHWH knows and I tried to explain it in terms of the space-time continuum. It all boils down to String Frequencies.

This statement by my friend is a "biggy."………

"If a person truly Loves the one true G-d, reveres G-d & his creation,
has an unshakeable belief in G-d and gives praise to G-d...
then aren't we all heading the same direction?"

Well....I hope you are right about that for it seems plausible enough BUT you must admit...just because something seems reasonable does not make it so. As I said before.... I consider the Holy Bible to be inerrant and very Scientific and as I said in my post on 4/29 "Place your Bets", I personally am placing "my bet" on John 14:6.

Quote from Galileo……

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."
- Galileo

Yes...Galileo was right…. we must use our God given "Gift" of the Scientific Method for it we don't, we INSULT our Creator and we will suffer the consequences of creating illusion....

Many accuse the Christian Faith as one that is EXCLUSIVE. It divides people instead of bringing people together. Even within the religion there are over 200 denominations! The Muslims are more united! (Although the few different types that there are love to kill each other! At least the Christians aren't killing each other any longer now that there is a quasi peace in Ireland. Personally, I consider Christianity to be the MOST INCLUSIVE religion that ever evolved on our planet. They accept anyone who accepts Christ but don't kill you for rejecting Him. If your Muslim and you accept Jesus, ..They KILL you. This trend is starting to happen in Buddhism and Hinduism as well. (See ) Messianic Jews aren’t having a picnic these days in Israel either!
Pax...Doubting Thomas


Special treat tonight May 20 , 6-7pm on "Fantastic Science" at

Top UFOlogist Stanton Friedman and Top String Theorist Dr. Mikio Kaku together! WOW! It will be VERY "cool."

Pax...Doubting Thomas

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

"Creationism vs Science"

I found and interesting quote from a Fundamental Christian Creationist site using Evolutionary Science in an attempt to explain natural Biological phenomena recorded in Genesis.

“Secondly, because of natural selection, today’s organisms have become very specialized. Yet even despite this specialization, many of today’s species of fish are able to adjust to both freshwater and saltwater. This suggests that the ability to tolerate large changes in salinity was present in many fish at the time of the Flood. You can definitely find logical answers when you start with Genesis and use real science!”

Not sure if the person making this quote is being hypocritical or they have no clue what Natural Selection is! I guess, “they want their cake and eat it too!” No wonder they are covering up their bias with the new phrase “Intelligent Design.” Pax…David (Doubting Thomas)

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Funny how man perceives God and is worried about offending Him. I personaly find it rather arrogant to think we can offend Him. If there be an offense against is found in the way we treat each other. This is the realm of the "heart" and that is the one area which God is most concerned about. I may be wrong but God is NOT a NAME for the is word to refer to the Creator. God =Creator. Most religions refer to the Supreme Creator as God. (Not sure if Allah means God in the Islam religion or if it is his name.) As far as I know God does have a Personal Name and it is referred to as the Tetrametagon..... "YHWH" which is transcribed as "Yahweh." A rough translation of this transcription is "IAM". One thing I suspect is that God....being a "Being" of Love and Justice, desires to have a very intimate relation with His Creation and therefore rejoices when He is called by His Name by His Creation. Laws of how to worship Him and what to call Him and when and where to do this actually separate us from Him instead of making us ONE with Him. Scripture says we are to Worship Him in Spirit and Truth and I suspect that has more to do with our hearts than Laws because every religion has their own Laws each claiming to be God's will. Thank God GOD is God! An example of this is the 10 Commandments. "Thou Shall Not Kill" means to not take another persons life PERIOD! Jesus, however, said that if you "hate" your brother is is the same as killing him. Same with "Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery"...Jesus said just "thinking about" it is doing it! UUGH! No, the 10 Laws are not Laws that we are commanded to follow...they are Laws to teach us that we are all sinners and cannot keep the Law and that we therefore need the Vicarious Death of Jesus on the Cross. A classic example of "legalism" gone astray is the argument over the Sabbath. What I find hypocritical is there are some Christians who believe that the Israel of today's Jews is null and void but the 10 Commandments and the Sabbath are still in effect! You don't have to be a "Rocket Scientist" to see why there are over 200 denominations of Christianity! We are under the Law of Grace.....Free Will to choose to Love God with all our hearts and our fellow man as our selves.... the essence of all the Laws and the Prophets are "Unified" in this Law of Grace. Amen! (sermon over) Pax...Doubting Thomas



July 4th is obviously one of the most important days for American’s for we celebrate our “ birth” as a Nation. There was another Ancient Nation of Divine “birth” that lost its’ sovereignty by being conquered by others and placed into slavery many times throughout history for their persistent rebellion to their Creator. This same Nation’s 2nd enslavement ended in 536 BC when they were released from captivity in Ancient Babylon, modern day Iraq. (1st was Egypt) Because of their rebellion to their God, they have experienced these enslavements and subsequent releases and they were finally “dispersed” throughout the world in a Divine punishment called the Diaspora for this persistent rebellion. Based on the prophecy in Ezekiel 4:3-6 and Leviticus 26:18, the time period for this Diaspora can be easily calculated. (360 lunar years x 7= 2,483.8 years) If we add this calculation to the end of the Babylonian captivity, 536 BC, it signals the ”end” of this Diaspora and comes out exactly to…May 14, 1948 on the Gregorian calendar! What Ancient Nation is this? ……. Israel…the “Fig Tree” ………..


… or, more correctly stated, the end of her 3rd captivity and her “re-birth” as a Nation. This is fulfillment of the “Fig Tree Prophecy.”

“Jesus had just given a list of things to look for culminating with His return. Then He continued, AND WHEN THESE THINGS "BEGIN" (or start) TO COME TO PASS (or happen),THEN LOOK (or stand) UP, AND LIFT UP YOUR HEADS (high); FOR YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH (you are about to be liberated-JNT6). AND HE SPAKE TO THEM A PARABLE; BEHOLD (look at) THE FIG TREE, AND ALL THE TREES; WHEN THEY NOW SHOOT FORTH (or as soon as they sprout leaves-JNT7), YE SEE AND KNOW OF YOUR OWN SELVES THAT SUMMER IS NOW NIGH (or near) AT HAND. SO LIKEWISE (or even so) YE WHEN YE SEE THESE THINGS COME TO PASS, KNOW YE (you are to know) THAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NIGH (or near) AT HAND. VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, THIS GENERATION (or people) SHALL NOT PASS AWAY, TILL ALL BE FULFILLED (or all these things have happened-NIV)-Lk 21:28-32.

The word “Fig” or ” Fig Tree” is mentioned in the Bible 64 times AND EACH TIME IT REFERS TO THE PEOPLE AND NATION OF ISRAEL. If 1948 signals the start of the “end times” with the “leaves” of the Fig Tree, then 1967, when Jerusalem came “home” to Israel, must surely be the “blossoms” and the “fruit” is very near.

If the above is true, and I personally suspect that it is, dividing the land of Israel is in direct opposition to YHWH Creator and Olmert’s Convergence Plan and Bush’s Road Map to Peace Plan will fail for they oppose the Will of the Creator. What’s the point in arguing over something that was decided 4.5 billion years ago?

The Hebrews returning to the land didn’t happen because they suddenly all repented, reformed, and became perfect GOD-fearing people. They returned because YHWH deemed it so. That is why it’s a fool’s folly to fight against Israel. For those who can see, YHWH’s spiritual lesson of the dispersed Hebrews is concluded. Beginning with the Judean – Jewish – people, Israel is returning, and they will never leave their lands again. They have YHWH’s promise on it (Jer.31:36-37), and there is no logic in arguing over it. For those who have a problem with it, GET OVER IT! YHWH Divinely protected the Jewish people during these past centuries of their Diaspora, and HE will protect them now that they are in their land again (Amo.9:14-15). YHWH has decided it, HE has prophesied it, so what’s the point of arguing about it?! (Errol Mueller, Home Worship 101) Pax….Doubting Thomas

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Religion vs Science?

Found a really great article on World Net Daily (click link) that lends support to my premise that Science and Religion must work together to enlighten humanity to the TRUTH of REALITY......complete article can be found at World Net Daily........Pax....Doubting Thomas (excerpt reprinted by permission of David Kupelian
Managing Editor....World Net Daily)

TESTING THE FAITHBible literalism 'pagan superstition'?Vatican astronomer denounces 6-day creationism
Posted: May 6, 20061:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006
Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno says believing God created the universe in six days is a form of "pagan superstition."
Consolmagno told the Scotsman the idea that religion and science are competing principles is a "destructive myth."
Consolmagno works in a Vatican observatory in Arizona and as curator of the Vatican meteorite collection in Italy.
He is keenly aware of the renewed interest in creationism taking hold in America – particularly among evangelical Christians who take the Bible – including the Genesis account of creation -- literally.
Consolmagno described creationism as a "kind of paganism" because it is similar to the idea of "nature gods" who pagans believed to be responsible for natural events.
"Knowledge is dangerous, but so is ignorance," he said. "That's why science and religion need to talk to each other."
Consolmagno stated that the Christian God is a supernatural god. In the past, the belief in God being supernatural led the clergy to become involved in science to find natural explanations for things like thunder and lightning. Pagans often attribute thunder and lightning to vengeful gods.
"Religion needs science to keep it away from superstition and keep it close to reality, to protect it from creationism, which at the end of the day is a kind of paganism -- it's turning God into a nature god," he said. "And science needs religion in order to have a conscience, to know that, just because something is possible, it may not be a good thing to do."

Thursday, May 04, 2006

MY MUG SHOT HAS MOVED! that I have figured out how to post my mug shot on my profile....THERE IS NO LONGER A NEED TO FRIGHTEN PEOPLE BY HAVING MY LARGE MUG SHOT COME UP ON THE POST! hee hee hee. Thanks for all the patience out there.......Pax.... Doubting Thomas

Monday, May 01, 2006


My blog friend Cookie told me that he was recently told by a friend that "String Theory" was "passe" and was replaced by the "M-Theory." Actually.....there is even more to it with the addition of "Bubble Theory" and "Superstrings." None of these are replacements but are instead REFINEMENTS. (Check out Brian Greene's "The Elegant Universe" and "The Fabric of the Cosmos.") The multidimensions still remain and the 4 forces are still "Unified" in all variations of String Theory is NOT "passe." The TRUTH is in the MATH anyway!

Pax........ Doubting Thomas